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File: 103 KB, 1200x800, asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13244202 No.13244202 [Reply] [Original]

The days of desperate or lazy women having to resort to stripping or prostitution are over.
Now they can make bank with "ASMR," an acronym that stands for "cucks giving roasties money for literally just whispering."
Google "patreon ASMR" for some potent suicide fuel.
This is almost as pathetic as "findom."
Cucks are just giving roasties their money and getting virtually nothing (or in the case of findom, actually nothing) in return.
Women aren't just playing life on easy mode--they have every cheat code enabled too.

>> No.13244214

It's funny, specially when they call them "artists".
There's nothing artistic about this bs.

But, nothing to do. Accept that 80% of men are omega cucks that will throw money at women for the possibility of receiving attention.

It's a sad state of humanity, but it is what it is.

>> No.13244216

YouTube has a vice grip on the content of the internet we see today. The content is retarded, and some parents pump out their children, doxxing them for life. It’s pathetic

>> No.13244362

i actually enjoy when they whisper but i would never pay for it

>> No.13244370


>> No.13244378

You ever notice how they love to throw around the word cuck? You ever notice how they are the ones who masturbate to interracial porn? You ever notice how they're the ones who complain about race mixing and immigrants taking their women? You ever notice how they accuse everyone else of being filthy degenerates?

>> No.13244379

Guys can do ASMR too you know?

>> No.13244384


Twitch basically has a section dedicated to this stuff and other various borderline softcore stuff lol.

I think the biggest rule they implemented is absolutely no one, man or female, can be topless so that the site doesn't technically have 'nude' content on it - but if you take a field trip over to 'just chatting' you're bound to find a few handful of womenz in workout / skimp clothing doing ASMR or other shit like jumping jacks and burpees because they got 10 new subscribers.

The fact that besides paypal tipping, Youtube and Amazon make like 50% off of subscribers and another ~30% or so for 'cheers / bits / super tips'.

In an another attempt to stop those two things from happening these people will have patreons for their true, loyal audience willing to pay $500 a month for EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE shit lol.

They're obviously making a bunch of money doing this but I'm really interested in where we'll all be with this 10 years from now. Some of them will definitely end washed up from this and will fall off and I think it'll be hilarious as they struggle to find real work else where unless they can still get 100 people to give them $100 every month.

>> No.13244399

this is one of those things like MOBA, Battle Royale, Fidget Spinners, mumble rap, etc. that makes me feel like a 30 yo boomer because I completely miss the appeal

>> No.13244413

mfw there is literally no appeal, just like anime and all the other dumb shit people do nowadays. it's all cringy as fuck

>> No.13244494

>I'm really interested in where we'll all be with this 10 years from now
You can just look at people like Hannah Minx and Nyanners who used to do this on YouTube many years ago. They all end up with rich enabler beta husbands, and don't miss their old "jobs" that are now filled with new, younger "talent"

>> No.13244514


MOBA: Condense a game like world of warcraft into a hour match (sometimes shorter / longer) with the appeal of a 3+ man squad. Wins feel incredible and losses make you want to rage and wish cancer upon every teammate.

BR: Hunger games type of appeal where your thrusted into an open world with only your wits, skill and a little luck to win. The top players normally come out with 10+ kills and go full Predator v Aliens mode on people

Fidget spinners: Idk, drooling kids like watching colorful shiny things spin

Mumble rap: Loud bass beats that are produced on computers withs someone that'll mumble out a verse (maybe two if they feel gracious) about vice. Probably the equivalent of hair metal rock now that the kids are tie dying their dreads. This is my favorite because even though I admit I like this music I don't think I'll be able to look back 10 years from now and listen to any of it.

>> No.13244519

I understand what they are, I just am completely lost on how they became popular because they're all so god damn fucking retarded

>> No.13244523


Thanks, I could use some morning laughs. I knew there had to be some out there since I like watching washed up youtube gamers for some laughs too.

The rich enablers doesn't surprise me... they probably get a rush because they 'have' something that everyone else technically wants.

In the next 5 years I predict some twitch 'talent' will really fuck up and cross the line which will get national attention. Current porn stars will unionize and lobby for protection laws against Twitch / YT as a shroud because their business of getting pumped 300+ times a year is losing business.

>> No.13244534
File: 226 KB, 960x946, 1535829297848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, things were better in the good ol' days


>> No.13244577

I always look at shit like ASMR and findom and twitch thots, etc. and think to myself, surely this is just all meming and everybody's just playing along. I mean, nobody actually spends serious money on this, right? Then you look into it and you realize there is an endless supply of pathetic omega males that throw large amounts of their hard earned cash at this literal nothing. Goddammit. Clown world is real

>> No.13244609

Creeps paying for this shit are weird af. If anything they are doing a society a favor by containing these weirdos

>> No.13244622

Has anyone created a business centered around basic female attention? It seems like a goldmine. They're not hookers, they're not escorts, they're not strippers, they're not camwhores, and they're not porn actresses - an entrepreneur just rallies attractive women to dedicate time to give basic attention to those willing to pay and everyone gets their cut.

>> No.13244626

It's one of the consequences of women only dating chads and non-chads being unwilling to work on their SMV because of conditioning by society. When you get old enough and are still unable to get women but now it's because of age or whatever, any bit of attention from them helps, which is why you have things like this happening.

>> No.13244641

>You heard of massage parlors?
>Beta's and cucks are paying woman to touch their body
>It's disgusting, it's filthy and degenarate
>Woman have all cheat codes hurrrrdurrr
This is how you sound.

>> No.13244647

Yes there's an industry for hugging. You pay a woman to come over and hug you with clothes on.

>> No.13244650

There is a ton of ASMR for free. Also,
>not liking soft whispering female voices
Are you a faggot?

>> No.13244667

This is stupid. There's a hell of a difference between getting a happy ending from Miko and listening to some dumb bitch whisper into a microphone. The former as sleazy as it may be counts as legitimate sexual experience while the latter is just goddamn creepy and pathetic.

>> No.13244688

Shut up fatass

>> No.13244705
File: 50 KB, 376x334, 1530941919690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a boomer like me. These Zoomers think eating food while watching someone eat food or watching a livestream of a girl whispering is just as real to actual human interaction. You wont be able to convince them otherwise.

>> No.13244708

Is there anything morebeta

>> No.13244725

I run ASMR channel on youtube and i'm male. Just a deep manly voice and some tricks. It's not so hard.

>> No.13244737
File: 135 KB, 1691x760, unauthorized transactions on twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd look at everything with a healthy dose of skepticism and Twitch in particular seems rife with card fraud.

For example, in May 2017 I bought a $4.99 99-year sub to Power Rangers Twitch channel, which gave me themed emotes to use in chat channels. I only wanted Rita Repulsa and freaked out Pepegas in chat were a fun to behold for a while. I scrubbed my Twitch account of all banking information and made sure there's no way my purchase can bite me in the ass.

One year later almost to the day I suddenly got 7 notifications from some fucking website called Xsolla to my e-mail address that my VISA was used to gift 7x $4.99 subs to some streamers (pic). I immediately revoked them, turned off all options in Xsolla applet and deleted my Twitch account.

Twitch is rife with card fraud that's completely automated but money laundering is possible too. Nothing is as simple as it seems.

>> No.13244738

I already admire whoever came up with that.

>> No.13244785
File: 260 KB, 533x526, 1552030461712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13245228

>You sound like a boomer like me. These Zoomers think eating food while watching someone eat food or watching a livestream of a girl whispering is just as real to actual human interaction. You wont be able to convince them otherwise.
The ones raised by single mothers often depend on older male Twitch streamers and YouTube personalities for father figures.

>> No.13245364

I follow a preteen ASMR girl (well, teen by now) and she's great, I love her, but I've never given her money, or even interact with her. I just like it when she does whisper videos.

What I'm wanting to know is how I can make money off my dick.

>> No.13245443

Dick is undervalued unfortunately, but gays pay for webcam

>> No.13245559

I'd let gays watch me jack off on camera as long as my face wasn't there and it paid good.

>> No.13245597

now BRAPSMR I could be interested in

>> No.13245897

>They never felt the tingles
fucking lmao at your shitty life, the sensation is incredible

you have to admit though the difference between popular channels run by men and women have a massive gap in terms of quality, creativity, amount of time needed to build subs and reputation, etc.
thot channels get subs from pathetic incels that Dr. T would never be able to pick up

>> No.13246401

Based and zoomerpilled