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13243255 No.13243255 [Reply] [Original]

Oraclize dude said Oraclize got a million oracle transactions at 0.02 per call that's 20k total yearly revenue lol

They're operating at a loss and have also admitted that 80% of their customers were just shitty betting dapps, finance and insurance don't give a shit about oracles hahaha

Even if link captures 10m calls per year that's 200k flowing through the network to pay thousands of node operators

And link transactions will likely be even cheaper, minimum 0.01

>muh passive income
Imagine spending 100 bucks building a node and subscribing to api feeds which will give you 10 dollar revenue per YEAR at BEST lmao


>> No.13243266

>fud went full circle 5 times
Fuck some juicy shit happening behind the scenes

>> No.13243268

I’m content with $1000 per token

>> No.13243283

>Realizing there are inherent differences between the races is inciting violence.
Top kek.
There is a difference between being a supremacist and recognizing inherent differences between the races and the societies that they build. Are you going to claim white civilization is somehow inferior to black or even Asian civilization? Individuals can be separated from the collective of race and appraised that way, but when groups of different races get together to build something is when you can see the difference clearly.

>> No.13243287

Nah just Delphi trannies doing the needful

>> No.13243292


>> No.13243299

Yeah but what will the API market look like 5 years from now?

>> No.13243303

Getting data through chainlink will be more expensive on the minimum side of decetralization and no ceiling on the upside - apart from the number od nodes available, i.e. more decentralization.

>> No.13243310

>/pol/ jew bot malfunctioning
Check the code on this bot retard

>> No.13243334

He may be a bot but he isn’t wrong

>> No.13243339

t. increasingly nervous swinglinker who sold at 10800 sats

>> No.13243345

Yes that's why they need ChainLink to access real business like insurance and derivatives.

>> No.13243376

Based non-sequitur

>> No.13243402

can somebody refute this asshole please?

>> No.13243427

t. Delphi

>> No.13243429

>3 new posts

>> No.13243454

They can't, because it's facts coming from an operating company, and not white paper wishful thinking bullshit meant to steal neet pennies

>> No.13243505

We cant, this is the second biggest fud right after the fact that we (and even the team) dont know what to do with the rest of the 650mil tokens.
Imagine there are 20k nodes each of them stacking 10k link. Thats 200mil. link.
Now imagine LINK is worth 50$, thats half a million$ per one node (10billion$ stacked by all, LOL)

Now imagine you have half a million $ investment and you want to have at least 5% yearly revenue - thats 25k$ per year. So now 20k nodes * 25k$ yearly revenue = 500 000 000 $ spend on node requests/year. Wtf, do you imagine how big is this number ? Who is going to spend so much money on node requests ??? Its fucking 50 billion api calls per year (at 0,01$ per call) and 7000 api calls per node DAILY.

And its only when link is at 50$ ! Imagine 100 or 300 or even 1000 LOL.

I dont think that link is going to be profitable, maybe it will be but i dont think we can see like 100$ LINK... Maybe 5-10$

I dont want to fud but its a simple math. Everyone who thinks that LINK will be at 1000$ and you can make 10% yearly revenue with your 10k LINKs worth 10million you are very very delusional, no company is going to pay MILLIONS per year to some "muh decentralized safe neet node api calls". They can have 300 full time working people confirming their api calls 24/7, paying them 4k monthly and they will have the same "decentralized" effect with less money spend on their wagies.

>> No.13243515

That's because hardly anyone is using it retard.

>> No.13243532

That's very bullish math

>> No.13243558

I thought everybodys gonna be rich at the expense of everybody else

>> No.13243579
File: 176 KB, 500x304, 1553560496905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking 7000 api calls per day is a lot

>> No.13243585

They'll just ignore this post, eternally btfo

>> No.13243588

The swift nodes will be fine
The neet nodes though? Kek!!!

>> No.13243591

>finance and insurance don't give a shit about oracles
They give tons of shit about smart contracts, which require oracles.

Thanks for caring though.

>> No.13243593

Nice fundamental misunderstanding of the project goals you have there

>> No.13243597

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.
They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

>> No.13243606

Imagine having 10mil$ in LINK but making only 50k$ yearly. I cannot fucking wait for the dump after people realize that their neet node network is not having enought api call request volume to make reasonable profit so noone will buy this token for 1000$ to make money like they are buying mining rigs to mine and even if they will, it will be at around 3-4$ per LINK. Thats your price equilbrium. Not fucking 100 or 1000

>> No.13243609

Oh nice I just read about APIs. You have to know, I am a brainlet and hold 14300 LINK because I trust the wisdom of the crowd. I just read that even Facebook alone makes at least 10 billion API calls a day. And that global estimates are around 35 trillion to 100 trillion a year. Okay this is some good reverse comfy paste.

>> No.13243617

How many transactions did buttcoin have in 2009? Yet wouldn't you literally give your right foot to go back and invest back then?
If smart contracts (and oracles) were mainstream already, that would mean it's too late to make any real money.

You are literally complaining about being "too early".

>> No.13243619

What are staking pools

>> No.13243624

I am financially ruined

>> No.13243635

Yo! Its not bout accumulatahon at dahs poahnt. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Somethahng ahs trahggered ahn daahr braahn dat make dem wana FUD. Its a gangbangin' fetahsh. Whahle dizzle type up da most rahdahculous, low-taher FUD wahth one ha', oh, baby, da odar ha' ahs slowly pullahng at daahr lil' small-ass prahsonahs. They wahll sprahsond minutes doahn' dahs, oh, baby, contahnually brahngahng demselves ta da edge a shitload of tahmes. They is da textboaahahght defahnahtahon of basement dwellahng NEETs, so dizzle could do dahs fo' minutes on end, fueled only by Monster, a' no muthafucka wahll questahon where dizzle is or what tha fuck dizzle is doahn', cuz no muthafucka blahndz dem or rahzzaes bout dem. 'S coo', bro. They 'as gotten ta da poahnt dat da FUD ahsn't even as fly as aht once was. They don't gak da tahme ta thahnk hard bout aht aymo, mostly, cuz dizzle jus' wana jet up a' post aythahng ta make daahr lahttle dahcks hard.

>> No.13243678

WOW 10billion API calls a day ? But what calls ? Their internal database calls that cost them 0 fucking cents. Its different to ask accuweather "Whats the temperature in Boston ?" and pay 0 fees for that because its API is open and free than to ask the same question to 10k neet nodes paying them 100$ in total just for this ONE api call, just because its "safe and decentralized outcome"

But its something different, you are comparing blockchain based mineable 17mill supply coin used for transactions all around the world with staking a 1billion supply token thats price is tied with the adoption by a huge companies who doesnt mind spending hundreds of millions dollars per year for a simple api calls. Its something completly different. They can hire one whole pajeet department doing the same work for 80% of the price.

>> No.13243682

>B-B-B-But its something different
If you say so.
Thanks for caring so much.

>> No.13243688

Based and linkpilled

>> No.13243696

theres also the government application side of things too. not just insurance and derivatives.

>> No.13243732
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>> No.13243758

Imagine talking yourself out of buying oil at the turn of the century because your only customers are grandmas with lanterns. So dumb. Enjoy poverty

>> No.13244079

Where are your arguments

>> No.13244281

Oraclize is centralized, only a few use cases literal-whos companies can afford not giving a fuck about having a single point of failure. The serious ones (banks, fin-tech, insurance companies, logistics and tracking) are waiting for a decentralized solution, therefore you can't compare oraclize's traffic with chainlink's

>> No.13244289

RLC powered AI makes link obsolete.

>> No.13244317

Currently it's not possible to build non-biased AI, most of them come from deep learning projects, i.e. I feed an AI with an incredible amount of data and program it in such way that assumes that what is statistically frequent is true, which renders any AI obsolete regarding validation of data

>> No.13244318

Give me a better example, this is a fucking hindsight....

Imagine thinking your 10k links are worth 10mil$ and you are making 100k$ yearly (absolute bottom yearly income for link to stay stable because you can make better gains investing 10mil$ in any safer investment) and imagine companies paying you, a single node 273$ per 27 300 basic api calls daily. WTF. Not to mention they would need to collectively pay 2 BILLIONS just so they could fetch some decentralized memeblockchain calls. LOL

I can see 10k LINK being worth 50k$ and you making 5k$ yearly, that would put us to around 1500api calls daily for 0,01 cents per call.
Yes i agree we are early but we need late adopters to buy our bags for 10$ 20$ 30$ and they wont buy it if they arent making at least 5-10% profit off their investment, and for that we need lets say 100 companies adopting the network and each of them willing to spend 1 500 000$ per month FOR A FUCKING API CALLS :D

You are no different than late 2017 Vechain faggots who thought their 10k masternodes will generate them free money just because of muh stacking.

And i own 20k LINKs because im sure i can make 5-10x profit but expecting anything above 10$ per link is completly crazy. You have no idea how much money we need to have in this network so the price could be stable.

>> No.13244330

fuck off delphi

>> No.13244334

>Not to mention they would need to collectively pay 2 BILLIONS
They would still save money in middlemen. Check the actual insurance industry numbers. Chainlink is a cost wise revolution

>> No.13244336

What you think is true is not actually true.
In the very near future, technologies like iExec will enable AI to accelerate beyond what we could have ever imagined.

>> No.13244355

A single app on a single device could use 10m calls in a year. That's not a big number.

>> No.13244391

Check how much Uber pays Google for map api calls

>> No.13244409

Kek you waste all this time and I’m still never selling. Seething bitch

>> No.13244448


>> No.13244473

now imagine the people that are selling there data get greedy and jack the price up per call

>> No.13244480

>open and free
they wont be free for ever. When people and ccompanys start getting greedy with price per call it will make the network worthless

>> No.13244505

the real pill you dont want to swallow is the volume of calls being created is growing exponentially and will only continue to do so as we move further into the api economy.

>> No.13245048

Link will certainly be worth at least $100. Mainly because the token's largest holders have already decided so

>> No.13245074

Not going to argue about its true value, but in this market it will certainly peak at over $100

>> No.13245447

And who will buy it for 10 ? for 50 ? for 99 ?

>> No.13245568

The same idiots who bought btc 10k+

>> No.13245799

They didn’t use easy centralized oracles why would they use complicated expensive decentralized oracles?

t. Serious question cause I hold link

>> No.13245969

Idk this is a fucking long shot kek few years from now ill look like a fucking idiot but at least i lived life going balls to the wall like a madman and gave myself a shot at the very least. worst case i end up like every 67 yr old and who doesnt have a pot to piss in and relies on the gubberment to take care of them. In all honestly you should be taking on major risk for 1 decade start at twenty five years old and by thirty five if you still havent made it you got 30 YEARS to save money like every other average pleb on the planet. if you can not manage to save money over thirty years and live conservatively then i guess you were destined to be broke but id rather be broke with balls than broke and also a pussy. i might be broke or rich but ill never be a bitch

>> No.13245999

Just spoonfeed me anon.

>> No.13246036

chainlink will not be billions of api calls for cents it will be few calls that settle contracts that deal large amounts of money and pay the oracles a lot for the privilege

why spend thousands on a derivative contract when you can pay some good oracles 20 dollars?

>> No.13246191

Company that builds toll roads doesn’t make money because there aren’t many roads or cars... no shit. Give it some time

>> No.13247044



>> No.13248063

It doesn't have anything to do with node rewards and everything to do with lowering the fixed costs of running a business using smart contracts.
If Visa for example, takes a fee of 3% of every transaction to make a profit and the fixed costs of running Visa( employees, physical addresses, servers, lawyers and whatnot) is about 1% the effective profit is 2%.
Now you give Visa the Chance to lower the fixed costs by using Chainlink. Even if they manage to lower the cost to about 0.1 percent they are forced to do it because the competition will surely try to gain the upper hand using this brand new technology.
So, it doesn't matter if the app call is X value, Chainlink can be $0.01 or $1000 for all that matters. If it's favorable for them to use it risk/reward wise they will use Link because it's bad business if you don't. If someone starts using it and you fall behind your investors will pressure you to keep up to maximize profits.
We already won. Now we need the rest of the world to realize that.

>> No.13248624
File: 2 KB, 32x32, quark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey remember me? I am the chainlink from 2012

>> No.13248669

fucking linktards

>> No.13248690


Chainlink is a trash project. FLO is the real deal and will be the first 100x of the new bull market. https://medium.com/@valueprop/the-state-of-the-flo-q1-report-2253e7d9fc2e

One of the 10 oldest and still in existence crypto, and one of the only with actual, real world utilization TODAY

>> No.13248744

>thinking that $500 million spent on API calls is a lot

>> No.13248799

You faggot
>No company would spend millions on api calls they could get for free
They're not, spending millions on contract enforcement which replaces the hundreds of millions they currently spend on lawyers and courts.

>> No.13248823

WTF lmao who tf is still arguing with discord fudders in this day and age? We're so far past that point, kek

>> No.13248829

>100$ in total just for this ONE api call, just because its "safe and decentralized outcome"
You really can't imagine a scenario where someone would be willing to pay the $100?
What if you have a large insurance contract, and a payout of hundreds of thousands of dollars is riding on the outcome of the contact. Would you be willing to pay $100 for the guarantee of reliable temperature data? Or would you just go with one single source which may or may not be acting in an honest manner

>> No.13248852


>> No.13248887


>> No.13249503

So they will spend millions on new smartcontract systems, new IT departments and audits ? Okay, seems reasonable

Insurance companies wont prepay hundreds of thousands of dollars to a smartcontract, if they are supposed to pay every possible insurance claim upfront, they wouldnt be having enough money, 80% of their liquidity is in funds and other investments, just like every bank.
Its stupid to believe they have billions in fiat waiting to settle every possible insurance claim.