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13242095 No.13242095 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here pic related? What are your plans for making it in the years to come? Talk to me anons. I want to gain some wisdom from your doomery

>> No.13242109

$110k wagie here. Comfy

>> No.13242118

No one will make it. Economic collapse and massive natural disasters imminent.

>> No.13242130

I'm going to make it on this upcoming bull run and that's all there is to it.

>> No.13242133

I'm gonna travel around the world and impregnate as much 3rd worlders as possible.

>> No.13242138

My red id represents the blood of the nonbelievers

>> No.13242158
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dont know yet, i need to get off shift work asap though, its slowly killing me. gonna try and get a better paying job thats 9-5, and start up 1-2 "side hustles". my vision of making it is to just have my own house, enough money to travel some of the world and not have to work again

>> No.13242160


>> No.13242163

>tfw 26 y/o doomer

its crazy how fast you become a doomer after college

>> No.13242168

All in on Chainlink
literally the only thing driving me ride now is to become a node in the network. It keeps me going and the everyday volatility in price are the closest thing I've ever had to a relationship.

>> No.13242171

Silver and chainlink

>> No.13242308

Better than being a doomer at college

>> No.13242317

>dodged the college meme

Save from shit retail wagie job invest in stocks and crypto while selling drugs and beats to soundcloud rappers

>am I gonna make it :((

>> No.13242401

I wagecuck for bills and build my crypto stack. I'll start to spend some crypto on fun mid/top of the next bull. Not a whole lot, but enough to enjoy my gains.

>> No.13242414
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>> No.13242425

Hey guyths Big Herc here.

Selling drugths ith not cool and it'th not worth it in the long run homie. Mark my wordths, it will come back to bite you in the ath.

>> No.13242440
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I am raising mealworms and trading crypto.

>> No.13242478
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insect protein/fat will replace animal meat in the future so I am getting a head start

>> No.13242483


>> No.13242496
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enjoy eating my insects wagie

>> No.13242504

minimum wage keking while buying $800 worth of silver, the most valuable resource on the planet, every 2 weeks. Fuck crypto and fuck fiat

>> No.13242510


>> No.13242527

the poop sells for $6 a pound and I get a pound a week per bin. $14 per thousand worms on amazon and I grow at a rate of 45k worms a month.

>> No.13242542

>implying i wasnt talking about the crypto trading
its thin air pixy dust

>> No.13242550

Can’t knock your hustle, it’s interesting.

>> No.13242556

crypto is the last boat. it may or may not have already left but hell, i'd rather take the risk and fuck myself before i get fucked by someone else. thats my plan

>> No.13242560

>Did you get tired of wearing a tin foil so decided to do it to your room!

>> No.13242572

Bought left in 2017, anyone shilling crypto at this time is a late adopter/con man/paid shill. Good news though, you can get out before this all crashes and burns and buy silver, the most valuable asset on the planet, and is also the cheapest its ever been in the history on mankind

>> No.13242580

Can you email silver?

>> No.13242582

fucking kek. i've been reading this same post for 5 fucking years.

>> No.13242590

You can be right for another 5 years, but it only takes 1 day for us to be right

>> No.13242597
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I try and stay positive and focus on self-improvement.

>> No.13242615

Considering buying about 3 moving trucks and putting out a ad blast to thousands of people for discounted moving rates.

>> No.13242617

Describe this day to me and why ammo, food, water and medicine wouldn't be better.

>> No.13242624

Thi hi his

>> No.13242638


What medicine? I always hear people say this but I don't know what you're supposed to be stockpiling, most of the cool stuff is behind the counter.

>> No.13242653

im not implying full doomsday just a financial collapse that transfers wealth to those who hold tangible assets and everyone else who holds digital illusions of wealth jump off buildings, but even in a full doomsday you’ll never be able to stockpile enough supplies to last forever, but what you can do is buy enough supplies forever with a small amount of silver

>> No.13242656

>still at least have your youth

>> No.13242659

Good point. Still though, some meds are better than none and everything else on the list still applies and is 1000% more useful if SHTF.

>> No.13242662

russian stores have antibiotics

>> No.13242665
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>> No.13242678

Doomer here. Slowly just trying to improve myself ie work out/learn to cook.

Going for the le hard work meme, its better to try than to live in regret

>> No.13242683

Why do you have to touch something for it to have value? I'm not trading ammo for silver, but I might trade food for it.

Weimar tier collapse would see PMs go up, but crypto as well. That's my gamble and I understand that it is, but I think I'm right. Crypto was birth from recession and I believe itll find itself in a great spot once one comes around again.

>> No.13242688

t. On night walk

>> No.13242690

>but I might trade food for ammo*

Or vice versa

>> No.13242764

>digital illusion of wealth goes up in financial collapse
you really think when people are homeless, starving, have no clothes, and out of work that they’ll all flock to crypto to save them from impoverishment? That’s laughable, the only thing that will matter if that happens is tangible goods, not some crypto.

Let me tell you something, the banks created crypto, on the sentiment that it was “anti bankster” to get the goys to buy it, and they did buy it. The primary premise of its creation was to dissuade the younger generation goys from buying tangible rare earth metals, and the younger goys did just that, by selling this get rich quick scam. Only reason BTC is still above $0.01 is because they wan’t it above there still. FED can drop this entire crypto market into oblivion if it wanted to. And I dont mean through the FED banning or deregulation it, I mean the banksters that own they FED. They created crypto and they're the mega whales.

Meanwhile theyve been stacking real tangible wealth i.e. gold/silver, with their crypto scam being immensely profitable, as they were able buy and mine when bitcoin wad pennies on the dollar.

>> No.13242788

explain this in more detail anon pls. what exactly are you selling? the poop? what does it cost to feed them? give us a rundown on the numbers pls

>> No.13242794

wait til the chinese perfected their alchemy level. Your gold will be worthless

>> No.13242797

How exactly is it an illusion of wealth? Crypto sees more transactions for goods and services than silver. Pretty low IQ of you to not understand how money actually works. It's an abstraction, a tool, a system of account that humans use to communicate value. Silver is fucking awful for transacting with. Its heavy, hard to divide accurately, prone to debasement, easy to steal, cant store it in your brain and it doesn't even have a fucking whitepaper. Again, email me some silver, nigger.

As for the rest. Give me a fucking break. You're creating a fantasy that banks created crypto to make your silver positions justified. Shits outdated dude. You're going to be left in the fucking dust. When the next recession comes silver will do okay, but crypto will be king.

>> No.13242886



>made it at 22 and lost almost everything over the years from the bullshit life throws at you

I just want another motorcycle right now and to live alone again without worrying about making money again. which is what i did before but i drank every day.

>> No.13243087

Lmao you are not doomers, it gets so mutch worse... you are just whiny kids.

>> No.13243243
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this. the deep state is mad at us.

>> No.13243247
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> M16

>> No.13243298

*cough steele dossier *cough

>> No.13243348

I meant the organization is called MI6, not M16
Also *cough* Trump is a kike stooge *cough*

>> No.13243353

Do any other anons unironically look like this doomer? My hairline is ALMOST as receded, I keep it long af, my beard almost as patchy. I don't like having long hair or a beard, but I am too lazy to cut either.

>> No.13243369
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I was a happy zoomer until i entered the wagieforce 10 years ago. Now i'm a dumb, depressed 30yo boomdoomer. Wagecucking really drains on your will to exist. Praying every day that my Chainlink bags will be enough to set me free