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13239286 No.13239286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wall Street going all in on trump


>> No.13239297

trump will be re-elected. thats for sure.

usa needs trump. without him, the china would still be raping us and merkel would suck our dick for free.

>> No.13239310

so in reality it's 70% that think he won't be reelected

>> No.13239351


>> No.13239359
File: 25 KB, 460x259, YangvsTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13239372
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Wall St. Loves white genocide, so no surprise there.

>> No.13239376

Trump will obviously be re-elected. There is no doubt in my mind and I'll tell you why.

Who would his opposition be? Hillary already made the attempt, if she tried again she would need to somehow pull out even more support than she previously had on top of running against the incumbent which everyone already assumes will win a second term (because they almost always do).

Bernie Sanders is just going to rake in the reddit min. wageslave dollery doos exploiting those that still have hope after wasting their lives on worthless degrees trying to get rid of the debt somehow. Bernie would be a worse option than Hillary to run against trump. Who's left that is well known enough to actually run against trump with a mildly decent chance at winning? The only person that I can think of this late in the game is that retarded asian that wants to give everyone $1k. Which by the way almost every normie thinks this is a retarded idea regardless of your personal opinions about UBI despite the existence of welfare.

The other 30% are libtards still in denial, probably bagholders leftover from 2016 when they were saying there's no way trump will win the primaries.

>> No.13239397

If Yang gets elected, my taxes will drastically increase (about $2,500/month) in order for me to receive "$1,000 monthly for free". No thank you.

>> No.13239428

I don't understand where people think the money will come from. They haven't presented a single tangible argument other than "we'll just take it from someone else!"

Nobody is going to just sit back and allow some chink increase taxes to allow lazy NEETs to rake in money so they can hire a maid to empty their pissbottles. Yang gangers are basically bernouts from late 2015 except replace "DUDE FREE COLLEGE xD!" with "DUDE UBI! xD!"

>> No.13239436

>Bernie Sanders is just going to rake in the reddit min. wageslave dollery doos exploiting those that still have hope after wasting their lives on worthless degrees trying to get rid of the debt somehow

How do these people still exist in this economy? Companies are hiring kids for positions they don't have just to stop competition from snapping up the talent... They truly choose to be pathetic.

>> No.13239458

No, thank you!

>> No.13239460

Statistically, re-elections almost always happen

>> No.13239480

Yang was always a meme, but more to do with the fact that Trump betrayed us and there are no hopefuls for 2020 so we may as well secure the bag.

I don't support Yang, but I get the sentiment and I think that's pretty all of Yang Gang. Memery on this fucking clown world. Honk honk.

>> No.13239500

One thing I was thinking about though. Has Trump ever said he was going to run for re-election? He might grab the world by the balls and just say at the last second "nah I tried being president it just wasn't for me, gonna fuck back off to my golf courses peace faggots".

That would cause some major chaos if he were to decline a second term, nobody has been preparing for something like that. Wouldn't republicans need to scramble to find someone else to run? If that happened dems would win the election 100% if Trump decided not to run again at this point in time with the current pool of potential republican candidates.

>> No.13239521

Yea I figured that's where most of the people supporting yang were coming from. I just figured that no matter who is president we will get fucked over so I might as well silently enjoy the orange emperor tormenting my NPC co-workers on a daily basis.

But at the same time I'm bagholding the wagecuck meme and I'm not a cuck so I'm not going to let the NEETs tax me higher than it already is.

>> No.13239578
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>> No.13239581
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>Wall Street is betting big on a neocon corporate puppet

Wow! What a suprise

>> No.13239607

Well yeah, who's there to challenge him? Biden? There's literally no one out there that can challenge him in a serious matter, especially since this is a re-election and only good things have come out for Trump in his first term.

He himself has already confirmed re-election

>> No.13239611

Vote buying should've been expressly prohibited in the Constitution under pain of torture-death...

>> No.13239619

> Business and Finance

>> No.13239631

>only good things have come out for Trump in his first term.
If you're Israeli. He's cucked on everything else. Not only has he absolutely failed to stop illegals, hes calling for MORE shitskin invaders to come """legally""".

>> No.13239643

Trump isn't a neocon. His policies and rhetoric directly contrast the neocon ideology (e.g. nationalism over globalism, stricter immigration laws, less military intervention etc.). That's why he's so hated within his own party.

>> No.13239671

>If you're Israeli
You're talking about america here, nobody except a minority sees Trump aiding Israel as a bad thing.
I am not american, but I won money on Trump his first election and I will win money again in the re-election. Him winning the re-election is just way too obvious.

>> No.13239710

Hes all talk. His actions are literally neocon.

>nobody except a minority sees Trump aiding Israel as a bad thing
Whites are a global minority and the ZOG is trying to make us a minority in our own countries, Trump has done NOTHING to combat this. Kys kike.

>> No.13239772

He's hated by the neo-con wing of the party. Maybe about 30 percent.

>> No.13239790

When the fuck did I say I was pro-Trump and pro-Israel? Learn to read you triggered mongoloid, I'm saying that nobody can beat him in the re-election for obvious reasons.. hence he's going to win.

>> No.13239837

You think giving Israel American taxes, free weapons, Intel and military protection is good and only a minority would see this as a bad thing. Shifty rat faggot.

>> No.13239838

It's weird that they can quantify wall street like that. who are they talking about exactly.

>> No.13239844

>Hes all talk. His actions are literally neocon.
That's not true, he's made tons of actions that directly contrast the neo-con agenda. e.g. pulling out of Syria, the North Korea talks, the Muslim ban, trade tarrifs. Keep in mind that he's still operating within the confines of a neo-conservative/liberal establishment.

>> No.13239903

No, I said that's what the american public likes. Only a minority of the american public dislikes the fact that america is giving tens of billions to Israel as welfare money.

>> No.13239914

>pulling out of Syria
Never happened. He did bomb them and recognize Golan Heights as Israeli clay though.

Talks broke down. They aren't disarming. I don't blame them, look at the ME and soon to be Venezuela.

>Muslim ban
Was a ban started by Obama, literally just continuing his policy. We need a Hispanic ban, Muslims aren't the primary fucking invasion force here like it is in Europe.

Actually good.

Meanwhile immigration policy is unchanged and more shitskins are flooding over the border by the hour.

>> No.13239933

Bought and paid for cucks in Congress are not the American public. Our people are being fleeced by a foreign power.

>> No.13239946

Bong here - I'd agree Trump is going back. There's absolutely no sign whatsoever that liberals are any closer to understanding why he won, why Brexit was lost, and what they have to do about it.

His odds are 3/2 on. That's an easy twenty to make for every thirty that gets laid

>> No.13239968

desu, he needs to be friends of israel to get re-elected i'm hoping he takes a harder stance with them in his last 4 years.
You might see the real trump after 2020 election
also whats happening with this burgers?

>> No.13240051
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Trump is the “globalist nationalist” who shills for Israel 24/7, wants more based legal shitskins, and kept us in Syria

Also no wall, no Obamacare repeal and first federal gun grab in 20 years. Literally just GWB 2.0

>> No.13240070

I'd vote for Trump just to piss off my coworkers. I've heard one too many times about them complaining about him including an accusation that is likely to be done by either republican or democrat. Get over it already! However I have no intent on registering to vote, waste of my time considering I don't trust the government.

>> No.13240132
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imagine being so right wing you think that trump is a zionist stooge

>> No.13240167
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Trump isn’t right wing at all, that’s the problem. He’s just another cuckservative civnat who loves Israel especially hard. Not even GWB shilled this much for them. Boomers go to his rallies and watch his tweets don’t actually care about results, they just want epic one liners to own the libs.