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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13236063 No.13236063 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got fired after first week on new job

I just moved out and everything. im completely fucked

>> No.13236147

Believe in yourself

>> No.13236168
File: 85 KB, 400x478, OPFailureToLaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a failure to launch...

>> No.13236184

Next time before making a major change like moving you should hold your job for longer than 3 months to see if you're a good fit.

>> No.13236198

How did you fuck up?

>> No.13236220

Lmao pls gib story

>> No.13236403 [DELETED] 

I have a buddy that runs a business who does this shit pretty often. If he hires someone who does what you did OP, he'd find some reason to fire you because it "keeps him sharp". Sometimes he'll do it just to test his managers too. He also fires people that have loved ones pass away and guys who get their girlfriends or wives pregnant. There's always a reason to fire these people obviously, he just likes to time it around "pain points" if he can. He was always like this to some extent. Even when we played video games when we were younger, if he could find a way to ruin the game for everyone he would. You weren't in construction were you?

>> No.13236411

ehhh it's not uncommon to move near your place of work.
I was living on a farm with my parents and it was a 2hr drive away from my current job, so I moved into a nearby apartment before my first day.
Granted I'm also not so retarded that I lost the job in the first week. I had enough savings for 6 months so I could afford to job hunt if it didn't work out too. Sure hope OP has the same foresight.

>> No.13236418

This but unironically ironically

>> No.13236437

Just get some shit menial job to pay the bills for the time being. Or spend your last few dollars on chapstick and knee pads.

>> No.13236443


Welcome to prostitution and drug addiction, fren.

>> No.13236456
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there is no next time

>> No.13236477

>reverse image search
>0 result
N-no larp?

>> No.13236489

don't do it OP you will be able to get through this and great things will happen in your life that you will miss if you do this

>> No.13236508

do it like a man
set the house on fire, then the rope

>> No.13236509

Tfw you can’t even recommend crypto to save you this time bcz it might actually die a sideways death

>> No.13236513
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>> No.13236517

Lmao what the fuck are you on about. Chill out bro, things are gonna be fine. Trust me.

>> No.13236518

what was the job anyway and whatd you get fired for?

>> No.13236523


>> No.13236528
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greentext your life

>> No.13236551

You aren’t going to do shit you little attention seeking faggot. Get that shit out of here. Get the fuck off 4chan and have a good long re-evaluation of your life choices

>> No.13236556
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I'm actually sad for OP this time for some reason. I hope you're ok fren

>> No.13236875
File: 31 KB, 257x246, 1D7827D6-DA9B-4A22-A8CA-AA384808931A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip op you won’t be forgotten

>> No.13236960

>he wants an hero just the time we turn bullish.
Also what did you do to get fired after a week?

>> No.13236981

>Granted I'm also not so retarded
Thats the key difference. Only literal regards get fired or laid off.

>> No.13236994

That thin ass rope would just snap

>> No.13237016
File: 68 KB, 774x960, 1551995637941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, thought about offing my self in my darkest days. Things actually got better. Ask family for support, you will get through this.

>> No.13237021

How’d you get fired and why did you move out only a week into a new job

>> No.13237029

This 100%.

>> No.13237410

Don't be such a pussy Anon. Come on. You're better than that.

>> No.13237437

Some people want to get fired to get neetbux. Be happy op and fill the forms.

>> No.13237600


>no posts since


Godspeed OP

>> No.13237612

It looks like mountain climbers rope. It's strong as fuck.

>> No.13237626


You do realize that getting canned from that job was likely a good thing if they tossed your ass out after a week? Unless it's a temp job or you were being a shithead that means that company isn't somewhere you shouldn't want to work for especially now that the economy holds plenty of jobs.

>> No.13237631

This thread makes no sense if you assume OP is just renting some shitty apt near his new job. I bet the fucking retard actually bought a home because of the jewish psyops going through /biz/ the last couple of weeks.

Sorry OP. We could not protect you. I think it's better this way. There are no jews on the other side. Good luck.

>> No.13237648
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dont do it OP

>> No.13237661
File: 81 KB, 446x435, 0075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wont do shit melanin-enriched man

>> No.13237664

I fucking wish I could get fired but I'm simply to dam competent amongst a plethora a idiots

Unreal how stupid everyone but me is

>> No.13237689


>> No.13237797
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>> No.13237855

What a pathetic noose. Get some better rope next time, faggot.

>> No.13237857

nobody is forced to work. by all means, starve to death and make the world a better place

>> No.13237872

ya we need to go back to no society at all and kill each other while eating berries and freezing

>> No.13237967


>> No.13237994


>> No.13238018
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