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File: 212 KB, 1920x1200, Plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13234953 No.13234953 [Reply] [Original]

>2018 flew 57 times
>Equivalent of every 1.5 weeks

Since the end of 2018 I can't fly easily anymore; get anxiety attacks.
MUST drink heavily on board to relax.

Any other anons have this same experience?
I need to fix this to make it.

>> No.13234962

what about flying makes you anxious? maybe youre just an alcoholic? how often do you drink when youre not flying? be honest

>> No.13234967

>flew 57 times
>52 weeks in a year
>avg of every 1.5 weeks

Does flying kill brain cells?

>> No.13234973

What makes me anxious: being stuck in a metal tube in the sky without being able to just say "stop" and step out and take a breath. Can't escape situation at 40kft.

I drink regularly. 3 days of the week casual 2-3 beers and then 2 of heavy drinking.

>> No.13234975

Exposed to radiation a lot, so it makes sense.

>> No.13234981
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I flew every 10 days personally. Not mathematically, some flights were connecting.

>> No.13234991

Do you get nervous driving because you have a 1 in 5000 chance of dying in car crash.

Also stop being a bitch, from the day of your birth you have been living on borrowed time. Death comes to us all so just relax and enjoy the fucking ride.

>> No.13234995

Take off and landing are the only fun part of (commercial) flying. The actual journey might as well be a subway ride.

>> No.13235008

Ah. Well I'm a pretty heavy drinker and regular flyer but they're unconnected. I'm also big on audiobooks. I keep ones that are ok to fall asleep to (casual non-fiction things that I'm only half interested in) for flights. Something boring and useless will knock you out in a jiff, it's better than xanax.

Hope you get your shit figured out anon, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.13235074

how do you handle being radiated that much? you know eveytime you fly its one more scratch you put on your DNA

>> No.13235097

can't wait for self driving cars, so that i can just sleep-drive across murica without getting on the nosediving boeing planes.

>> No.13235113

Sounds like what's causing your anxiety is your inability to control the situation. Let go of your need for control.

Also, don't go into the flight afraid of getting anxious. This will ironically cause even more anxiety. Saying "I'm not going to be anxious" is like saying "I will get close to this flame and will not feel the heat." It is ok to feel anxiety and fear. What's not OK is letting them dictate what you can and cannot do.

>> No.13235116
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Takeoff is the most nervous experience for me.
Climbing altitude I feel my head spin a bit from tilting and blood pressure increase.

Can't fall asleep on planes :(
But thanks fren

Dunno man I did a DNA test and I'm all good xd

>> No.13235128

Very true.
How can I let go of the need for that control fren? Seems like you know what's up.

>> No.13235177
File: 154 KB, 986x995, pepemadeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being afraid of death.

>> No.13235207

I hate flying too, I pay extra so I dont have connecting flights, panic attack the entire time. I hate not having control. Plus my sweat smells extra bad when Im in stressful situations, and all I do is sweat on a plane

>> No.13235229

Ever heard of a Tesla? Fucking Kek you livin under a rock

>> No.13235266


To let go of the need for control, one must learn how to trust. When you get on the plane you have to be ok with the tiny tiny possibility of you dying. This isn't that hard; we essentially do it every day. You could die in a car crash every time you drive, and yet you're ok with that. Fuck, you could be dying today in a freak earthquake! But the possibility is so small that we generally do not care, and these things are out of our control anyways. Same thing goes for the plane.

The short of it is: you have to be OK with dying at any time.

>t. Lived with anxiety and panic attacks for 5 years; now flying 8 times a year without any problems. No meds.

>> No.13235270

Easy, just avoid Boeing and you'll be good.

On a serious note, have you checked your testosterone levels?
Because if you suddenly started being afraid of planes then the reason might as well be hormonal rather than something psychological.
Your test levels might have taken a tumble for some reason and now you're an estrogen filled bugman without even realizing it.

>> No.13235277

fly to chinklad 5 time year never got anxiety coz very excited for free chineze pussis from 10/10 assembly line girls they worship expats/engineers here anon

>> No.13235325

Could be but I highly doubt it. I'll actually take a blood test, good to know what's up anyways.

Cheers for the advice!

Fucking kek

>> No.13235372

Think you might need less stress in your life. And more cardio.

And less drinking. If you have an anxiety issue drugs and alcohol only makes it worse.

Also you may want to see a therapist.

When it comes to specific anxiety, the overall stress of your life might be causing much of your anxiety and it's just that one specific situation that causes that built up anxiety to erupt. In other words it's not just planes you need to examine your entire life from a stress and happines perspective.

>> No.13235388

>be flight attendant
I-i fianlly madde it biz!

>> No.13235817

thanks anon needed that

>> No.13235988

No problem.

Another thing: start out small. When I started tackling my fear of flying I took a quick 30 min flight to a neighboring city just so that if I freaked out it wouldn't last long. Plus I could return home by car if necessary. I also carried a tiny bit of Xanax in my pocket in case of an emergency. I ended up not taking it, but these are small things you can do to still feel like you're in control while you're in the process of giving it up.

>> No.13236023
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Beta blockers are perfect for flying anxiety

>> No.13236054

That is a metric fuckton of radiation

>> No.13236062

>2018 flew 57 times
>Equivalent of every 1.5 weeks
You may want to see a doctor. It's been coming out that people are exposed to far high levels of radiation while flying. Breast cancer has become so common among flight stewardesses that insurers will no longer cover them.

>> No.13236135


good tips, how is your fear of flying right now? if someone offered you a free trip around the globe but you had to leave tomorrow and the flight was one of those 20 hour ones would you take it?

I wouldnt at this point, im shitting a brick about my 3 hour flight next week, and I fly 4 times a years, never gets easier. It is a trust issue I have to let go of control

>> No.13236165

stop flying so much. it is really bad for the environment.

>> No.13236193

Someone give me the full redpill on radiation from frequent air travel.

>> No.13236259


Its called clonazepam. This si the best shit ever. I fly at least twice a month short haul flights, and at least 4-6 long haul flights a year, and clonazepam does the trick, also buy good headphones, bose is the key.

>> No.13236298

Right now it's fine and I would take that flight. Haven't taken a 20 hour flight yet, but I've done 15 and I don't think it could be much worse than that. I'm actually gearing up to visit Yurop later this year to get that out of the way.

Another tip I forgot : if possible, get a seat in front of the wing. Supposedly flight sensations like turbulence are felt with less intensity in this area. Again, not sure if this is real or not, just small things you can do to cope with the loss of control.

>> No.13236360

Anon I hate fucking flying so much it terrifies me. Also love traveling, dying in a plane crash similar to what has been happening w those new Boeing jets is my biggest fear though.

>> No.13236453

dude you talk like me

>> No.13236471
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maybe all us anons hate flying because of trust. We sure as fuck dont trust the government. Central banking. Education system.
Now when we fly we have to put our lives in the hands of these people. engineering diversity hires. old airplanes. or new with bad software.

>> No.13236531


Oh also I wouldn't get into one of those new Boeing 737s unless I were completely baked out of my mind.

>> No.13236548

>be me
>never had fear of flying until I became a wagie consultant and flew 80% of time for multiple years
between radiation, experience, and odds of having an airline disaster, I feel like flying is scary now

>> No.13236628
File: 280 KB, 646x595, Nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. I legit did 57 flights in 2018 and 53 in 2017.
A total of 110 flights for 17-18...

I've only flown 2 times this year so far.

Can someone redpill us on the radiation thing right now?

>> No.13236734

>got a script for benzos
>get free drinks at the airport lounge due to my sapphire reserve credit card.

I usually have a bunch of drinks, take 1 to 3 benzos waiting to board. The longer the flight the more I take. Literally fall into a coma for 2-4 hours depending on dosage. Wake up, still feel relaxed, drink beer while onboard.

Great experience overall.

>> No.13236766

Dude, don't do that

You could stop breathing in your sleep, you know?

>> No.13236920

>Can someone redpill us on the radiation thing right now?
Poke around YouTube/Google, anon. Had heard about it from a youtuber I follow, but didn't look into it because I've never flown so it wasn't of much interest to me.

>> No.13236939

are you serious? What kind of anti drug fag are you?

I literally only use them when I’m flying, or if i need to get to sleep after stimulant usage. 3 klonopins isn’t close to enough to kill you.

>> No.13236953

They used to literally hand out anxiety/sleep medication on the plane in the good ol days.

>> No.13236977

Not anti drugs, just saying. You're free to do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.13237043

Yeah I've mixed heavy drinking with benzos before and (apart from some euphoria) it was NOT good. I was a different level of fucked up.

>> No.13237196
File: 81 KB, 600x631, 2049 wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some research.
Radiation on a 10hr flight (on average) is the same as standing inside Chernobyl control room for 1hr.

Scary shit... On average, someone who flies for 3.7years of their life (constantly) it increases their chance of cancer 0.5%.

>> No.13237818

It is negligible, dude. Pilots/FAs live full lives

>> No.13237942
File: 70 KB, 963x1010, 1501534912122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im literally puking mu brains out each 10h flight(air sickness) next time gonna medicate myself into oblivion with anti puke dopamine blockers

>> No.13238278

>mixing benzos with alcohol

Flying is the least of your worries.