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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13229098 No.13229098 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/ complete and absolute newfag here. I'm 18 and working some shit minimum wage job getting about $400 a week (canadian). I've been saving up for a certain car and my goal was 40k, I'm currently approaching my first 10k and I still want the car and all but I feel like there are better ways I can use this money. Any advice?

>> No.13229119

Dump it all in any coin for the next bull run

>> No.13229152

ok thanks anon

>> No.13229252

Thank me later bro, you'll probably have that 40k by next year if you buy now

>> No.13229278

Don't buy a $40k car right now. At this rate it'll take you another 18 months just to save up for it.

>> No.13229284

Listen kid fuck that car buy a beater and find a 7/10 chick who will ride with you forever and dump 75% of your net worth into crypto.
You’re only 18 but in 7 years when you’re my age you’ll be a fucking king

>> No.13229293

I got in at your age and that’s why I’m a whale

>> No.13229332

My issue with suggesting crypto to him is that he has no idea how many shitcoins shilled here are pajeet scams. Ethereum seriously inflated the number of shitcoins on the market. Back in the day the top altcoins were actually useful (namecoin, primecoin, etc).

OP, if you're considering crypto just stick with Bitcoin and Ethereum until you've studied the space long enough.

>> No.13229362



>> No.13229381
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my advice is to get your dick sucked and touch a real boob and have sex with a woman maybe 3 times. realize its not epic neither base pilled and start browsing fit mandatory 2 hours a day and hit the gym. realize you are gay, realize you do not need a 40k dollar to have vaginas realize you dont need clothes, personality, career, debt because you are no longer chained to the vaginal jew. this will help a ton in the long run + homos are the real chads you can easily sleep with 120 partners in your first year