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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13222817 No.13222817 [Reply] [Original]

What is the /biz/ official stance on this, is it now a shitcoin?

>> No.13222824
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Eth is a mess

>> No.13222828

it's in stealth accumulate mode anon

PoS will suck up supply and is due (phase 0) end of 2019, testnets are live afew days ago.

>> No.13222834

Biz always sells low and buys high. If something is underperforming and is cheap then you should be selling. So yes Ethereum is now a shitcoin. Sell!

>> No.13222836

PoS is a PoS. It'll never get done.

>> No.13222849

You forgot to insert your favorite ETH killer.

>> No.13222850

They wanna do sharding that will improve scaling

>> No.13222851

right because random (((anon))) vs. multiple teams of devs + thousands of community devs

>wonder who is correct

>> No.13222871

Yeah and this summer they'll push it back to Q4 2019 or Q1 2020.

Then in September they'll be talking about how it should be live for sure in 2020.

>> No.13222884

Is 50 ETH enough to make it?

>> No.13222899

I've been staking ARK since June 17', PoS is awesome if done correctly

>> No.13222910

Do not buy eth ever. It is worthless and will go nowhere but down.

As American financial engineer I will invest only with salt, nxt, and dogecoin.

I am rich also so followers this advice for be like me.

>> No.13223076

Ethereum's design is a mess. Instead of trying to create a new system, rework the core protocol from the ground up and migrate the database to the new network, they try to solve problems they created in the first place. EVM is a mess, too. At least it has a strong support. The new PoS might be years away.

>> No.13223094

t. the average /biz/ brainlet everyone

eth 2.0 IS a brand new protocol, phase 0 is PoS in Q3-4 2019, phase 1 is smart contracts I believe 2020, phase 2 is sharding (and maybe EVM upgrade) in 2021

>> No.13223102

Ark is dpos you moron

>> No.13223182

Sir very good posting. I too is American worker at Goldman Sach banking. May I advice buy Bitcoin SV?

>> No.13223194

Ah yes. Craig Sanjay Wright is unironically Satoj.

>> No.13223197

Achieving a fast decentralised PoS is really hard. You need a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of motivated engineers. There is only one project trying to achieve this, Ethereum. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. Every chink magic idea that achieved trillions of tps on gazillions of nodes do not have a single dapp running and use nodes on AWS.

>> No.13223760

True, all so called 'ETH KIllers' are goin to 0 . Most of them came out of ETH, and now they criticize ETH. ETH is the one that triggered th bull market in 2017. These shitcoins are only good for pump and dumps

>> No.13223768

>instead of trying to create a new system, rework the core protocol from the ground up and migrate the database to the new network
Isn't that exactly what they are doing, with ETH 2.0?

>> No.13223794


>> No.13223797

when should I be buying then? is now a good time?

>> No.13223818
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Ignore the low quality shitposts ITT from the bagholders of the garden variety mix of failed "ETH killers".

>> No.13223839

dollar cost average some of your money surplus income

starting afew months ago woulda been good, but now is still fine, $160 is definitely not the top of 2019

>> No.13223856


Cardano doesn't even have a fucking main net...

Do you even know the basic technical merits of the garbage you "invest" in?

The absolute state of crypto kiddie investors...

>> No.13224332
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Jesus Christ ETH posters are potatoes
Buy a universally agreed poorly engineered computation token now because 2.0 which is being developed by the same 1.0 devs and not even close to being released will grow in value
It just keeps getting more and more ridiculous everyday

>> No.13224414


As opposed to what?

An antiquated, slow dinosaur ruled by a Chink server mafia or one of thousands of literally worthless Chink scams claiming to be Internet 5.0?

>> No.13224431

Damn savage

>> No.13224471

Chink = Ch(ainl)ink.

>> No.13224535

Lmao nigga you couldn't even form a coherent a sentence.

>> No.13224560

ETHBTc is in a log chart falling wedge and will perform in 6m. IF you don't know what that means or can't chart that then get gud.

>> No.13224590

Bitcoin is logic and principal based something ETH will never be

Bringing up bitcoin miners as a negative compared to ETH miner please
ETH granted their miners throughput gas limits without a fuss lol because they suck at engineering a system but but PoS right? Please

>> No.13224603
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eth is history welcome the new overlord

>> No.13224628

>clusterfuck codebase
>devs don't have a handle on codebase because (see above)
>ICO craze is over nigger
>does not scale by design
>devs can't implement minor patch without very very nearly breaking smart contracts because of points 2 & 3 above
>muh POS
>minor patch nearly ruined coin

>> No.13224645

All those miners are on BTC, not ETH. BTC has 300,000 TIMES more hash power, do you understand the magnitude difference?

>> No.13224655

Great long term hold.

>> No.13224663

What you faggots don't understand is that base layer blockchains break down once you allow high throughput
So it's most important to craft a secure stable decentralized network that anyone can reference and build upon
ETH and all the other shitcoins threw out this principal to take the easy way and it costs them as they grow

>But muh dinosaur 2.0 polkadot PoS sharting world computer
Ok buddy

>> No.13224745

ETH's codebase is a mess
Its blockchain size is bloated
>haha bitcoin had a fork look at us we're united under pedoskelly
Really makes you think

>> No.13224774

Cardano has had a mainnet since 2017 you ignorant retarded dumbfuck. you need to take your own advice

>> No.13224780
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>logic and principal based


"The Chink with the most hardware miners, and quickest access to Chink printed circuit hardware and cheapest access to subsidized Chink electrical grid gets to hijack development around their own margins"

Wow, such rigid principles.

Let's face it, Bitcoin's only value is normie appeal and legacy.

>> No.13224799

$1000 EOY

>> No.13224823

Ideologically Ethereum is antithetical to bitcoin's deflationary model and immutability. Bitcoin is a right wing coin vs. the leftist söy devs who work on Ethereum. I am personally more alligned with Bitcoin but I own both, just like I'm invested in both Urbit and Holochain despite being polar opposites ideologically.

>> No.13224832

Something really needs to be done here with certain users always resorting to calling Chinese "chinks". It's racist beyond imagination and should be condemned. You want to be racist then you deserve a punch in the face. How does that sound..

>> No.13224976

Silence chink boy.

>> No.13225035
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I won't touch it until they actually implement their scaling solutions, which they probably won't with in the next half-decade by which point other coins designed for scaling from the ground up will have all the market share.

The notion of an Ethereum killer is obsolete. There are already two smart contract platforms with more active dapps, more volume, and more transaction volume. Eth is already dead. Even (((they))) see the writing on the wall now, which I've been warning you about for over a year.

>> No.13225155

>EOS and Tron faggots actually believe this
No txn fee = dapp spam which is where those absolute scam stats you referenced come from. EOS and Tron will NEVER be used for anything other than degenerate gambling, ICO scams and money laundering.

>> No.13225196
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>Oy vey free transactions is a bad thing goyim
A year ago you were telling me that they were vaporware that would never have mainnets and would run off with their ICO money. Look at this chart and keep coping faggot.

>> No.13225210

Found the mega bag holder, Is vitalik still 19 lmaooo?

>> No.13225219

I'm up 20x in ETH on HOT in the past year, faggot.

>> No.13225235

eth is dead. it doesn't scale. people are doing ico's on exchanges now. fantom will replace it

>> No.13225237

Read my first post in this thread. Being honest with you about your scam shitcoins doesn't make me a leftist Ethereum cuck. Everyone on both the BTC and Ethereum sides of the crypto space are in agreement on this.

>> No.13225246
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Get a load of this larper

>> No.13225266

I bought HOT an hour after it hit IDEX. Cope harder pajeet.

>> No.13225311

I also bought Urbit stars a week before they even became tradable on OpenSea at 1/3 the price they are now. You are a brainlet newfag still obsessing over 2017 scams. I come here to converse with the 50 or so high IQ anons that frequent this board. All of you street shitters shilling your normie scams are just wasting your time here.

>> No.13225333

> You are a brainlet newfag still obsessing over 2017 scams.
You're the one shilling Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens here bud. Keep coping though pajeet, It's really amusing

>> No.13225374

Both you racist bastards need to STFU. Ethereum and bitcoin are unironically the only legit cryptocurrencies in this space.

>> No.13225388

You completely missed that anons point and decided to start projecting your gains, how insecure are you lol, his point was EOS has been growing against ETH all year despite all the sht talk. Vitalik cant even drink yet thats who ur invested in lmaoo

>> No.13225479
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>Vitalik cant even drink yet thats who ur invested in lmaoo
Nice. Vitalik can't legally drink (in the states, not canada), therefore EOS = eth killer confirmed.

>> No.13225501

Vitalik is 25 you retard

>> No.13225600
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Sorry I forgot that this was advertiser-friendly 4channel

>> No.13225616

Your shitcoins both peaked as ER20 tokens and will never, ever, EVER hit their ATHs ever again. Ever.

>> No.13225659
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And? You think more Chink mining cartels make Bitcoin more secure?

PoS will make Bitcoin seem like a steam-powered relic.

So you can take your precious Chink miners, and shove them far up your ass.

>> No.13225686

How is PoS more secure than raw computing power? Bitcoin is secured by pure energy- the most authentic currency in the entire universe.

>> No.13225725

gold is boomer rocks look at this fiat it's fast and flexible

>> No.13225785
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>> No.13225817

Gold can be counterfeited, bitcoin cannot.
I think Ethereum, and by extension the xDAI PoA chain are cool, but they aren't going to replace Bitcoin.

>> No.13226037
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>Gold can be counterfeited, bitcoin cannot.

Sure it can.

>> No.13226058

Kek, that's just a retard tax.

>> No.13226060

That's not counterfeiting, that's making chocolate gold coins. Except this time it's not chocolate.

>> No.13227075

>How is PoS more secure than raw computing power?

How is it less secure?

>> No.13227099

rich people making the rules never turned out bad before

>> No.13227130

This. To think you can get a whole eth for only $150. I would have been salavating in 2017 ^_^
Accumulate and never sell is ultimate meta

>> No.13227291

I don't understand Proof of Stake enough to answer that, which is why I asked. How is Casper as secure as Proof of Work? Proof of Work is way easier to understand, you need roughly x many hashes to change the most recent block.

>> No.13227347

So the handful of whales with mining farms accounting for most of the hash power aren't rich people making the rules?

>> No.13227388

rich people bad

>> No.13227416

The issue is that the people standing to profit from Proof of Stake are Vitalik and his friends who bought into the Ethereum premine ICO. The same fags who made the Ethereum blockchain fork just to undo their own fuckup. Proof of Stake is inherently scammy as fuck.

>> No.13227454

You put 32 ETH at stake and then you are allowed to, oversimplifying, mine blocks.
If you try to trick the system you lose a part of those 32 ETH.
The system does not depend on mining power anymore but it assumes that the majority on the people in the network will act rightfully because otherwise they risk of losing their ETH, if a lot of people are trying to trick the system together they have better to do it very fast and in sync because otherwise the firsts will lose too many ETH and will be excluded by the network

>> No.13227459

did the mining farms raise the blocksize?
PoS gives power to rich people is that what you want?
I want the rules to be a consensus so it remains a free market

>> No.13227478

They have money and they could buy their own mining farm even now so that doesn't change that much

>> No.13227497


Good luck sharding something with global state

>> No.13227508

That's the challenge, noone said it will be easy

>> No.13227531

I guess that's true
with miners setting blocksize in ETH it's centralized garbage with or without PoS
there needs to be a difference between a validating node and a miner/staker so a system of governance can maintain a decentralized consensus

>> No.13227533

>did the mining farms raise the blocksize?
Mining farms get to decide which fork to support, and hence which is the "real" coin. I hate to break it to you, but PoW is already an oligarchy. At least with something like delegated PoS the common person has SOME say in decision making.

>> No.13227552

Well if you set the bar that high there is no way any human creation won't be centralised, some sort of consensus has to be reached and there must be rules

>> No.13227560

>Mining farms get to decide which fork to support, and hence which is the "real" coin
why did miners signal s2x and back down
why didn't they support bcash
because it's not profitable and the network can fork away
miners are only service providers and are compensated for security they aren't shit beyond that
how can 95% of miners and large service providers signal a fork yet it fail because the community doesn't want it
let me guess muh blockstream lol

>> No.13227579

They set the bar just low enough that normies will FOMO in to get their own "muh passive income" 32 ETH stacks. what's stopping chink mining pools to switch over into staking pools?
Don't get me wrong, I like Ethereum and some of my favorite projects in the space are using it. Also I do expect it to pump after PoS gets implemented. I try to look at these things objectively though. Projects like Zilliqa, Holo and Spacemesh are all coming out with really interesting and novel consensus mechanisms that might rival Ethereum someday.

>> No.13227591

you don't get it
once you excluded the average user from running a node you lose the network
ETH took the easy way out and will fail
there's no going back on that, users always have insurance against bad actors when they can spin up a node
when they can't it's deal with centralized parties calling shots or abandon the network

>> No.13227600

How are they less centralized than a pos eth?

>> No.13227617

The average user now can mine any POW crypto only theoretically, you will be able to have an ETH node even with PoS but you won't be allowed to stake

>> No.13227658

It's all a tradeoff. They make use of miner/host identity systems in various ways to ensure that the network is controlled by a large number of individuals users. Zilliqa uses Proof of Work to establish miner identities and a pBFT mechanism for those identities to compete in block production. Spacemesh uses something called Proof of Spacetime, meaning you reserve disk space on your harddrive for a minimum period of time to establish your identity. Holo is an open market with a reputation system, like AirBnB for app hosting. All three of them could be scams and eternal vaporware but I'm keeping an eye on them.

>> No.13227662

It's the right idea.

It backs it's own stablecoin and hosts it's own dexes. Less external liabilities.

>> No.13227705

Also Edgeware is essentially an Ethereum PoS clone on a Polkadot Parachain that is having a somewhat fairer launch than Ethereum. They are giving away 90% of their initial supply to anyone who locks up their ETH in a smart contract for a period of time. After mainnet launches you can immediately start staking your Edgeware tokens validate blocks.

>> No.13227781


>> No.13228451

Vitalik Cuckerin has 70000000 Ether from the stealth instamine
The imminent dump finna rek Ethereum but for him shit be so cash
The whole Ethereum network not gonna be worth more than -$7000000000

>> No.13228495

I told everyone two weeks ago this was garbage and going down. Look at people's portfolios. Almost everyone is holding it thinking they will get rich. = they ain't

>> No.13228550
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Kek. Imagine being this assblasted about a ledger fork. Rent free, much?
>"official stance"
You are too low IQ to post here.

>> No.13228932

Look, BCH isn't exactly a scam, but it's definitely not Bitcoin and the community also selected the most insane narcissistic boomers as demagogues. Roger Ver and Craig Wright are both literal scammers. BCH would have been way better without them.

>> No.13229149

Its one of the better coins and it has a couple dapps on it that matter. It has the most work to be done for it to be able to compete in the dapps platform market. It does not have the most devs. It does not have a significant advantage in terms of decentralization. It is not a bad choice to HODL regardless.

>> No.13229165

>>wonder who is correct

POS has room to grow.
POW will probably never really change.

>> No.13229192

70million? You are fucking retarded mate

>> No.13229269

ETH is the only coin I'm confident has a future, It's not all I hold but it's the only coin I would be shocked if it wasn't still relevant a decade from now.

>> No.13229274


>> No.13229303

>it does not have the most devs
Are you pulling my dick bro. The ethereum ecosystem has as many devs as everyone else put together.

>> No.13229324

Man the FUD keeps lowering in quality.

>> No.13229471

This board is just infested with autistic street shitters. There's plenty of valid, high IQ FUD regarding Ethereum. The fact of the matter though is that it is the worst platform, except for all of the other ones.

>> No.13229615

>Are you pulling my dick bro. The ethereum ecosystem has as many devs as everyone else put together.

Yeah and they are standing around with their dicks in their hands doing jack and shit and they ran out of jack a year ago.

>> No.13229654
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Haha you mad he’s a virgin onions boy keep filling his bags by holding that PoS

ETH SUCKS, the era of ponzi’s ICOs are long gone, and there is literally no end in sight of development for this colossal shitcoin

>> No.13229846

Posts like this further convince me that biz is the id of the crypto scene. As long as you don't take this place too seriously you can have a lot of fun. Just don't be an idiot and take any advice from here without doing your own research.
That said, ETH is good. It is a game changer. And it is not old news. I expect it to gain a lot in the next few years.

>> No.13229877

Is it double digit? Y/N
Y - shitcoin
N - future king

>> No.13230383

Christ dude HOT has been shilled here relentlessly for ages

>> No.13230438

this is too blatant to be an actual Rakesh, nice try ETH stacker

>> No.13230479

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13230579


>> No.13230584

>newfags taking bait

>> No.13230632

So using "chinks" is not ok, but "pajeet" and "nignog" is fine?
You racist piece of shit, how come only the use of "chinks" annoys you?

>> No.13230691

Just lol if you don't hold ETH/ZIL/HOT/Dfinity and small bag of Link in 2019, Decentralized platforms almost match up the performance of centralized ones (Zilliqa recently, Holo probably in 2019), the time where scams/shitcoins will die is getting closer and closer.

>> No.13230706

How did you get Dfinity?

>> No.13230736

No and Enigma will be the solution

>> No.13230741

I have 3 accounts for the early supporters airdrop

>> No.13230762

Absolutely based

>> No.13230902

PoS gives power to wealthier people as opposed of PoW, which doesn't?

Fucking retard.

PoS incentivises purchashing more ETH and holding it.

PoW incentivises buying more expensive mining equipment and dumping.

>> No.13231033

>It's racist beyond imagination and should be condemned.

Nobody gives a fuck not even chinks.