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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13221987 No.13221987 [Reply] [Original]


strap the fuck in

>> No.13221994
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>> No.13221996

Not really a mainnet announcement though is it, I won’t believe it until I hear it from the official link twitter

>> No.13222004

...and it's fucking nothing

>> No.13222006
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m-mainnet? today? TONIGHT?

>> No.13222008

jonny is literally a member of the CL team now, the official announcement will probably be very soon

>> No.13222009

Is this it frens?

>> No.13222041

this is about linkpool DEX fees being shared for the first time since linkpool entered mainnet

this is NOT related in the least to chainlink mainnet

>> No.13222044


>> No.13222055

Chainlink mainnet =/= Linkpool mainnet

>> No.13222082

Link threads get the best digits regardless

>> No.13222086
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>> No.13222094

Yes sure, this is not related in any way sirs

>> No.13222097

Dry fasting and calorie restriction is stronger. You need to combine both. By that you need to do urine dry fasts regularly (ie no food or water, just urine) and eat less overall the rest of the days. I do weekly dry urine fast 42 hrs and 12-16hrs dry urine fast the rest of the days. And I eat overall low calories with fruits regularly. This will speed up your healing to the max. What would of taken you a month to heal would heal within 2-3 days. You overall average calorie intake should be 300-700 per day. If you fast then you can have larger meals obviously to increase the average daily.

>> No.13222100

If this is the truth, we can agree that's its fucking imminent at this point anyway. Like, 16th of April imminent

>> No.13222111


There was nothing in the constitution to prevent secession, the union was voluntary so no treason existed. The south wanted to secede because the North was charging high tariffs and yet the south was not fairly represented. Lincoln was a Whig who wanted a all powerful federal government. He barricaded Charleston’s harbor which caused the south to retaliate. He locked up everyone up north who disagreed with him from congressmen to newspaper owners etc. he destroyed the constitution and usurped states rights. The globalist completed the overthrow with e creation of the privately owned federal reserve and the creation of income tax, thus no longer being dependent on states. Now that was all treason, starting with Lincoln. But of course you Yankees don’t know that because winners writer history and you’ve been deceived.

>> No.13222115

I remember being attracted to another male at age 12, he had long shaggy black hair and soft features. I have been briefly attracted to the singers of MGMT and Avenged Sevenfold. No homo. Lol. Mainly guys I've been attracted to are androgynous and effeminate or conventionally pretty boy handsome. Never been attracted to rugged or masculine and also I am not attracted to guys who I know are heterosexual. I was honestly actually attracted to a gay guy who I worked with for a little bit. He was handsome and friendly and complimented my appearance multiple times. I would probably fuck him, would definitely kiss/cuddle and maybe date him. But im still not sure about bisexuality. If i am.

I would also be apprehensive towards gay sex, i would never bottom because of sexual abuse ive suffered in childhood at the hands of a sick fuck. But id be open to cuddle or kiss moreso. Also these feelings kind of come and go.

>> No.13222120
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I was at the fireside chat this week. At one point Tom called Sergey a sandwich fucker. He even accused Sergey of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while Sergey glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked off stage and just out of the room where there was a magazine rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these magazines, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start ripping out individual pages. He was facing away from everyone, so we couldn't see his facial expressions. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of chainlink in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo Tom in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little q&a session after Tom left due to being frustrated from the btfo. Janitorial services were picking up the mess of shredded magazines at this point, and the only acknowledgement Sergey ever made to the mess was when one of the older janitors fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his hand with his mouth, clearly holding back laughter. It was bizarre, but with genius comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.13222121
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Based and link pilled

>> No.13222122

Craptocurrency means nothing to anyone who isn't connected to the internet 24/7. it's just as fake and intangible as fiat. Who gives a fuck about the block chain. If there is a societal collapse and the power is intermittent because of massive shortages, the last thing anyone wants to see is some cocksucker with a smartphone holding it up and going "I'll give you some of this digital bullshit for real world food and water." I'd shoot the fucker on principle in a situation like that.

>> No.13222128

This is just the beginning of the new crusades. The west is going to war against Muslims, as they are the last theocratic obstacle to a NWO. It’s been in the works for a decade at least. The Obama-led “Arab Spring” resulted in secular dictators toppling, and being replaced with Muslim Brotherhood, so that there would be a wide swath of legitimized sovereign territory to take in the name of defeating an ideological enemy. The US exporting massive amounts of oil is being done in order to secure allies in Europe and elsewhere, bc when shit goes down, oil will skyrocket, and we’ll be there to undercut every competitor on price, while still making a fortune. Enjoy the show.

>> No.13222135
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Let's Av it rub it on roof of your mouth palate 3 times a day, pure organic frankincense ssential Oil.. After it goes a way and it will keep using it and take Boswellia pills 1-2 day. Cancer grows in Frequency less than 25% have to increase that, using colloidal Gold brings it up quick.. I use colloidal silver, but master teacher this week told me Gold is faster, makes sense..... Most people don't stick to their diet... but Alkaline diet is necessary, *NO dairy.... *Cut out meat, due to hormones and toxins in animal protein.... *Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of Alkaline Water daily... *Take Chlorella & Spirinulla tabs a few times a week pull Heavy metal toxins out your body.... *Also think happy, watch things that make you laugh like comedy *Listen to HEALING FREQUENCIES when you sleep... *Pour few drops of Frankincense Oil in Diffuser while you sleep * Focus on being healed never the C-Monster Most people that got rid of cancer ONLY stuck to Frankincense remedy.. DO NOT RUSH INTO SURGERY, treatment poor after surgery, something about opening up body to air exacerbates cancer everywhere

>> No.13222136
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>to anyone who isn't connected to the internet 24/7
boomer please

>> No.13222143
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Well memed sir

>> No.13222145

My grandfather was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer in 1995. The x-rays showed that the cancer was so widespread, that it had even eaten through his ribs. There were visible gaps in his chest where the bones should have been.

After hearing the doctors recommendation that he needed various forms of treatment, but even with the treatment they would give him a maximum of 3-4 months to live, he decided against all of it, and put his sons and daughters to the task of finding any information they could about alternative treatments that had any plausibility to them.

Among the things the family discovered as plausible included:

- essiac tea
- shark cartilage
- fruit & vegetable seeds - pumpkin seeds, apple seeds, apricot cores, flax seeds
- laetrine
- and any & all foods that shifted body pH from acidic to basic

He altered his diet radically.

That was 15 years ago. The ensuing x-rays taken of my grandfather in the months after his diagnosis showed a remission that was so dramatic that the missing sections of bone in his chest reappeared in each subsequent x-ray, almost like still frames of a motion picture.

Today, he's still a stubborn old bastard, but he's fit as a fiddle and alive.

What cured him?

Possibly something on that list. ^

>> No.13222152

Thanks for the bumps phaggot but you can't stop the train

>> No.13222154

i heard boswellia sacra frankincense essential oil is good

>> No.13222163 [DELETED] 

Urine passing is a result of homeostasis. It is literally a balancing of the body so the urine passes everything that is not needed in that moment. Urine contains hormones, vitamins, minerals, amino acids that are not needed in the moment but may be needed in the next. So drinking your urine is like drinking a highly nutritious meal. It is also a vaccine. If you get stung or bitten by a venomous creature, the anti venom is created in your body within 15 seconds & will pass out in your urine. I cured food poisoning in 10 minutes by drinking my pee. Before pharmaceutical companies took over, urine was used to cure gangrene on the battlefields of the world, it can be used as blood plasma in a transfusion if the patient's blood is not available. Your urine is just blood plasma but a different colour. There have been more white papers written on the efficacy of drinking urine & putting on infections, than any other therapy on the planet, all covered up by the pharmaceutical companies because if the word got out, they would go bankrupt. Hundreds of Dr's have written articles & books on the subject. If any Dr or individual starts teaching this miracle therapy & gets a following, they get threatened & if they ignore those threats, they are killed, such is the world ruled by corrupt corporations hellbent on making money out of nothing. The average mark-up (profit margin) on pharmaceuticals is around 20,000%, do you really think they will give up this method of creating gold out of lead & tell the truth? No chance.

>> No.13222177

How are we going to mitigate the effects of PTSD that all marines get? We've been fighting this war for over a year now with our brains psychologically altered beyond repair from being on this board. One day soon when the singularity hits we will instantly be rich and the war will be over. The effects of this probably won't be much different than a solider in Fallujah scraping the scalp off the ground of some Muslim suicide bomber before a tour ends and 12 hours later you are sitting on the couch with your kids watching Ellen Degeneres.

PTSD among American marines wasn't as prevalent back in the day as it is today because they got to come home on a ship with their mates and had 30 days or so to decompress.

I'm afraid the singularity will hit and I'll be rich and 2 days later I'll be walking into a Walmart to buy a CHIA pet and all of a sudden I'll start getting anxiety and hit the deck when I hear someone say something in passing that I might misconstrue as LINK FUD even though I’ve already made it

What if I'm driving with my nephews and nieces taking them to the park and I see a Mobil gas station and my brain starts envisioning Möbius FUD and I run the car off the road and kill us by wrapping my car around a tree?

I almost want to stay in this prison at /biz/. The larpers and shit posters almost give me a sense of security that I know I won't have once we have made it, and you are all off making mixed raced babies with nasty Indian who have left their pajeet husbands.

>> No.13222180

>1.4 share owner here
Feels good getting free Link

>> No.13222245

yeah for your $3000 holdings you'll receive 1.2 link

this is the concern I have with LP, just holding link will likely pay out far earlier/far more. if link goes to $10 your $3000 in LP could be worth $60000 instead..

>> No.13222265

Lp will make billions in a few years time and ill make that 60k yearly

>> No.13222311

*Daily. Fixed that for you.

>> No.13222972

not necessarily, if 1LP can get you 200links per year then the share can be valued at equilvalent of 4k links