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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13221949 No.13221949 [Reply] [Original]

>Call boss
>Yes boss, i can't come into work today because of vomiting and diarrhea, think i ate something bad last night
>Ok Anon, see you tomorrow.

I'm sick of wageing, i need a short break, how can i skip work tomorrow aswell? What do i tell him?

>> No.13221967

go to work and do literally nothing all day
the next day masturbate at work
that is the only way to cope

>> No.13221980

you can enjoy waging only if you make an effort
try to get better at it or leave

>> No.13221989

t.being on /biz/ instead of working

>> No.13222010

Say that you cant come because you dont have any clean underwear left

>> No.13222058

Go to work. Diarrhea in toilet. Vomit in sink. Leave them both.

>> No.13222446

>get diarrhea at work
>in the bathroom a few times
>come out after 3rd diarrhea of the day
>"anon why don't you have the day off tomorrow? things are a little slow around here"
>"uhhh ok. thanks i guess"
>come back in the next day
>coworker comes up to me
>"heard you got suspended for hiding out in the bathroom"

I hate this job brehs. Why did she have to lie to me about it? I could have explained that my stomach was upset. Its not like I have photo evidence of my shits... I can't win.

>> No.13222781

Lol I'm literally taking a shit at my work. Get on workers comp or pretend your job can't be replaced like me

>> No.13223292

Rip your clothes and piss on yourself

>> No.13223358

Food poisoning is one day to recover you pussy condition pussy millennial. I had food poisoning once that kept me awake the entire night lying next to the toilet and went into work at 8.30am. If you hate you job find a solution to your life but being a pathetic 4chan incel isn't the right way to go in the real world.

>> No.13223370

Lucky you.

"I need you here anyways, I don't have anyone to cover your shift! I'm not excusing this absence anon!"

>> No.13223394

>show up to work
>Shit conditions
>Boss is there
>Tell him it's about time for a raise
>"You know you're the only guy who has gotten two raises within a year and asked again"
>Go on to tell him I don't give a shit what others make it's what I'm feel I'm worth
>Tells me raise should be on this upcoming paycheck

I swear Everytime we get a little bull run I just have more balls kek

>> No.13223495
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based and redpilled

>> No.13223524
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>tell boss I have a dental appointment in the morning
>"ok see you in the afternoon"

>> No.13223565

You gotta tell them it's like an hour away and in the middle of the day

>> No.13223624

vomit on the stairs and push ur boss to fall on it

>> No.13223643

I can't, they track my car

>> No.13223648


>> No.13223662

Just vomit at work and then shit yourself

He will give you all the time you need

>> No.13223708

Go to your doctor and get some days off.

>> No.13223746

>they track my car

It’s like your on probation by being a wagie lmao

>> No.13223799
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You boomers probably enjoy taking your boss's cock in the ass after you had diarrhea all night.

>> No.13223800

You're supposed to put your excrement under the cold metal bench in your wage cage

>> No.13223828
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i feel that
thankfully a 180ft tower fell on my site 2 days ago so i got some free time. perfect timing too what with all this commotion with btc

>> No.13223840

how the fuck that happened? was anybody kill?

>> No.13223866

surprising no. from what ive heard it had to do with people not running nitrogen through it while it was shutdown and collapsed it at the base. it was during a shift change and no one was killed, lots of people got exposed to a ton of nasty shit tho. all heresay though. im sure in a couple weeks (if i dont get a layoff)

>> No.13223877

i will hear about it in a couple weeks*

>> No.13223993
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>Be at work
>Job is a really simple cashier job. Literally low effort, easy money, decent pay.
>Only there for some extra money to put into alts. Don't even really need the job that badly.
>Manager is a miserable prick that is jealous that I'm happier than he is.
>Tries to make me do other shit in the store that the Mexicans are supposed to do.
>"I don't want you just standing around when nobody is here"
Fucking suck my cock. I'm being paid to be a cashier. That's my job title. I'm fully aware that it's a shitty job and I'm totally cool with that. Why can't people just let sleeping dogs lye?

>> No.13224015

>"I don't want you just standing around when nobody is here"
Tell him you don’t want to do the other shit because that’s what the Mexicans are for lol

>> No.13224018

tell them you're still sick. i had norovirus once and was puking for three days and lost 10 pounds.

>> No.13224024
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I can't. My manager is Spanish.

>> No.13224033

have your mom call tomorrow and tell your boss you got really sick from the chicken tendies she made for you and have her apologize for 10 minutes and when he hangs up on her let her call back and tell you that she is really sorry in japanese

>> No.13224042

ask him to buy something so you dont have to be idle

>> No.13224055

>i can't come into work today
That's where you went wrong. You should've said right from the beginning how many days you need to take off, plus one more for bargaining buffer.

>> No.13224058

Fuck you I quit, is the answer to that one anon.

>> No.13224121

>"I don't want you just standing around when nobody is here"
>oh, is that what you want me to do?
>start dancing and clapping in front of his face
>when he's about to say something creampie his face

>> No.13224130

Just say that he can change your job description but you'll want more pay for the expanded responsibilities.
Lol you fucked up. Bet he understands english perfectly fine when he wants something from you, but not when you want something from him?