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13221835 No.13221835 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here do paid traffic affiliate marketing? I've been doing it off and on since 2015 but only really started taking it seriously halfway through last year. Since then I've had many successful campaigns (as well as many unsuccessful campaigns). I've had a lot of success with mobile pops, display and more recently push advertising. I'm sure some of you guys also do affiliate marketing, specifically paid traffic stuff. I'm studying IT at university at the moment so I have the skills to run AWS infrastructure and create my own landing pages in JS/HTML as well as do some API work for some auto-optimisation.

Anyway, here's my stats for the last few days. April's been a good month for me so far, been launching new campaigns and scaling pretty aggressively. It helps to have good relationships with my affiliate managers on a number of networks too so I can keep up to date on the good offers.

>> No.13221872


Question: I am good with copy. How do I get into this?

Which site should I sign up to find offers?

>> No.13221897

OP pls explain what you do and how people can get into this. I have an actual Marketing degree if that is of any use to this, or is it more about SEO etc? Btw nice profits

>> No.13221928

Copy is good for writing enticing landing pages for sure.

No it's nothing to do with SEO. I buy traffic to my landing pages which redirect to affiliate offers. You can find such affiliate offers on affiliate networks like Clickdealer, Mobidea, MaxBounty, Peerfly, etc. A lot of it is data analysis; being able to cut unprofitable placements/images/landers/OS types/etc and increase bids on profitable ones. You can use a tracker like Voluum or BeMob for this.

>> No.13221945


I have been driving millions of organic traffic before and entered affiliate marketing using SEO (not paid traffic) but I see this is the fastest way to achieve results.

Should I collaborate or do it alone? What is the best way to get started? $100?

>> No.13221976

I do it alone but I know some people that when they started earning $10k/day they expanded and created an agency and hired experienced ad-buyers to continue to grow. Honestly, you will 100% lose money to begin with. Think of it as buying data. You need to spend money on traffic to know what works and what doesn't for a specific offer. I would recommend a budget of at least $1k to begin with and be prepared to lose it all if need be. When I got back into it last year I was down probably $2500 USD before I managed to find a couple of profitable campaigns and turn it around

>> No.13221997

I've actually been working on an affiliate marketing blog/website with tutorials, case studies, etc aimed at beginners all the way up to experienced AM's. I keep procrastinating on it though. Would any of you visit such a site? Do you think it'd be worthwhile? I feel like a lot of people don't know about paid traffic AM but would be willing to learn.

>> No.13222032


I am like you!

I also feel there is a massive room for affiliate marketing through paid traffic but it is downright scammy... (or at least sounds like it).

I know a guy leaving his full-time blogging career and moving into this. Just bought a house too.

Just worried that I have to invest first - risk it - and keep doing it until I hit the jackpot.

>> No.13222040

Yea I do fb ads and rank some of my sites on google. Which tracking software do you using?

>> No.13222046


>> No.13222054

OP what happens when you buy traffic and redirect it to official landing page of product? This shit does not work? why?

>> No.13222057

Ya I think so. I looked into it a long time ago. John Reese had a series called Traffic Secrets that started me exploring...never got around to doing it, but it made sense.

>> No.13222069

Ya, I remember when I was looking into it, a lot of internet marketing seemed kinda scammy. A lot of the successful launches (not affiliate, but their own 'products') was marketers selling dreams to wanna be online marketers. The psychological techniques they use and something as simple as A/B testing landing pages/etc does seem like it'd work if you were dedicated an willing to work/spend some money.

>> No.13222078


>Yea I do fb ads and rank some of my sites on google. Which tracking software do you using?

Nice mate, I used to do FB in 2015 but got banned haha RIP. I use BeMob.

It can work but generally a good landing page in between will increase conversion and click through rates.

>> No.13222093

Just use some prepaid style credit cards and get a new acc. People think it's over when your banned but it's not. Sweeps still work well on fb :)

>> No.13222098

Start to make 40%
People stole your idea and landing, big company put more money
Price for buy traffic for that niche will increase
U will start to earn 5%
Marketers whales will always dump on you.
U will never make money.

>> No.13222108

You're right, all the douchebags selling their "get rich quick" schemes are mostly bullshit and at best are PDFs filled with basic, freely available information. I frequent forums like Affiliatefix and STM (paid). They have some good info on them for beginners.

>> No.13222126

I understand where you're coming from but it's not always the case. I've made very good money over the past year and it's not showing signs of slowing down. You need to be creative and adapt. People will always steal your LPs but you roll with it, it's the nature of the beast. Also having a good relationship with your AMs and having high quality leads will allow you to get payout bumps which give you an advantage. For example, on one of my current offers the default payout is ~$22 but I negotiated a payout bump and am now getting $30 per lead which is a big advantage over the competition.

>> No.13222173

Cool Ill have to check them out. Do you mostly buy your traffic with adwords? What are the good sites to use for keyword research these days? I don't rememeber what service I had (maybe 10 years ago) for that...but it was pretty good, though you had to buy a subscription.

>> No.13222277

I actually don't do AdWords at all. I promote through mobile pops, display and push (new and blowing up in 2019). Some good advertising sites are PropellerAds, Zeropark, Exoclick and popads

>> No.13222287

>have a site
>1000 visitors/day
>make 1k$ affiliate through clickbank a year

meh, i'm stuck like this for years now. It's ok because i don't need to put in work

>> No.13222603

Fair enough, you could do some SEO on it depending on the niche to get more visitors. I don't do that much work to be honest. Once i get a profitable campaign it's pretty much auto-pilot. The main work is creating new campaigns and optimising. So all up I spend probably 2 hours a day on it. Not bad considering the pay

>> No.13223720

nice OP, i have been doing affiliate stuff for 7 years, earned way above $10k per month a few years ago but SEO shit is volatile and don't have the time to scale it back up. Still have 2 affiliate websites that make about $1k per months on autopilot. Always wanted to get into paid traffic glad you shared your story!

How consistent are your results? Do you have to change your offers a lot to avoid your campaigns becoming unprofitable?

>> No.13224240
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I've been wanting to get into this for 6 months but I can't figure out what the fuck I want to sell. I need something at least a little niche so I don't compete with the big boys (or at least do so as little as possible) but I can't think of anything.

>> No.13224302

>I can't think of anything.

It's not you, It's because everything is already saturated as shit.

>> No.13224312

then go at trend topics and be the first one, e.g. consumer drones when they just came out...

>> No.13224346

SEO is a nightmare these days. I had an affiliate site I spent 2 years building and it was earning $4k/mo all from organic traffic. One google algo update wiped me out overnight.

>> No.13224356

Do you have any experience with native traffic? I've tried it and spent $5k on Revcontent but couldn't find any profitable campaign...It seems very hard to bring in positive ROI with the current traffic prices. Any tips please? Thank you

>> No.13224371

To some degree, but that's not really an excuse, plenty of times you can still push in if you have a very focused goal. Obviously however it's still a lot harder anyway.

Almost thinking if acting like a affiliate network locally (with local shops and businesses) but I don't really know much about that.

>> No.13224436

i know bud, that's why i lost interest desu. i can't spend 5k in SEO and links/content and wait a year to see IF the algo likes my site or if it never sees the top 10.. I mainly did blackhat SEO, stuff that wasn't aligned with googles guidelines, but Google is very smart these days. plus they have an army of manual reviewers.