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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13221794 No.13221794 [Reply] [Original]

How much is "make it"? 1 million, 10 million?

>> No.13221800

10 for me

>> No.13221801

1 mil half goes to the tax man, buy a house u are done.

>> No.13221828


>> No.13221841


>> No.13221871

German here. For me it's 2 million Euros, that would be easy mode. With 1 million you'd have to buy a modest, probably old home for <100k and put the rest into rental properties, stocks, dividend paying shit. You could take 100k for 3-5 years to build an online business or something, create multiple revenue streams and you're set. With 2 you could do the same on a larger scale or almost go full "let the money work".

>> No.13221879

Depends on where you want to live, anon. You need to own your home outright and have enough to live on for life without ever working again. In some places that could be 1 million. In others it would be more.

>> No.13221908

Also live in germany, i go for 5 Mill and not working again, some rentals and investments

>> No.13221916

I'm 37 so let's say I live to 87

easy mode:

50 * 60k per year = 3 mill
+ 90k to pay off my flat
never worry about working, could pay sister's mortgage and debts, give fat stack to parents.

medium mode:
1 mill to buy 8 properties at about 100k each, 90k to pay off my flat, 110k for renovations and nice things. each property brings in say 750 per month = 6k monthly till end of time.
slightly more hassle dealing with tennants but also never havce to worry about working.

hard mode:
90k to pay off my flat and 10k to buy a shiny new car would mean i need to keep working but i'd be under a lot less pressure in terms of budgetting for things.

>> No.13221920


>> No.13221937
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But what happens after you make it?

>> No.13222061

$1b. I want to become another Soros and destroy countries with my schemes.

>> No.13222091

1 mil - once you have 1 mil the next mil is easy

>> No.13222109

depends on where you live.
I need 60k/year (scandinavia) to not live like a nigger. so that would mean i need 3 000 000 USD after taxes so in reality i need about 6-7 million because mohammad and jamal needs their cut of my linkies obviously just so i can live a average joe life with 60k/year until it's my time to go

>> No.13222118
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>14 BTC
>88 ounces of Gold
if your "make it" metric is measured in (((USD))), you will never make it.

>> No.13222125
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$2,600,000 minimum

>> No.13222157

scene from the gambler

3 bedroom, 1 bath house and a breakdown-resistant steel box car is making it. all thats required for making it is a decent position of "fuck you"

everything after that is up to you. you can play for addition comforts well into the billions, but you'll find that money never sleeps.

>> No.13222165

sorry, 2 bath since master bedroom should have one of its own, obviously

>> No.13222166
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Paying off my pay day loans, 500 euros in cash and one lunch coupon for me

>> No.13222275

500k after taxes should do it. I have a house and a small web business.

>> No.13222323

That thing is disgusting! Must be a Mutt!

>> No.13222355

Lets cross that bridge when we get there

>> No.13222371

You should always strive to be better than you were yesterday, financially or otherwise. If you can live a good life comfortably you've made it.

>> No.13222393

Most people don't have a purpose and will kill themselves or become doomers. That's why you see guys like Trump, Bezos, Bill Gates, Musk ,they live to work on their life purpose. They will never retire, beacuse working towards their goal is being and feeling alive. Then you have the people that dream of being millonaries but only think about the good parts (vacation, relaxing, eating like a king, fucking whores). But let me give you a tip: those parts of being successful are not even the best ones, those are just "breaks" from the actual part that they actually enjoy.

>> No.13222409

25 millions in Switzerland

>> No.13222875
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>> No.13223152

Get gassed dirty kike!

>> No.13223205

500,000 post-tax
Then you can live off an index fund

>> No.13224040

same for me .but I am not sure if the lefties fuck up
my possible rental eanings.fuck berlin and those hipster retards.

>> No.13224254

1 is fun, but 10 can actually offer a basic income/security for life.

>> No.13224321

What if I've held for over a year? its only like 15% right which means I need only 1.25 Mil to retire comfy. I have most of the things I need and savings so 30K-40K annually from diversified passive sources would be more than enough.

>> No.13224687

Unironically 50k$ is made it status in the shithole I'm living in

>> No.13224705

It's all relative and really depends on what you mean by making it, for me
> 25K
Life changing money. I'd instantly be debt free and have enough leftover for the downpayment on a decent house
> 50K
Same as above with 10K left to invest, anything much above is when the lambo fantasies start.

>> No.13225295

In what shithole can you get internet access and be set for 50k?

>> No.13225299
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You all normies are still thinking in fiat. KYS.

>> No.13225331

I calculated 4mil. Kids are about 500k each and I want 2. 2 mil to buy freehold property near the city to make boomer parents happy and proud. 1 mil to chuck into a safe fund or investment to get fixed yield.

I already have my insurance and fixed deposit set up. Working on adding to my dividend portfolio. 4 mil will be the perfect launchpad cushion for an awesome life ever.

>> No.13225337

This pls

>> No.13225338

3 is enough. You just have to know where to place your shit

>> No.13225352

Having kids is fine, but I'm sure that whatever wife you'll have will completely JUST all those financial plans

>> No.13225376

$3MM after tax for me, which will never happen. The days of 100x are over for BTC, ETH, and I am too pussy to all-in on shitcoins (although these days ETH may as well be one).

>> No.13225378

I'll get back into doing art shit since at that point money won't be an issue and I'll be free to experiment

>> No.13226113

In the US I think long term capital gains tax is 30%

>> No.13226158

For me it's 50million so I can make one million interest per year.

>> No.13226236

1 million is comfy life in most wealthy countries if you're still working. You won't have to worry too much about money and if you really need to you can retire (will have to very live frugally though). Getting 70-100k/year on average from investments is a lot if you have a job too.
If you don't want to work and want to live a comfy life then I'd say $2.5MM+.
If you want to be able to blow money on dumb shit, travel a lot, eat at expensive restaurants all the time etc. then I'd say $6MM+. If you don't plan on working after you /makeit/ then you should obviously move to a country with (almost) 0% capital gains tax.

>> No.13226261

5million and I live in Spain.

1.4m would go to buy a terrain in the pirenees and buy a big fat house with pool, gym, and all that stuff, also a couple of cabins for guests and a workshop.

600k would go to second hand lambo, some other cars, some motorbikes and a boat.

200k to buy friends and family presents.

Rest into real state, gold/silver, bitcoin and index funds.

>> No.13226265

If you don't plan on working then it would be pretty retarded to stay in Scandinavia after you make it though. Just move to Portugal, Malta, the UK etc. You can still spend a lot of time in your home country each year if you stay within Europe.

>> No.13226311

Your own place + $1 million puts you in a position where the only "wolves" you have to worry about are health issues or issues where you let your guard down and a friend, girlfriend, family member, girlfriend's family member, or someone wrecks you. The former is sometimes seemingly bad luck, but it's still a fear. The latter can be avoided if you know how to protect your shit and never go soft. More success you get, the more the leeches sniff you out and the bigger the dreams of everyone around you get.

>> No.13226406

You get to finally leave 4chan

>> No.13226461

Assuming Portugal can help me out with taxes (Irish)....

400k for an apartment in Andorra

300k for an apartment in Balneário Camboriú

750k for a base in Ireland

Then 150k a year on average because of inflation, at an estimated 50 years, is 7.5m.

So about 10m euro with rounding and a few nice but not flashy cars.

I need link to moon lol

>> No.13226471

250k anything more is just icing.

>> No.13226477

That's with no income, but I would obviously make more money with the existing money so likely less than 10m but that's a nice round figure.

I'd be desperate to never be back in my current wage slave situation though.

>> No.13226833

chance of making it: slim to none

all of you guys are delusional and will work until 75 with that attitude

how can you need more money than the average wageslave earns just to live a normal life when you have no work-related expenses at all?

The top 1% in many Scandinavian countries is around 2MM EUR, so according to you not even the top 1% in the richer Western Euro countries has made it?
forget about Portugal, first of all your tax avoidance scheme (especially since you are Irish) won't work, second of all Portugal is not even tax free for crypto like you think.

>> No.13226839

making it means being a happy man

>> No.13226845

$1mil would be enough to me

>> No.13226872

Making it is paying off your home. You can just fuck off, break your back, and get social security

>> No.13226926

Enough to call it quits on trying to become richer or enough to quit my job and become an entrepreneet? Very different answers . $50k to quit my job and go all in trying to make a business work. I don’t think even if I had a billion I would quit every business idea and scheme, it’s fun for me

>> No.13226949
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Pic related

>> No.13226987

If you bought VTSAX last year for 5 million dollars you would have been able to buy around 70k shares. Yearly total dividend last year was 1.263. 70*1.263 is 80k a year. If you become a doctor, you can easily earn multiples of that without worrying about flash dumps, especially if you're in a yuro country where universities are free. Most of you will not make it on the scale you want to

>> No.13226999

sry 88k, the rest still applies

>> No.13227003
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>> No.13227046

1.5 after taxes

500 for house and car and one million to invest into something save that gives me like 3-4% per year.

>> No.13227070

In hue land 300,000 U$ would be life changing money, in Real that becomes 1M, but after the tax rape, more or less R$ 525,000 would be left. Enough to buy 4 decent rental places at R$ 110,000 each, renting each for 600 or 750 monthly, that would leave me a extra income of R$ 2,400 each month, this is double what some people earn here working some of the most awful jobs imaginable.
The extra 60k would be used to buy a used but in good condition car, do some restoration in the rentals if they need it, and at least 20k aside for a rainy day.
The final goal is have some rentals in the city, and eventually save enough money to get some farmland and live comfy in the countryside.

>> No.13227091

Any European country with favourable taxation will do after 3 years abroad. A small prize to pay for avoiding 40% tax.

>> No.13227171

You mean my dream of doing nothing?

>> No.13227191

250,000 after tax and a house that's payed off.

>> No.13227407

In burgerland minimum 5 million to never work again, 10 million for the medical bills.

>> No.13227514
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My definition of "make it" is at least 1bn. I couldn't give two fucks about just being able to kick back and enjoy tendies for the rest of my sorry life. I want to build schools, I want to create an empire that is a textbook case of multigenerational wealth.

>> No.13228130
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Use to amass an army and reconquer Europe
and only then
Will I have “made it”

>> No.13228393

6 million.

4.5 after tax, 1.5m towards a house in nyc, 150k towards paying off parents mortgage, 1m index fund 50k car 300k speculative investements, the rest towards mainly passive income investments (coffee shop, laundrymat, ect)

>> No.13228438
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>14 quatloos
>88 ounces of spice

if your "make it" metric is measured in ((humanbux)) you will never make it.

>> No.13228477


>t. Mohammed

>> No.13228500

For me make it would be like this.

A good and safe house in a safe place, the type of house you can invite your friends and even if they bring their friends there is a place to everyone sleep. Would be sleep without stress because you know things are safe, a lovely wife that would look to me and her eyes still spark the same way decades ago when I took her virginity. I would have pets, enough pets that they wouldnt be alone, my own garden and my own growing plantation of some exotic fruits and vegetables.

I would have my own water source that isnt full of metals, estrogen and other fucked up things, my own electricity from eolic, solar and biomass sources. I would be able to pet my animals, maybe play with the dogo, after the tiger and my falcon would come to my shoulder. Then I would go to my shelter garage where I would take my Quantum Astral Traveler to travel to other places of the world to see how its going and how my intergalatic shelters are being improved.

Then I use my Quantum Aural Connector to talk to a friend, we would exchange our thoughts and learn from each other, I would be happy that his micro community is safe and stable too.

Something like this.

>> No.13228518

This guy gets it.

>> No.13228532

Unironically cashing out as soon as I see 100k, that's a lot of money to keep around in meme coins

>> No.13228554

>Just move to the UK
absolutely disgusting

>> No.13228589

>t. nigger

>> No.13229386

Is this a copypasta? It really had me until it went off the rails. Also,
>a place for everyone to sleep
Should read a place for “everyone to park”. You can stack people easier than cars.

>> No.13229417

No, I have written now, its like a big house with enough rooms to everyone even if its a one night stand for them.

>> No.13229675

killing myself in a nice shady area at the wal mart parking lot. il leave my car door unlocked so some stinky nigger or teenager discovers my body.

>> No.13229735

based and rhodesiapilled
my dad gave me one of these bills, i use it to do blow

>> No.13229885

4milli for me

>> No.13229956

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.13229962
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Only if you live in Liberalsville, CA, otherwise federal is just 25% iirc

>> No.13229969

I would feel good with 40m$ in my account. Arround 300m$ I would feel comfy and would retire

>> No.13229978

ID is almost cuckold, this guy knows.

>> No.13229980

>gets money
>buys new shiny car

>> No.13230075
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$250,000 for house
$3000/year for a new car every five years ($30000/decade)
$2500/year in property tax
$4000/year for food
$4000/year health insurance
$800/year car insurance
$500/year electricity/water
$900/year for internet
plus 10% for upkeep/unexpected expenses
equals $17,270/year needed for a fully autonomous NEET lifestyle

divide by $17,270 by 1% to calculate principal needed for yearly dividend: $1,727,000. That's the minimum to make it with no other income generating assets

>> No.13230096

Depends on the value of the dollar in the coming years. Inflation has fucked us all.

>> No.13230109

>he thinks the quarter mil house he will buy heats itself for free
reality will be a rude awakening for you anon, I won't even touch on the other absurdly wrong shit in your post. you didn't even factor in inflation.

>> No.13230117

holy fuck are you guys larping? I paid 0% federal on my LT cap gains this year.

>> No.13230205


Yeah this sounds like a decent way to live. Up it to 20k a year, and assume you are doing some kind of side business that you love but also makes some cash, and it could work.

>> No.13230253

>he thinks he pays only $42 for electricity and water a month COMBINED
holy fuck bro hahahahaha. When I lived in an apartment in a low CoL area and my water was $40 alone. My electric was over 100. For a ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. It was like that in the other 3 cities I lived as well. You are completely disconnected from reality.

>> No.13230261


>> No.13230276

Jesus christ. I rented a full 2 bed 2 story house in PA and my electric was about $40 a month. But water was more. So yeah I could see it being $100-$150 combined.

>> No.13230281


I never pay over 150 a month for electricity and I own a 1000 square foot house. You coasties suffer needlessly. Wagebucks at $50k a year gives you a nice as fuck life in the heartland. You are disconnected from reality anywhere more than 100 miles from the coast.

>> No.13230327

All my locations were suburban or rural midwest. Also:
>1000 sq ft
My last apartment was 900 sq ft and it was a one bedroom. What the fuck are u doing nigga? You live in Tokyo?

>> No.13230957


>> No.13231005

depends where you live. in usa, big city is 10 mill, nyc is 25 mill, country is 1-2 mill

>> No.13231025
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Well, that really depends. Even 1M is enough in Florida but you would need at least 5-7 to make it work after capital taxes in California. Given that you want to put some money into a good use that would yield early tax free income plus a solid house not in ghetto. You would literally need 10M in NYC, just to make it.

>> No.13231405

15 mil. Raise a family, pursue hobbies and projects that get me excited, have a vacation house either on a small lake or in the woods

>> No.13231412


>> No.13231415

Buy a huge property (at least 1000 acres) and let no one pass through it and die living a solitary life

>> No.13231431

Gets money thinks he’s just gonna put it in a bank account and draw from it. Why would you not reinvest in low risk accounts make $180k a year and never have to touch the principle.

>> No.13231444

Spoken like a rich anon.

>> No.13231515

It's whatever I plan to spend every year times 25.
For living like I do right now, my "make it" number is $1.3 million
If I decided to cut some luxuries, it's 900k
If I moved in with roommates, sold my car, and was super frugal, 500k

Surprised how high everyone's number is, must live in some high cost of living areas or want to live super luxurious lives. I just want to live the way I do now just without the wagecucking.

>> No.13231530

They don't speak English there.

>> No.13231612

How much do you have in crypto to think it is worth it to save maybe 20%?

>> No.13231828

You need 3mm just to retire by 60 if you're under 23 right now
Id say 3mm is making it

>> No.13231834

Spoken like a poor anon.

>> No.13232145
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>> No.13233155
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Every fucking penny not received by mahmood and abdullah is a worthy one.

>> No.13233272

>paying taxes

Why would you be such a cuck especially if your gains came from crypto.

Inb4 I'm an amerimutt...

>> No.13233310


>> No.13233810

Well you have a point, on the one hand I am happy that they will receive less, but then again I am pissed that the cost of this was:
- years of my life wasted in random countries
- hundreds of hours wasted dealing with immigration, government and tax agencies, lawyers etc
- tens of thousands wasted in living costs and lawyer fees etc
- after all is done ahmed receives less taxes but I also receive less gains even with the lower tax rate because of misc fees and costs + market fluctuations

Would not recommend

There is simply no way to avoid it, choices are:
A. Pay
B. Go to jail
C. Pull off some advanced scheme requiring intensive planning, multiple residencies and/or citizenships, and balls that 99% of inactive neet losers on biz are not capable of pulling off

>> No.13233879

Own house + have 1million in stocks.

>> No.13233905

> 1% dividend
never gonna make it

>> No.13233912
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MC trip around yurop desu.
Probably gonna die but at least I made it.

>> No.13234191

Around 8mil + to be comfy.

>> No.13234288

Just talking federal

$0-36,000 --> 0% long term tax
$36,000-200,000 --> 15% long term tax
$200,000-415,000 --> 15% + 3.8% (Obamacare tax) = 18.8% long term tax
$415,000 and up --> 20% + 3.8% = 23.8% long term tax

>> No.13234475

For me it would be $500k after taxes.
That would be enough for me to not have to worry about money for myself and family ever again.
Fuck lambos and stupid watches.

>> No.13235647

I want enough to own a permanent escort. Assuming 500/hr, 24 hours in a day equals 12k a day. 365 days in a year comes to, an annual fee of 4.38 million. Assuming a lifespan of +30 years, I would need at least $131,400,000 to make it.

>> No.13235695

i live in canada
im 20, 100k would be like a life kick start. i would go back to college instead of working my shitty job. 1 million would be unthinkable, you cant plan your life around "making it" in crypto. I dont get these neo boomers who want to just lie down and rot but doing it comfortably.

>> No.13235733

15,000,000 Zimbabwean dollars ain't enough bro.

>> No.13235757

U$300k is enough for me... My countries currency is 4:1 to the USD and with 1 mill+ I can just invest in government titles against inflation (wich will guarantee me about 4.5% a year in real gains)... good enough for me

>> No.13235779
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10K for me would be making it.

I could start a new life abroad.

Please pray for me anons!

>> No.13235824


$500 a YEAR for water and elec, for a quarter of mill valued house?!

Where do you live, that has energy prices like that?

>> No.13235863

Genuinely made it = 20M+
Comfy = 10M
Set for life = 5M
Not panicking about money anymore = 2.5M
Solid foundation= 1M
Nice boost = 500K
Anything less and I’d rather hold to 0 = 250K