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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13221244 No.13221244 [Reply] [Original]

How are you guys feeling? Have you guys lost hope yet or are some of you still having secret dreams of lambos?

Any big ICOs I've been missing or is everyone here still shilling LINK, REQ and ETH?

I'm coming here to determine the mentality of the market right now. It's almost been one and a half year after the bubble popped and I need to gauge how the sentiment is among the "enthusiasts" (you).

P.S. don't try to shill me your dumb obscure shit. I'm an oldfag that's been into crypto on 4chan since 2010, save yourself the effort.

>> No.13221251
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please sirs, buy bsv many golden curry for u

>> No.13221250

buy chainlink

>> No.13221276

chainlink is not obscure. so buy it.

>> No.13221291

Buy link sir

>> No.13221305

OP, after yesterday, everybody is kinda optimistic, so my advice is to wait some months

>> No.13221324
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I finally understand why LINK is shilled so hard on /biz/. It's because linkies are too heavily invested - financially and emotionally. If they don't make it, they don't want you to make it either. So they tell you to buy Chainlink. Pathetic. I will never ever buy LINK.

>> No.13221331

try reading this very fast

>> No.13221363

I didn't even look at coinmarketcap. I just thought that now would be the time for the market to bounce back so I should buy back around this time. Seems like I was 2 days too late.

Don't worry about me I slowly sold out over 2016 and 2017 just looking to buy in a year or two before the big mooning starts again.

So no actual promising ICOs I gather? People still shilling Link and ETH like usual?

That's a shame, the last time crypto crashed in 2014-2015 Ethereum was born. I kinda expected a similar birth of a new crypto to have happened in the 2017-2019 quiet time.

>> No.13221371

No sir I swear link is poo in designated street may lord sirgay forgive me but buy it big pump and pump scheduled do the needful good sir

>> No.13221402

feeling meh about the market. link hasn’t done too badly. eth has fallen out of favor. req has turned out to be a huge disappointment/failure of the team. go figure.

crypto is not out of the woods yet. the reason we’re on shaky ground is there still is no real daily use case for the masses. don’t fall for the etf meme...it’s in the same category as muh wall street bonuses.

>> No.13221414

the age of ico is over, next stage is sto. So dyor or buy link

>> No.13221425

>dyor or buy link
why not both?

>> No.13221447

Can you elaborate some more? If I were to classify these into developments it would be

Bitcoin: First blockchain
ETH: First Smartcontract
LINK: (Claims) First Oracle "bridging" between smartcontracts

Has there been any use cases for these at all? Are Smartcontracts actually used? Is LINK used for anything or is everyone here still claiming SWIFT will adopt it and all kinds of delusions of grandeur about crypto replacing everything and everyone?

I have missed everything since about November-December 2017.

>> No.13221452

>That's a shame, the last time crypto crashed in 2014-2015 Ethereum was born. I kinda expected a similar birth of a new crypto to have happened in the 2017-2019 quiet time.

okay, link jokes aside (I don't actually own any), the next big thing is gonna be universal reputation, web 3.0 and network economy

>> No.13221481

web 3.0 and network economy sound unrelated to crypto (or is it?).

What is universal reputation?

What is the "dream" of crypto nowadays. It used to be "universal currency" in the Bitcoin early days. Then it became "replacing the financial industry with smart contracts". And eventually around the 2017 peak it became "Crypto will do everything and anything and connect to everything and automate away all human labor".

What is the mindset about what crypto will do in the future now?

>> No.13221492

people are still developing but nothing is ready for primetime at all. big businesses are a little less gungho about adopting crypto asap than they were last year—some companies have even scrapped their blockchain projects.

i don’t follow link too closely but i know sergey is still giving the same talk. there are fewer delusions of grandeur about crypto replacing everything. market crash and the lack of follow through from icos will do that.

btw, a good gauge is to see the attendance and enthusiasm at the consensus conference in May. I bet this pre pump came a little early. I bet attendance and exuberance will be down significantly compared to last year’s conference, which was a shitshow of greed and fakery.

>> No.13221518

that “dream” has died down. most people just want Bakkt to get up and running, some institutions to adopt blockchain and the btc etf to get approved. there are very few ppl who still have lofty pie in the sky hopes for crypto replacing our whole way of living.

yea crypto may eventually take over but we are a long way away. this market crash actually exposed how full of shit most projects were as they have not created anything of real value after 1-2 years and being flush with funding. people are skeptical, which is why nobody talks about icos.

>> No.13221519

Biztards will get salty, but LINK is currently OMG-tier shitcoin with Sergey doing ewhat he is best at - philosophy.
It is a boomer in armchair commenting on how niggers in TV should throw the ball.
BTC and ETH delivered.

>> No.13221560

Thanks man. So does that mean that people are only holding coins now in anticipation of appreciation to sell it at a higher profit? That didn't used to be the case at the start of BTC and in some part ETH.

It was people getting BTC and ETH to buy stuff because they didn't want to use USD as the government could devalue it at any.

So this place still has the bagholding mindset from around 2016-2017 where they are only holding to hopefully make a buck out of it?

Pretty sad that an originally rebellious idea has been completely warped into some sort of digital gambling and "get-rich-quick" scheme.

BTC and ETH only delivered into getting a higher valuation. You could argue that BTC had some genuine use as a currency in the early days on the black market and even genuine marketplaces like Steam accepting them but that has slowly stopped over time.

ETHs smartcontracts never got any actual usage as far as I know unless something happened between 2017 and now.

>> No.13221569

LINK, Cosmos, NANO or XLM. REQ failed

>> No.13221589

How did REQ exactly fail? What did the team do. It was one of the most shilled coins here next to LINK

>> No.13221592


it's actually very related, but it's gonna be a lot of words to type it all out. You really are an oldfag.

I don't think there's a proper mindset yet for what I'm gonna type now, but I personally think this is what happening:

1) Fiat to crypto kind of shift was with BTC, yeah. I was on the bitcointalk forum when it wasn't on a separate domain. So yeah the dream was "universal currency". Then more cryptocurrencies popped up left and right
2) Then it was eth (that lots of people though was a scam) with smart contracts. And the dream turned to "muh enterprise adoption" with smart contracts and dapps. Then more "world computers" with smart contracts with partnerships popped up left and right. A lot people have yet to understand that enterprise adoption is not what's happening with their basement dev blockchain projects. Enterprises are building and rolling out their in-house shit. Hell, even look at kaleido and the private eth networks on amazon. Which has pretty much zero to do with the eth mainnet (except for optional tethering)

So Stage 3 is what I think is gonna happen (and it's happening under water). it's gonna go back from "muh enterprise adoption" to the power of the individual. It's gonna be about actually owning the network and having the keys to your universal portable reputation. A universal reputation here means that you can scale your representation from one network to a different one effortlessly. e.g. have your score on airbnb and use it on uber. smth like that. but the thing is this reputation is not going to belong to a central entity like it is on airbnb or uber, but it's gonna belong to the network and you will act as an account on that network with your private key to this account. There's gonna be decentralized autonomous communities (DACs) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and all that stuff. And this is gonna be the move to web 3.0 and it can only be on crypto.

>> No.13221605

they haven’t done anything at all. not a single task on their roadmap was completed. abandoned fiat gateway. crypto partnerships turned out to be fake. partnership with wikimedia fell apart essentially because the req team was too lazy to respond to emails. cofounder left. team is mia

>> No.13221621

kind of insulting to compare link with req

>> No.13221626

ding ding ding correct answer. your stage 3 prediction is what i think will happen too. the first projects that can implement this portable, individually owned reputation to the masses will be huge financially.

>> No.13221653

Yeah just visited their website they didn't even have BTC or ETH support which was promised to be launched in 2017.

Honestly the market doesn't sound very good. Is there even a single project that actually (partially) succeeded in what they set out at the start?

That's interesting. But isn't this already kinda happening with things like "log in with facebook" on almost every website and service?

How is that going to be monetized? And at that point do you even need coins anymore?

>> No.13221675

Essentially yea the vast majority have a bagholding mindset and are waiting to make a quick buck. Nothing wrong with that per se, but it’s a far cry from the rebellious days of silkroad. People are of the mindset that if we have to sell out to institutions and big banks so we can all make money, so be it.

However, I think it’ll eventually go back to a rebellion mentality. I think that’s the only way crypto survives and changes the game. We’re in a gray zone right now where the big F you to banks mentality is gone and no one really knows where crypto—both philosophically and marketwise—is going.

>> No.13221693

BAT has a web browser that some people use. That’s essentially it. I’m actually being serious.

Everything is beyond delayed including Stellar’s exchange, bakkt, etc. on and on.

>> No.13221708

theoretically the individual will be reimbursed in tokens for contributing content, reviews or having a good reputation. no middleman. each person is their own economy.

>> No.13221714

Helius. Going to be a stsble coin based REIT that gives the liquidity regular REITs don't have. Not in the realm of ICO, more or less an investing platform.


>> No.13221731

Are you talking about something like this?
Project started by the guy that made the World Wide Web and is termed web 3.0 by some people.

Sounds like a big RIP for crypto right now. Global economy is starting to grow stagnant again and we'll probably be in a global recession again in a year or two. Wonder how it'll impact the "fuck banks" mindset in the mainstream's mind.

Anyway it doesn't sound like the right time to invest at all.

>> No.13221748
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fuck off old man
the zoomers running the cryptogame now

>> No.13221757


>> No.13221771

i agree with you, the market right now isnt the best time. My suggestion is to wait until 2022

>> No.13222753

>Any big ICOs I've been missing or is everyone here still shilling LINK, REQ and ETH?

Those are still some of the few projects building something other than a pump and dump.

>> No.13223336
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How are you so sure its an oldfag? everyone know the history behind bitcoin and the movement it tries to achieve as long as you are educated enough in the crypto space. Confirming his oldfag status with out them showing any proof seem very suspicious to me. this whole thread is a subtle fud.

>> No.13223592

>My suggestion is to wait until 2022
Don't you think 2022 is too pessimistic? I know we're close to dead right now but wouldn't 2020 or 2021 be a good time to start DCA?

>> No.13224190


>> No.13224196

This man gets it.

>> No.13224249

>I'm coming here to determine the mentality of the market right now.

>> No.13224276
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/biz/ told me to put my life savings into crypto and I finally did it dec 2017. Its been 17 months and I expect to see some modest returns by now. Is my investment strategy sound, frens