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13220604 No.13220604 [Reply] [Original]

anyone here a miner for a living? how do i get into this game?

>> No.13220614

have free electricity (no, parents paying for it isnt free)
have a place that can handle 80-100 db of noise nonstop
have the place cooled, a lot
buy the newest most efficient miner and hope the price stays up to payoff the miner in a timeframe of 6-12 months before you see profit

>> No.13220628

you have heat from power used
you need even more power no remove the heat
we are talking so much power it will melt the wires trip the fuses to be in position to live of it

>> No.13220657

>have free electricity (no, parents paying for it isnt free)
Ukraine is $0,035 a kwh basically free. I have EU passport so can open there.

>have a place that can handle 80-100 db of noise nonstop
it's ukraine property is cheap there in the countryside.

>have the place cooled, a lot
this is the only issue. I was thinking about somewhere far north but electricity in greenland, iceland, northern norway is very very expensive.

wondering what is the main usage of electricty in miners? Is it going towards cooling or actual computation? Because if it's just energy being use in the fans, then you can strip the fans and in a cold place like north greenland, have the natural cool air, cool everything down.

thoughts on renewable energy also?

>buy the newest most efficient miner and hope the price stays up to payoff the miner in a timeframe of 6-12 months before you see profit
they are still profitable aren't they even when new generation of asic comes out?

>> No.13220768


>> No.13220785

The reason Ukraine is so cheap is because you're taking on a pretty big risk by operating there. You will need to take on extra security costs so you don't get robbed by the local mafia and left in a ditch somewhere.

>> No.13220940

I've tried this and the biggest problem is the electricity. If you have free electricity, sure, go for it, but otherwise it's simply not worth it.

>> No.13221083


> wondering what is the main usage of electricty in miners? Is it going towards cooling or actual computation

It's for computation, of course. Your GPU will be in 100% workload all the time when mining, that shit needs serious juice.

>> No.13221128

there are lots of places in the world that have cheap electricity. Algeria, Russia, Ukraine etc. that is basically free and you can get 100% roi within 6 months.

these countries are shitholes tho. Does renewable energy like solar, wind work or what? how expensive is that?

>> No.13221179

Depends on how big you want to be = how much energy you will need. Personally, I don't think it's worth it to invest so much money (like for solar panels) just for mining. If you have a lot of money and you're bored trying to invest/try something out, it doesn't matter, but I don't see it as a worthwhile investment. If you already have solar panels somewhere and you can spare a few KW, that's fine.
You also need to think about maintenance (if you're planning on setting up a remote location that is far away from you).

>> No.13221286

>"of course"

That's not true you moron. Actual GPU farms produce so much heat they will melt the snow right off your roof. If you're spending more on computation, then you live in a very cold climate. And even in cold climates, you need to have air conditioners for the summer months.

>> No.13221416

Fight on.

>> No.13221435

Previous anon here from phone. No need to be a dense pancake. Sure, if you want to have a big ass farm, you will need serious cooling, but starting from low Hashrate to higher, the most of the electricity goes on computation. Idle GPUs barely use any energy and when you cranking them up to 100% non stop for mining, you need a lot.

I mined for a while with various setups and configuration, did a lot of testing and measurements from wall, etc, so Im not talking out of my ass here.

>> No.13221443

If you are spending more on cooling than computation you should not be mining wherever you are.

>> No.13221477

>Ukraine is $0,035 a kwh basically free. I have EU passport so can open there.

Sorry but Ukraine's not in EU.

>> No.13222377

Op don't bother it's not worth the start up money or time needed.

>> No.13223515

it is actually profitable to GPU mine with current difficulties/algos and 0,16€/kWh with Pascal and Turing cards (nVidia 1000 series, 1600 series and 2000 series). I can't speak for AMD Radeon cards because I own none.

power consumption is somewhat a concern, but you shouldn't be mining at 100% power limit of the card (max TDP rated) as it's extremely inefficient. Both Pascal and Turing give the most mH/W (megahash per watt, efficiency measurement) in the 60-70% power limit range. That's 120W for a 1070, or 80W for a 1060 or 1660Ti, for instance. Fan speed can be kept at 60-70% for GPU temps under 65ºC and at that point is not that loud or annoying whatsoever, a PS4 or XBOX whine louder.

You just need to consider that you're outputting i.e. 400W (my personal poorfag GPU rig consumption) worth of heat into your room. In winter it's comfy to be warmer, although as a spaniard I struggle a bit during summer (30-35ºC from june to september). With the window open and a desk fan extracting air through it, I can feel sweat building up my nutsack as heat gets trapped under the desk, but I just deal with it. It wouldn't be profitable to turn on AC given it would need to deal with 400Wh of heat constantly, although ofc I need it if a 40ºC day shows up (2-5 depending on year); but I'd need it anyway as it's just unbearable. If the temperatures outside are in the 30-35ºC range, usually the rest of the home stays at 23-26ºC (night temperatures) while my room is at 27-28ºC. So it's approx. a +2 to +3ºC delta temperature in my particular conditions with a 400W setup, which is approximately 45€ per month spent in electricity and yields 60€ worth of crypto.

Bear in mind that when I say "profitable" it means you earn more crypto per € than if you were investing mining costs, but currently earnings outweight costs by 15-20%. So if you decide to build a mining rig now, you probably won't pay for the GPUs until you sell them in 1-1.5years before their warranties expire

>> No.13223604

The only way to be profitable is if you’re a company who manufactures the asics to mine with. Otherwise it is literally impossible to make any kind of money on mining.

>> No.13223629

What kind of setup do I need for $50/day in btc/crypto mined?

>> No.13223632

>thinking you can have a good internet connection in Ukraine's countryside

>> No.13223660

I have free electricity where I live
A small mining rig or two could work

How much can it make though

>> No.13223682


It's only worth it if you predict a bull market and want to get in on the ground floor. Tbh it's better to just buy it now.

>> No.13223702

I use nicehash and mine off my PC at night time when im not jerking off. I make about a dollar a day on my gtx 1080. Barely overclocked, and a steep fan curve. Highest temp the card gets is 73 C. I don't notice any sort of electricity jump. I leave my PC running 24/7 anyway. May not seem like much, but i'm literally doing nothing and who wouldn't want a basically free ~$30 a month of BTC? if you factor in electricity cost, maybe 20-25 a month.

i'd like to buy a few risers and daisy chain cheap/old cards i have laying around.... just for the extra hash power. they are old cards so they dont use a lot of wattage (or will give much more hash power), but im not sure that's worth it.

if you wanted to set up a REAL mining rig and make any sort of ROI these days, you'll need at least 10k to build a multicard rig or buy 1-2 GOOD asic miners and even then, it'll take years to see real profit.

>> No.13223729

I love this pic

>> No.13223732


as time goes on, difficulty will increase and mining will be less and less profitable because it'll take more time to solve more difficult algorithms. however, if you expect BTC to rise significantly, perhaps mining even minuscule amounts now could provide great profit in the future. maybe you should start now.

>> No.13223791

I have solar so my power bill is never more than $5 a month even when the cunt runs a/c all day

>> No.13223811

difficulty is based on total network hashrate, not time elapsed
the amount of misinformation itt is staggering

>> No.13223859

>mining will be less and less profitable because it'll take more time to solve more difficult algorithms
i thought difficulty is reflective of the price. I would assume it was just as profitable to mine in 2012 as it is to start mining today.

Or am i wrong? As long as you upgrade the hardware every year with each new chip you should stay profitable right?

>> No.13223868

shut up nerd

>> No.13223874


>> No.13223879

What coins do you mine? Lesser known ones or what

>> No.13223888

i am trying to prevent you brainlets from losing money
do you even know how much a new miner costs? the amount of profit it can generate is directly tied to electricity cost, network difficulty and current coin price
its not that easy but there are calculators that are easy to use for brainlets
ofc a calculator is just an estimation and wont save you when price drops 30%

>> No.13223901

Don't bother my friend. This board is dead. IT's all shit stale memes and fucking absolute retards. You're wasting your time.

>> No.13223952

im still making money lol

>> No.13224068 [DELETED] 
