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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13217019 No.13217019 [Reply] [Original]

How to get out of debt?

>> No.13217024

pay it off

>> No.13217040

like real debt or just a few thousand

>> No.13217045

An hero

>> No.13217056


around 45-50k

>> No.13217091

Do whatever you can to consolidate it into low interest debt and put everything you can towards paying it down starting with the highest interest debt first.

>> No.13217095

what did you do?

>> No.13217108
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>> No.13217112

damn. I don't know. good luck. Probably try to get some forgiven then just pay it off slowly

>> No.13217249


student loans, judgement from ex-landlord, wisdom teeth bills.

Needed money to go to school, lost job and had to move out of apartment a few years ago, had an impacted wisdom tooth that become infected and started to spread. Really couldn't avoid any of it except the student loan part, buts that's only half of it

>> No.13217283

Can confirm this works, had over $20k, moved back in with parents and did this, now debt free less car payment.

>> No.13217340

I think the smartest choice I made was not going to college. Thank god I avoided that debt trap. You go, forced to take shit classes that in the real world unless your wanting to be a math wiz or something real brainy, you won't even use. Then when your tossed out it's like: ok now you gotta pay a big ass loan + other bills and try to find a job that would pay you enough per month to cover it all.

The irony is that since college is a "everyone's got it" thing anymore is that HR Types don't really give a shit when you mention it. It's a piece of paper to them. Once you land that first job that framed paper gets lost in a box or attic never seen again till your dead or you move.

>> No.13217378

The other irony is that since it is an "everyone's got it" thing now and since online college is so common place you could get a dummy degree made w/matching transcript made cheap and unless you try to land some high upper management type job no one would question it or even glance at it. Long as you acted like you knew whatever the fuck you doing I highly doubt anyone would even bother to ask you anything.

>> No.13217438

Live furgally, move back in with parents if you have to or get a roommate, Work jobs that pay at least 15 an hour,

>> No.13217449

No reason to go to college unless you're going to be a medical doctor or a lawyer... and you technically dont even have to go to be a lawyer if you're capable of passing the bar

>> No.13217451
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Cute but it's a troll pic. You list debts from highest to lowest interest.
Imagine if you will a dildo. It has two properties,size and force. Both hurt when it is rammed in your butthole without lube. Money is your lube here btw. So size is the money amount owed. Of course a bigger dildo seems like it would hurt, but force(interest rate) is what you have to watch for. The biggest dildo might be gently made to penetrate your anus, uncomfortable but not terrible. A smaller one might not look as bad but I can speak from experience, don't let it's small size deceive you. Throwing their full weight into it and fucking hard and rough will do more damage than the bigger gentle one.
In order to optimize the anal elasticity retained you want to minimize how roughly you are fucked. Pay off the highest interest debt with all you've got, worry about the other ones later. In the end you'll come out paying less in interest.

>> No.13217471
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What if I pay off the highest interest rates first? Would that work?

>> No.13217480

set up a payment plan that eats into principal with autopay and forget it

>> No.13217499

think the idea is people get thinking positively about seeing only 7 bills a month instead of 10 and that helps with motivation, but >>13217451 is right

also trying to get a line of credit from the bank with a lower interest rate is worth doing

>> No.13217516

but yeah >>13217499 refinance before you do this to get the lowest rate

>> No.13217541

I was going to suggest killing yourself. But damn op. I kinda hope you can make it. You seem alright.
I had 30k debt 3 years ago and now I'm free. I just stopped spending any money at all on things I didn't need. Went to absolute basics.

>> No.13217563


>> No.13217569

>judgement from ex-landlord

>> No.13217592

Max all your credit lines out and buy crypto.

>> No.13217690


I had 8 months left on the lease, he wouldn't let me break it or sublease it. Wound up suing me and I had to pay $9800 (the remaining 8 months rent on the lease). Didn't have it so had to take out a personal loan

>> No.13217707

nigga you can have a judgement against you but you dont' have to pay it. Why did you take out a loan. Make him try and get your paycheck. That's work.

>> No.13217764


What a cuck.

Bankruptcy btw. I only say that cause of the judgment or just w8 7 years, but just know if he h8s you enough, he'll refile.

>> No.13217866
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you suck dude. An hero?

>> No.13217890
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Buy the shittiest shitcoin on a payday loan, hodl, live free

>> No.13217893

that is the mathematically correct way to do it, but the snowball method has to do with behavior and the satisfaction of simply having less accounts owed

so if you're disciplined, yeah that's the correct way to go about it, but the snowball method is tried and true for getting low IQ people out of debt

>> No.13217950



>> No.13217965


I read that they could take seize your property and empty your bank accounts

>> No.13218212


Which requires approval from a federal court.

>> No.13218264


so? why would they be denied. its just paperwork

>> No.13218293

buy the total money makeover and stick with it.

>> No.13218323

Suck 1000000 black cocks for $1 each for $1000000. You think money grows on trees?