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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13215856 No.13215856 [Reply] [Original]

So I bought in at 8K. Sold at 3.3 because retards said we still had to go to 2k in order to rise again. Thinking it would work I fucking sold and here it goes fucking rising for nothing. This is just a bull trap correct? How the fuck can idiots be wrong all the time on here I don’t get it

>> No.13215871

>How the fuck can idiots be wrong all the time on here I don’t get it
You're the bigger idiot for taking advice from retards. Lmao @ your life

>> No.13215941

For selling sure but it should drop back down to sub 3k no?

>> No.13215968
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>How the fuck can idiots be wrong all the time on here I don’t get it
maybe the real idiots are the people who act on the (((advice))) from the (((people))) on /biz/
maybe you are just cattle for the whales that create a fake consensus on /biz/ so that imbeciles like you fall for it
maybe you're the biggest idiot that just got scalped

>> No.13215975

Yes I'm sure it'll drop back down below 3k so you and everyone else that missed the bottom can buy back in. Of course.

>> No.13215979

Looks like the only retard in this story is you.

>> No.13215995

>can't process publicly available info and think strategically for yourself
kys you're not gonna make it

>> No.13216014


Buy high sell low, road to success

>> No.13216258

I know I acted like a pajeet and I messed up but is this the moon mission? Did I mess up that bad?

>> No.13216315

This is the most important comment on Bitcoin right now. Incredibly accurate and anons thinking we will retrace so their stinky hands can get some BTC have missed the 3k boat. If you didn't buy in under 6k you had months to do it and now anons left and right bitching about it

>> No.13216339

More like it will drop back to $3k after everyone who missed the first bottom in Dec bought the top in April only to sell the bottom at $3k, market maker heaven

>> No.13216344
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>blames others
>is wrong constantly
>swears and calls others names
>buys high
>sells low

You're a true /biz/raeli my guy. Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.13216365
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>How the fuck can idiots be wrong all the time on here I don’t get it
>For selling sure but it should drop back down to sub 3k no?

Calls /biz/ retards and then asks us for advice again 5 minutes later.

>> No.13216395

Call everyone here idiots but you can’t even form your own opinions ideas or moves. Yeah we’re the idiots

>> No.13216487

just buy 1 btc and don’t look at it for 10 years.

>> No.13216674

Okay fair enough, I got greedy so yeah it’s my fault but now what I’m out of like 5 grand

>> No.13216866

Buy high, sell low. You're doing god's work anon.
pro tip: you're the retard.

>> No.13216883

that's what happen when dumb money doesn't understand risk management.