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13215222 No.13215222 [Reply] [Original]

>Live in Ontario, Canada
>Never completed highschool at 24 so now my future is just wagecucking like a subhuman for the rest of my life because everyone has a post-secondary education here

Any options left for me besides sudoku?

>> No.13215258

damn Aurorafag you still posting about this shit for 2 years?

>> No.13215362

nothing has changed unfortunately. I stopped using 4chan for a while but it did not make me more productive.

>> No.13215474


>> No.13215496

You can still get a highschool diploma you know. Look it up.

>> No.13215522

I remember trying to tell you about finishing your OSSD online and getting a job sales or something. Honestly if you haven't done anything in two years, you're acting pathetically. Smarten up you fucking moron.

t. Torontofag

>> No.13215658

then go to college you fucking idiot.
If you dont go to college, then what does it even matter? Who actually asks for a fucking highschool diploma? Just say you have one.
And if that is still an issue, just go to adult education. Doing a diploma is insanely easy You can literally do an entire course in an afternoon.
source: Have been paid to complete a highschool diploma by some old lazy boomer

>> No.13215668

I don't have the confidence in my intelligence to get it done. Kids are learning some hard stuff these days.

I've been wagecucking, yes. I've saved a fair bit of money too but I know it's useless since no education pretty much dooms you to the lowest level of wagecuckery now.

>> No.13215686

>being willingly Canadian
You could reach chadhood and move to the US like I did. Or remain an canancel and live a losers life.

>> No.13215705

Are you investing in crypto?

>> No.13215722

No ever since I started browsing r/buttcoin because someone linked it here I'm concerned it's a scam

>> No.13215729

I’m a hs dropout. I had 3 friends who dropped out of college. Guess who has it work. Wage if your desperate but with $100 you can start making money to make more and more. I have multiple copies of my g.e.d (3020) total score btw >:) to whipe my ass with

>> No.13215757

Well it's not, and I suggest you don't get your info from a subreddit called "buttcoin". Use Medium.com for blockchain basics. Don't get left behind. Take on risk. Unironically there is no other chance for you

>> No.13215761

You're too easily escaping into excuses, and not even willing to try putting in the work. You fear failure and therefore do not even try anything.

That's your only problem. Fix it and the rest will fix itself.

>> No.13215817

They seem to know a lot about it though and they go indepth about why it isn't good. I don't trust crypto anymore.

More specifically though how can I begin to improve myself and my thinking to be more productive?

>> No.13215818

There's no saving you

>> No.13215864

Christ it pains me to see ignorance lead to poverty like this. Good luck man. I hope you figure something else out.

>> No.13215884

You're in Ontario. When I lived there I knew at least 4 literal ex-cons each clearing 6 figures individually.

It's a WASP caker province. The people are old and don't like to work.

I'd you can climb a ladder and click a button you can make 25/h starting just singling roofs for 4 months of the year.

If you can scrape 15k together for startup income you can make double that if you buy a van, ladder, 5k of shingles and know two other deadbeats willing to work for 25/hr.

In the winter put a shovel on the front of the truck and collect armchair snow contract money (the ones that pay you whether it snows or not).

It's easy dude. I don't wanna come down too hard on you but most of Ontario is old white boomers and lazy east Asians with money. You can make it work.

>> No.13215970

people already told you. If not having a GED is stopping you from improving your life, then just go get one. It is free, and there is literally no excuse you could have for not being able to do it. The most brainlets of brainlets can do it as long as they put in the effort.

Also just learn a trade. you dont need any schooling and can make a lot of money, as long as you put in the work. A good friend of mine learned mechanics on his own, working as a hand for people he knew, etc. Got his own truck and tools and started his own business. It was literally I'll do any work you need 24/7. Taking trash to the dump, yard work, small repairs, general labour, etc. He built up a rep and moved to road-side assistance. Things like flats, out of gas, lockouts, jump starts etc, and eventually started doing roadside repairs. He is grossing over 250k a year now, just 3 years in. Some calls he can charge over 300 dollars an hour, plus 95 cents a mile on his truck.

This guy was someone everyone used to make fun of for being a complete moron. But he was a really hard worker and knew how to grind. What doesn't get you anywhere is feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.13215985

>What doesn't get you anywhere is feeling sorry for yourself.
I love this

>> No.13216071

I dropped out of school as well. You have to go out there and meet people. Work different jobs. Have you tried kijiji.ca?
Have you tried moving out of the town to make you way in life? Being in a small town , you are forced to live a life where you are "stuck" because you are far from everything. Pack up your shit and move to Toronto and make something of yourself.
Either you continue the road you tread or you walk a path less travelled. The choice is yours.

>> No.13216119

how many credits you got faggot? Oshawafag here

>> No.13216250

This. Get your shit together and man the fuck up OP. It WILL be tough but that’s life. Have you considered a trade? Think about what you are good at and what you like doing. Are you good/do you enjoy fixing things? Do you like cooking? Are you good at building things? Are you good at selling?

You’re still young, there are people in their 30s and 40s who wish they had gotten their shit together in their 20s.. But you have to do something about it NOW. Don’t wait. Change NOW.

I hope you make it...

>> No.13216375

>he didnt leave Ontario for Alberta

Not gonna make it.

t. Former Torontonian wageslave now Current Albertan RigPig.