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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13209896 No.13209896 [Reply] [Original]

>Your resume is very impressive and you clearly have ambition, but you're just not what we're looking for at the moment.
>B-But I meet all of the qualifications. Is this because I don't have enough experience? I assure you that I'm willing to dedicate every waking moment to this care-
>Your lack of experience has nothing to do with it, I assure you. You clearly have the potential, and we're actually very eager to hire fresh young blood in need of experience, but you... you're... you're just not what we're looking for. To be honest, we're aiming for a more... "varied" workplace and I'm afraid that we just can't deal with another... individual that has your level of opportunities at the moment since someone such as you has the 'privilege' to enjoy so many other opportunities. We simply want to find someone who may not enjoy the same privileges.
What the hell is this bullshit?

>> No.13209915

Obviously the position was given to someone internal or someone's daddy knew someone's daddy working their.

>> No.13210027

They are looking for someone with higher consentration of melanin in his skin.

>> No.13210032

Just say that you're deaf and that you've been lip reading them.

>> No.13210039


>> No.13210418

I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore. Legit had a woman say
>we want someone we get along with
She knew nothing about me.

>> No.13210474

you got jew'd america

>> No.13210512


>> No.13210523

Just say the n word

>> No.13210543

>She knew nothing about me.
You're not attractive. All she had to know to decide whether she (they) would get along with you.

>> No.13210559

What that means is they have a friend/family of an employee that they're bringing in instead.

>> No.13210581

just do your own shit
been trying to start career in a corporation for few years, been doing stuff which is way out of my position scope, years later ppl start to see me as a treat and only make things harder
I just did drop the bomb to make them shit bricks and spend next year or so to with consequences (there was a reason to start criminal case against company, I made it clear and left them solve their shit without lawsuit and any help from my side)
8 months after, I'm running my own small biz, working only with (((my))) lads and making like 300% more rather than cucking in corp world. one more year and life will finally turn cozy for real

>> No.13210598
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>> No.13210612

Faggot. You should ALWAYS go to job interviews in blackface

>> No.13210725
File: 24 KB, 466x466, 61dnV42UYaL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda suspected as much. If I get a heavy tan, would that create a convincing illusion?

>> No.13210820
File: 124 KB, 720x960, 1546378609207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dye your hair black also and wear contacts to make your eyes brown. They'll think you're some sort of Arabohispanic and instantly hire you.

>> No.13210893 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1371x1529, Screenshot_20190403-091802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me
> at work
> interview for a position in the building
> several "insiders" aka coworkers who already work here applied and are interviewing
> outsiders who likely don't work with the organization also interview

tfw these outsiders are having their time wasted when it's likely an insider who is probably already been selected

tfw my sibling has likely been in the same position and had his time wasted for something he had 0 chance at

tfw I've likely been in the same position as well

>> No.13210952

>several round group interview starting at 200 applicants
>win every round
>get offered the job
>fail the drug test
>the company has to do the expensive and long process over

heh, nothing personal corporate