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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13208795 No.13208795 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't on the Chainlink Network's launch list
>he isn't on the fiews.io list for reserved, limited 100% uptime AWS ETH nodes
>he doesn't have some LinkPool shares to stake a couple hundred LINK in the beginning
>he isn't subscribed to clcg.io and their honeycomb api marketplace e-mail list
>he isn't running a chainlink testnet node

not gonna make it, bud

>> No.13209706

Guess it’s time then.

Rough cost estimate on getting this up?

>> No.13209830
File: 29 KB, 216x237, 1552522881999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isnt subscribed to reddit central

>> No.13209862


I dont own data

>> No.13209935

How many linkpool shares do you have to have to stake?
How easy is it to run a testnet node? Can I use an orange pi?

>> No.13209943

I have done steps 1 and 2, OP

how much linkpool do I need, is 0.1 LP enough?
what do you mean in the beginning?

what do I do? I wanna do it but I dont know how. I have 17,000 links. do I just hodl?

>> No.13209957

i have 30k link but have no idea how to run nodes

>> No.13210059

>how much linkpool do I need, is 0.1 LP enough?
>How many linkpool shares do you have to have to stake?
0.04 LP shares and you will be able to stake more than 400 LINK in 8 months and besides you will receive LP rewards.

Learn now or go the easy way with Linkpool

>> No.13210068
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It's just like flipping burgers

>> No.13210079

thanks infinitely. actually when smart people like you give breadcrumbs to brainlet its bad karma. but for this time it will be an exception.

what do you mean go the easy way with linkpool? just buy 1 and get divvies without running a node, is that right? s-sorry to waste your time. Im just trying to make chainlink great.

>> No.13210127

Linkpool easy mode is that they run the node, and you just put up the link. They take 25% for the trouble and you get free money. The catch there is that staking (at least for the first 8mos?) Is dependent on owning LP shares. Just look up the medium articles bruh

>> No.13210140

what's wrong with reddit?

>> No.13210157

>thanks infinitely. actually when smart people like you give breadcrumbs to brainlet its bad karma. but for this time it will be an exception.
No need to thank me, we are all fellow linkmarines

>what do you mean go the easy way with linkpool?
With LinkPool you don't need to do anything. You just stake your LINK on their nodes and you will earn passive revenue, they manage everything and they also are held responsible in case of a penalty, so you will never lose any LINK because of a penalty. During the first year you will have to own LP shares (0.04 is the minimum) to be able to stake before they open to the public.
Check out this article:

>> No.13210166

the node is now testnet, right?
there will be actual nodes on 16th april, r-right?
Thanks again for your time.

you might make me a good, smart person.

>> No.13210172
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>> No.13210532 [DELETED] 

Chainlink is in testnet right now, that's correr.
People is spreading this rumour since Clause, one of the main projects of Accord (which has officially partnered with Chainlink), has announced that they will end the beta phase on 16th April. It's still speculation though, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.13210547

Their general desire to weaken western society to the point of collapse because they'll do/think whatever the News tells them.

>> No.13210557

Chainlink is in testnet right now, that's correct.
People is spreading this rumour since Clause, one of the main projects of Accord (which has officially partnered with Chainlink), has announced that they will end the beta phase on 16th April. It's still speculation though, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.13210686

Can someone explain to an absolute brainlet how to get my 5k links into a linkpol, thx

>> No.13211116

1. You buy ETH in whatever exchange you use.
2. Go to https://staking.linkpool.io/stake-withdraw/dex on Friday evening (right now it's closed because its contracts are being upgraded).
3. Buy 0.5 LP shares in order to be able to stake 5k LINK in 8 months.
4. Wait for main net to go live.
5. Stake your link on LP nodes.
6. Profit.

Also check out this article:

>> No.13211313
File: 32 KB, 554x584, IMG_5298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get involved, but I'm scared that when staking rewards get distributed, I will be denied because "did you not read the fucking sign? NO AMERIFATS ALLOWED. We're also keeping your LP and LINK, see ya"

Certainly, other amerifats are doing this, don't know wat do

>> No.13211430

Spot on, this

>> No.13211622

They will never block you from giving you rewards, mainly because they are operating in a decentralized blockchain network and the furthest they can go is blocking the UI for you. They just claim the don't support americans owning LP shares because their token is a literal security and they might face legal problems if they go to USA.

>> No.13211658

Where's the chainlink network launch list?

>> No.13212093

I figured it was exactly like that in reality. I was a bit too dramatic in my post and appreciate your level-headed reply.

>> No.13212164
File: 129 KB, 1700x368, Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 10.54.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything, nigger