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13207886 No.13207886 [Reply] [Original]

There are approx. 26,000 chainlink holders.
If there are around 500-1000 /biz/raelis who are the other 25,000 chainlink holders?
What do they know? How did they find out?

>> No.13207921

Top 20 wallets hold 87% of the supply (nobody here), 1000 /biz/ linktards hold about 10%, and the remaining percentage is scattered across the pretend money universe.

>> No.13207935
File: 18 KB, 500x411, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well would ya look at that

>> No.13207938

and 2 of those top 20 is binance

>> No.13207946

What I really wonder is, how many 100k+ holders are actually here?

>> No.13207963

Based Koreans!

>> No.13207988

Not true. Most holders have their wallets split up into many addresses. There are fewer than you think OP.

>> No.13208020

I have 500K so you can take that out of circulation until $10.

>> No.13208028

You have USD $250k in LINK?

>> No.13208034

its a LARP fren dont be alarmed

>> No.13208043

Reddit and normies found out about it during the great altcoin justening of 2018 when link mooned 10% every other week because of brainlets shilling on twitter so they could buy higher and get fewer links

>> No.13208047

Yeah. I bought 150K at 20 cents. Sold at 60, re-bought it all at 20. It was the easiest and best trade i've ever done. Might sell 100K tomorrow. Look for 'em in the book if I do it.

>> No.13208051

I'll sign my 100k wallet if you sign your biggest

>> No.13208088

you can check on ethplorer

>> No.13208094

I have 200k. Should've sold at 0.60 last year but I didn't want to pay the short term capital gains tax.

>> No.13208206

they know shit, just scammed by this russian fat poor man

>> No.13208227

If you click on any empty space 5 times you’ll open up the “browses /biz/“ column in the token holders chart

>> No.13208289


>> No.13208706

I actually personally know wallet no. 14.

>> No.13208709

>tfw we own 10% of it.
How are we going to change the world, anons?

>> No.13208733

ian balina

>> No.13208761

Person or entity? There was a guy saying that his small no name firm bought 100 MM tokens. Given how many conferences and presentations Sergey attended and presented, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to reach that many people.

>> No.13208773

I have 7153 chainlinks and Im worried that's again 11k sats but Im not selling

>> No.13208885
File: 518 KB, 500x578, 1516146817830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50k here from the ico, i hope its enough to make it..

>> No.13208928

I only have 200k LINK which is nowhere near enough to actually make. LINK cannot break $1 or the token does not function as intended. This was priced in during the shadowfork. Read the whitepaper

>> No.13209444

115k checking in.

>> No.13209462


>> No.13209587


300k here

>> No.13209638


>> No.13209681

Its important to remember... that chainlink was a completely unhyped ico. Nowhere outside of biz was the ico discussed. Despite this, 30 million of the 32 million cap was sold in presale, which required investing a MINIMUM of 300 ethereum. The ico itself, required a mininum of 100 eth. Most of biz got into link via pooling for the ico. So only a little over 6 percent of chainlink tokens really made it out into the hands of us neets. The rest were sold presale to large firms and companies that were either already working with sergey and his team at smart contract or that he pitched his upcoming decentralized network to personally. This is the only scenario that makes sense, and the point of it is, that we legitimately were not meant to own this, certainly not thousands upon thousands and at these prices. For anyone who was here and remembers, the remaining 2M usd of the chainlink ico sold out in 5 minutes, which counts a 3 minute site failure from traffic. The fud on biz following completion of the ico was immediate and overwhelming . Those of us who understand that we are holding the key to a completely autonomous econony that runs 24/7 and never sleeps or takes breaks or days off understand how valuable this is. This is bigger than eth. Bigger than btc. This is the gateway to cryptos real world adoption.

>> No.13209692
File: 641 KB, 1440x1773, Screenshot_20190403-091921_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Person. And he holds 2.3M , not 100M? The only non dev wallet to hold 100M is binance 6.

>> No.13209744

>The fud on biz following completion of the ico was immediate and overwhelming

>> No.13209766

Cz told his cousins in China, that's another 10,000

>> No.13209769
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>> No.13209807
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>> No.13209864

How do every other icos even get hyped anyway? The only big places to discuss crypto are here, reddit and Twitter but Twitter sucks for discussing and shilling, yet even the shittiest of shit coin has an active telegram group with hundreds of retards believing in it. Biz is by far the most intelligent place to discuss crypto once you filter through the shit posting. Google smart contract and biz is always in the top results with chainlink threads. There are no active collective/competitive forums actively discussing this.


>> No.13209877
File: 34 KB, 636x421, future-portrait-a-billboard-2016-kn-b-1548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

170k here

>> No.13209921


>> No.13210009

>Biz is by far the most intelligent place to discuss crypto
4chan has always been the most intelligent place to discuss the most retarded things. Pretending to be retarded has been elevated to such a nuanced art, that Japanese theaters pales in comparison.

>> No.13210071

underrated post

>> No.13210207

reddit and financial/tech forums. 4chan isn't even a big place for crypto talk compared to the financial/tech forums.

>> No.13210217
File: 24 KB, 720x401, 1523426166411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan has always been the most intelligent place to discuss the most retarded things

>> No.13210272

There's a ton of shitty retarded normie crypto websites that during the ico bubble in 2017 thats all they did, was hype this project and that. You had fucking dipshits like ian balina and suppoman udemy shilling ico after ico talking about having solid teams and it was all just a joke. And you just knew it was going to come crashing down. And then you had link, which had no hype ico, despite the ico being weird as fuck as described in my first post, and they just sit quietly in the background, all fucking 2017 2018, not saying shit. Not giving any updates. Not giving any release dates. Just fucking appearance after appearance, conference after conference, the same talks and slides over and over. But the whole time they're quietly climbing in rank from like 130 on cmc to wherever the fuck we're at now, all while everything else around us shits the bed and is down 80, 90, 95 percent, if you were in the link ICO, you're actually currently up 5.3x in USD and 4.3x in btc on your investment.

>> No.13210317

All that remains is mainnet

>t block 478

>> No.13210563
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>> No.13210695
File: 1.04 MB, 950x1006, 1554154024296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude pls I can only get so hard

>> No.13210696

>This is bigger than eth. Bigger than btc. This is the gateway to cryptos real world adoption.
this is delusion

>> No.13210720
File: 645 KB, 1440x1772, 20190403_180742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one seeing this wtf

>> No.13210768

What's your argument, though? and I don't mean that in the sense that I think you're wrong, but rather that I want to hear both sides of this, as many lurkers probably do.

>> No.13211026

reverse the transactions

>> No.13211067

True, but the numbers who keep it on an exchange probably outweigh the numbers of split addresses.

>> No.13211074

Doubt it.

>> No.13211099

LOL, the .77777 was sent intentionally more than a year after the ICO.


>> No.13211117


>> No.13211159


Top 3 wallet is behind Sergey and Binance and it belongs to one of us, this is huuuge reveal.

>> No.13211199


>> No.13211246

Schütze checking in from Volgastrand. 18 LINKY safe

>> No.13211295

Finnish link threads got over 10k reads from different ip's, so i think finnish ppl holds half of the addresses.

>> No.13211299

117k checking in

>> No.13211541
File: 213 KB, 1257x710, Fullscreen capture 03-Apr-19 104118 PM.bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey the 350m link wallet NO.1 wallet transferred .7777777 link twice

>> No.13211558
File: 95 KB, 1258x436, Fullscreen capture 03-Apr-19 104159 PM.bmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also did this on the no.3 50 million link wallet.

>> No.13211580

do you people really have 100k link or is it just a meme? 4.2k linker here holding until it can pay off my mortgage.

>> No.13211602

10K is the meme. 100K is just super comfy

>> No.13211670


Someone time up the .7777777 transfers to the 7777777 post and see where it lines up.

>> No.13211725

So someone sent the top wallets .7 link as a joke? Big deal

>> No.13211739
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>> No.13211750
File: 45 KB, 768x576, 1522311084251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm, this is correct. I own over 35k and thus more than .1% of all circulating supply.
also I'm back on my tropical island after 2 weeks of snowboarding in the alps and last night I banged my submissive latina gf in the ass I already /madeit/ just need a bigger house

>> No.13211790
File: 327 KB, 557x513, 1550069019978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 80k LINK if that counts. I'm pretty poor IRL though, pretty much have half of my entire net worth in LINK. I trust daddy Sergey with half of my life.

>> No.13211796

chainlink bad

>> No.13211802


>> No.13211828

35k in link
central europe, 25 y/o

>> No.13211850
File: 127 KB, 750x504, 7018666B-8A26-43E7-89C0-CC09FDD472CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here i go.
Super comfy all year .

>> No.13211853

The >7777777 get was 408 days ago
The transfer 155 days

>> No.13211897

These are transfers in you fucking brainlet

>> No.13211901

eat dick you nigger. you WILL do my work you fucking garbage eating linklet.

>> No.13211952

Now kys

>> No.13211957

>transfer in

>> No.13212007
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