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File: 516 KB, 559x518, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13205953 No.13205953 [Reply] [Original]

untill he reveals himself under oath. Are you afraid wh*te boi?

>> No.13206080

is the lawsuit this month?

>> No.13206089

Hey, he's got that logic poster that's the /pol/ sticky. You think he's woke on the Jews?

>> No.13206107

Dave is Satoshi.

>> No.13206114

Sign a genesis block. Thats all. Anything else is fuckery from suspected pedos who love to lie as much as they love cp.

>> No.13206125

No one cares.

>> No.13206132


dave is not satoshi. you didn't know who dave was until this fraudulent fat faced faggot mentioned him.

>> No.13206170

He needs to do this. He cant because Kleimans usb stick has the answers. Hes a fucking fraud. Hes a law guy not a coding genius. >>13206132

>> No.13206223


craig is not satoshi, kleiman is not satoshi. scronty is not satoshi.

>> No.13206239

Nick is not satoshi. Sergey is not satoshi. Gavin is not satoshi.

>> No.13206249

>is the lawsuit this month?
It's ongoing and has for a while. Tomorrow Craig will be questioned under oath. You can read a transcript from the court here:

>Dave is Satoshi.
That's what the suit is about, and nothing so far indicates he is. But he did help with editing the whitepaper

There is no reason for him to sign publicly at this point. What would he gain from that? Your approval? Wow, that must be so important for the greatest inventor of all time.

>> No.13206523

wtf? Why have I not seen this before?

>> No.13206533

Hal Finney may he rest in piece is Satoshi.

>> No.13206555

Yep, and the retard Creg knows it, and knows that a dead person can't come back to claim he's a fraud, so he's free to act like this. Check the timing when Creg started claiming he is satoshi and when Finney died.
Damn psychopath, I hope he gets what's coming to him some day.

>> No.13206640


>> No.13206643

>There is no reason for him to sign publicly at this point.
without that he remains faketoshi forever, regardless of how much he blogs and regardless of how many utter fools such as yourself lick his feet.

>> No.13206644

You talk like a kike.

>> No.13206682

Because you only take biz as your research source. Most people in cryptos don‘t even know about the law suit. Of he actually proves in court that he is SN (and he could already proof it to a handful of very good cryptographers), BSV will moon to insane prices. I am talking at least 10x right on the spot. Are you prepared?

>> No.13206692

Imagine being surprised by a Black Swan even though it is very easy to spot it. This is how you make real money. Discover possible Black Swans and trade it.

>> No.13206694

>Are you prepared?
No, not at all. I'm almost all in btc and some link, but this shit really has me asking questions. Where can I read more about this shit?

>> No.13206737

>There is no reason for him to sign publicly at this point. What would he gain from that? Your approval? Wow, that must be so important for the greatest inventor of all time.

So he doesn't need to do something as simple and conclusive as signing the genesis block, but for some reason he does need to do something as elaborate and useless as making statements in court under oath?
Solid logic there, trenchbrain.

>> No.13206756


Here are all the legal documents from the case. Have fun reading through it, I already did and it is interesting as fuck. Currently, I have a big position in BSV right now.

>> No.13206765

Read what the legal case is actually about before you make retarded statements. Thanks.

>> No.13206778

It's about whether he's Satoshi or not.

Also, his ultimate """proof""" is that he's willing to say he's Satoshi under oath. So way to miss the obvious point of my post.

>> No.13206789

>It's about whether he's Satoshi or not.
It's not. Why would you even lie about that?

>> No.13206790

>the greatest inventor of all time

>> No.13206801
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 1540634055387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

800 granted patents and counting!

>> No.13206812

>lies to court
>court calls him out
>goes to prison


>> No.13206820

>800 granted patents and counting!
They make him nothing more than a patent troll, not even a good one desu. But you know it, I know it, we know it and we're on fourchinz so keep up the shitposting

>> No.13206829
File: 35 KB, 495x495, 1540894142127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be close to braindead. He's patenting his own inventions. That's not a patent troll. Do you have a alarm clock to remind you to breath?

>> No.13206831

Except it is.

>> No.13206839

I'm Satoshi

>> No.13206902

Be Craig
Pump Bitcoin yesterday
Pull rug
Sign Gen block
Bsv moons the likes of which have never been seen before

>> No.13206908

Jesus take a look at this guy. Wow it really shocks me everytime when I see a sub 60 IQ retard. I mean how do you even live your life? How does it feel to be at the very bottom of the IQ distribution?

>> No.13206917

Not really an argument my dude

>> No.13206924

I was an ignorant but now I see, thank you for enlightened me, seriously. Godspeed.

>> No.13207338

Thanks. That makes me, dare I say, a little stiff. Seriously though, that looks like a shitload to read, but I'll def take a peek

>> No.13207375

Who's this? Is this an internet money thing?

>> No.13207571

did you forget to take your shizo pills today, you samefagging kike?

>> No.13207771

The discussion is not whether Craig is Satoshi or not. This is already taken mostly established by both sides. The law case is only about the involvement of Dave and if there was a partnership i.e. if some of the 1M Bitcoin belong to Ira, Daves brother. However, I am still pretty sure Craig will be asked if he was the main part of Satoshi (it was a team, around 18 people had access to the mail accounts at some point) but the core of Satoshi were probably 3 or 4 guys with Craig as the team leader and designer of Bitcoin. Dave and Hal coded a big part of it.

If you don‘t hedge your exposure against this than you deserve to be poor.

>> No.13207777

The craig wright timeline-https://youtu.be/ATapuAYgEeI

>> No.13207814

checked. craig will get cirrhosis of the liver and die before he ever "proves" he's satoshi

>> No.13207859
File: 49 KB, 588x849, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(it was a team, around 18 people had access to the mail accounts at some point)
I'm not sure that's right. Pic related. It is just a hypotetical from the court to the plaintiff, to make it cleare that it matters if only craig and dave had access to the satoshi mail or if it was 5 or if it was 18.

>> No.13208127

Thanks for the clarification. You are right, I got that wrong from the document.

>> No.13208517

Dave does not have the bitcoin skillset, sorry! Neither did Wei or Finney !

>> No.13208569

he can't sign anything. no pgp key. no genesis block. no nothing. because the truth is btc is a CIA project gone wrong and no one person Invented it.

>> No.13208575

>What would he gain from that?
lmao dude, stop with this one, it's the most pathetic thing you bsv guys say. cryptography is mathematical proof, not some gay ass submission waver. When you sign, nobody can take that away from you, it's irrefutable, period. that's the whole point of having a PGP key and message verification on a bitcoin address. CRAIG himself said blockchain is an immutable EVIDENCE TRAIL.

the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

please refrain from saying "There is no reason for him to sign publicly at this point. ", there is a point. It's easier to talk to you bsv dudes if you stick to 'big blocks' and 'scaling' rather than saying nonsense like this shit.

>> No.13208936


>> No.13209184

Hal is Satoshi, may he rest in freeze

>> No.13209224
File: 56 KB, 960x932, thetruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryogenetic reanimation is invented in the next 20 years
>Hal comes back and learns the lies Craig is spewing
>Builds an unstoppable mecha suit with btc money, craig learns of this and starts assembling his own
>They clash in an epic showdown over the Pacific
I'd fund this movie

>> No.13209304
File: 89 KB, 500x455, 1509822577517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gone wrong

>> No.13209389

>under oath
>I am Satoshi

He knows that Satoshi is dead and nobody can ever prove him wrong on his claim

>> No.13209430

yeah but at least form that point anyone that wants to prosecute the creator of bitcoin at least he can. this is the worst possible move out of all his options can't fucking wait. his faggot followers said for years he is not signing because then he would be legally liable but it's the opposite. now he will be. also false testifying.

>> No.13209690

this is literally what will happen and BSV will crash so hard and be the most irrelevant fork of a fork to ever happen on BTC

>> No.13209717

youre missing the whole point
if craig (mentally ill narcissist) was to claim to be satoshi legally then he would also be accountable for the billions in crypto that satoshi mined
and since craig isnt satoshi it puts him in financial legal jeopardy
i dont expect you to understand that tho because youre probably as mentally ill as craig

>> No.13209730

protip: craig doesnt have anywhere near the amount of money he wants ppl to think he does

>> No.13209892
File: 399 KB, 664x4124, csw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13210200

this is how i know your a basic sheep. you dont even understand the basic principle behind cryptocurrency.

>> No.13210425

no i broke the dam

>> No.13210757

ehh...how did you get pic related?

>> No.13210911

anyone can claim to be satoshi but only satoshi can sign with genesis pk