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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13203760 No.13203760 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. I am a 20 y/o guy from Italy. I need help because I dont have a job and not even a grade. I left school because I was a fucking moron that just wanted to smoke weed and do stupid crimes with my boys. But now i am not a teenager anymore, I dont have friends anymore, and life is hitting me very hard. What can I do to change my situation? I dont have any working experience and would like to know what you think.. I dont have anyone else to tell it.

>> No.13203792
File: 69 KB, 539x448, 91A8EE93-7AB3-48E8-8B72-4FDE5C065180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear the Russians need Mercanaries in the Ukraine?

>> No.13203801

1. Get a job.
2. Buy LINK
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.13203817

The problem is that I can't find any. I dont have experience and they dont give a shit about how smart or willing to learn you are if you don't have a grade

>> No.13203827

Bro you have to sort yourself out, find a job as a waiter (or something like that), move to northern Italy if needed. Try to save 5-10 thousand euros and then finish school. You are still very young nothing is lost.

>> No.13203832

I will end making fucking robberies so why not at this point

>> No.13203849

restaurants and retail are always hiring. dont expect a good job when youve never worked for one or struggled in your life. and no, you lose the ability to claim struggle the second you start commiting violent crimes. you havent endured struggle, youve fomented it.

that being said you really should get a food industry or retail job. you live in what is essentially a communist country. as long as you have a job youre pretty set. that or join the french foreign legion

>> No.13203851

Which school you talking about? University or high school?
I think I will start again this September.. at the public one

>> No.13203881

I dont want to do crimes, that's why I am trying anything.. I dont even want to be a drug dealer.. do I have any chance at coding? I know a bit of C++ and java. Is clever to save a bit of money, buy a desktop PC to learn more programming languages by myself and then finding a job?

>> No.13203888

honestly if you've done that then youre more evil than 99% of humans. i hope you know that. youre sincerely evil to the core. most people couldnt even fathom being as fucking sick as you. you should turn yourself in. you don't deserve anything but jail. maybe after you do that or repay your victims then you can start building yourself up. but right now. youve probably destroyed so many people. so many GOOD ACTUAL people, that youre unredeemable. like how dare you rob people then fucking ask for advice because what? you have no friends?

you have no friends because you're evil.

no one will hire you because you're evil.

If you get hired youll be fired soon because you're evil

if theres any justice in the world youll be fucked forever.

repent now and maybe your afterlife can be alright. but as of now. youve ruinied your chances here.

youre in the top 1% of sinister. no one will hire you

>> No.13203909

Are you a nigger or a native Italian?

>> No.13203910

I have never killed or hurt anyone.
The "crimes" I talked about is selling weed and making profit. I used to do it but I recognized that it wasn't my goal in life. You talk shit

>> No.13203922

youre a fucking drug dealer too? and your asking us for money advice? you probably make more money than the normal fucking human does. you probably make like a months worth of pay in a week.

if youre asking for money advice. and you have drug dealer and robbery money. then youre literally hopeless. you have no concept of real life. youve spent your whole life being evil. you dont get to do that your whole life then come back from it. literally no one worth a damn will give you a chance because even losers dont do the type of shit youve done. even most illegal immigrants havent. youre fucked beyond repair your only chance is to repent to god and your victims. you shouldnt even be focused on this life anymore youve literally ruined it.

>> No.13203924


Are you a nigger by any chance?

>> No.13203943

Bro I used to sell 10g back when I was 17 to make 100 euro per month. I used to sell it to friends. Who the fuck do you think you are to talk like this? Learn respect
Then talk

>> No.13203962

I am not. What's the deal with that?

>> No.13203984


Only because as you might know niggers are subhuman creatures who shouldn't be on this board, also the fact that you are talking like an undereducated shitskin doesn't help.

>> No.13204029

What do you mean? I am not that good with English but, hey, you can understand me and I can understand you. This is not my native language and I bet you can't speak anything else than english

>> No.13204044

i can tell youre sad and since youre a human ill give you this bit of advice. lose all your dignity. go cry to your family. beg them to let you back in. stop smoking. get a job at a restaurant and tell your family youll pay them for rent. youre a kid and you need to develope. you need guidance.

if you dont have family to go crawling back to then go to the church
tell them your ways. tell them you need help and youre ready to change and have nowhere to turn. the church will help you as long as youre really trying to better yourself.

when you have money that isnt being spent on utilities, food, or rent, you NEED to invest that small amount of cash into somewhere smart. idk the rules in italy so idk whats smart there but im sure theres something smart and legal you can invest in

really youre best bet is 2 steps

1. repent
2. get a food service job

with two caveats

1. spend money sparsely and buy things cheap
2. invest what you dont spend

I'm sorry if I came off harsh but honestly dude youre fucking rob people. if i was as sick as you i wouldnt even bother to help you.

I literally cant fathom how you can rob anything from anything. its sincerely hard for most humans to take something that isnt theirs.

i bet youre lifes been fun as fuck too. what, did you think you just got to livfe like that and torture innocent and good people and then some day ylou could just grow up? seriously most people cant fathom doing what youve done. its sick. you really need to change everything including the way you see the world. you came here asking for help. if other people had done what you had done they would be somewhere asking for forgiveness and shocked by the work of their own hands.

>> No.13204070

You're still a failure though. And you need to hear it. Thank God that you're young though. Mistakes help you to learn what not to do later in life.
No one here can tell you step by step what to do with your life. But some good suggestions so far. Take whatever job you can for starters.

>> No.13204071


> I bet you can't speak anything else than english
You are wrong.

Anyway if you post a picture of your skincolor /w timestamp I'll send you 100$ worth of ETH

>> No.13204101

you need a fresh start anon. Perhaps move to a new country where nobody knows you and you don't have bad influence around you.

>> No.13204134

I mean secondary school, just finish it and take the diploma. What school is it? anything technical? Big city or small city?
It is good that you worry about your future, it will give you motivation to improve.

>> No.13204137

You came asking for help and whining like a little pussy. I think I'm a human and youre a filthy fucking dog. I think youre a loser and a piece of shit. I think I'm better than you in EVERY way. I think youre evil to the core. You're sincerely hardly human. Most peopel couldnt even fathom being you. Youre life is so fucking easy, you've never struggled in your life. and youre still not humble.

youre never going to be anything but a criminal unless you literally start hating yourself.

like its not normal for people to hate themselves

but if they had done what you had, then they should hate themselves. and if they dont. theyre honestly hardly human. Also this isnt fucking /b this is /biz this board isnt for your ilk.

you can be heartless here
and you can be dumb

but you cant come here just to whine and bitch about yourlife, go to /b

the only /biz advice you can possibly get from your question is what I told you

1. get real spiritual and emotional help
2. hate your current self so you can start a new self
3. get a shit job because you've never worked or done anything in your life and shit jobs are a great place to start

thats it. thats all the advice anyone can give you.

>> No.13204157

now is a good time to be bearish

>> No.13204167
File: 664 KB, 3264x2448, CBBF7CE7-6D5C-4374-8399-3521ED643015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is cancer and favelanon needs to kill himself and so does anybody that took this b8

>> No.13204173

I have never ever hurtled anyone. How am I supposed to tell you man? I dont want to rob, I never did. I am lucky enough to have a family anyway, not the best one but I have food on my plate..
The problem is that I can't find any.. that s why I am here.. I am asking tips to like, invest or something, if I knew I wouldn't be here asking this
I am not begging for money and I dont think you would do this anyway

>> No.13204198

The bad influence is just me. I want to go to Germany, I have a "friend" that lives that and could help me find a job in a week or so, but I dont have even the money to buy the train ticket and to sustain myself there

>> No.13204223

I wish it was a bait, friend. But it's not

>> No.13204227


I'm a man of my words, if you deliver you'll be rewarded.
Im just plain curious if you consider yourself white even if you are actually not

>> No.13204282

well then your grasp on the english language is really not that great because in your post: >>13203832
what you said in English was essentially that youve been robbing people and wish to stop making robberies at some point soon.

if you havent robbed anyone then im sorry but desu you literally just fucking said that you rob people.

like you clearly didnt mean to say it so I'll admit I jumped the gun. I'm legit not trying to be mean but you really should learn better english because you accidentally made it seem like youre a violent criminal.

okay good, so since you have family you should go live with them. im not trying to be a dick. i think thats your best bet right now. go back home. get a restaurant job. invest half of it into random stuff and save half. do some research into what is and what isnt a good investment.

sorry for misinterpretting what you said and I hope your life turns around.

you also made it sound like you legit never went to school at all. youre getting negative responses because you kinda didnt say what you meant to say in your posts. you really should find an italian image board or learn English because apparently your understanding of the language isnt as good as you thought it was.

to the point where anyone that reads your messages until this most recent one would be very confused and disgusted by what they thought you were saying.

i now see all you meant was. You didnt go to university and youre a loser.

I thought you had like dropped out at age 10 and joined a gang and started robbing people and selling drugs.

You should think more before you talk. You're right to have gotten defensive earlier though but you really fucked up in getting your point across lol.

>> No.13204293

kek, italoniggers btfo
when i lived in italy i worked for the US gov't and made more than you ever will to hang out in the nicest villas in the entire country, banging supermodel-class women while sipping fine prosecco
i saw how hard it is for the youth there, you've been fucked and only the smart will survive

>> No.13204305
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, 15542614695744621239796511904731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want your stupid money

>> No.13204356

Yeah sorry for being mean to everybody. I am not a gang member, like you said. Just a sad, almost depressed, guy.

>> No.13204560

buy low, sell high, simple really

>> No.13204591

You can start out with currency, go read about which currency is projected to rise, buy that, what a min, sell it, u have a profit, repeat this a bunch of times & then you can buy more & then gain more.

>> No.13204600

I will try this. But I dont have money to start now

>> No.13204661

Literally do anything and stop thinking about doing things. If you want to learn to code, do it. If you want to go back to university, do it. If you want to learn trading or get a normal job, do it. There are so many right choices but you have to choose one and work hard on it.

>> No.13204666

this thread is so obviously favelanon larping as an italian. kys

>> No.13204712

The sad thing is that I actually am Italian.
And it's favelas here

>> No.13204732

Learn to code is the best choice I guess.
Will I get a job for my skills only though? I mean I have some Cisco certificates but it's not much

>> No.13204777

20s not that old m80. Find an entry level job and work your way up.

>> No.13204870

I'm not the best guy to ask advice for on this (and neither are the rest of the people here). All I know is that you can find a job - whether it be freelance gigs or at a small business - and you can build up experience to then be noticed by a bigger company.

>> No.13204906

You can start with miniscule amounts, just takes a little longer

>> No.13205751
File: 145 KB, 682x650, therelon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favelanon even includes this second character in his posts sometimes, saying they've been emailing back and forth. it's quite the ride into madness i dare say