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File: 319 KB, 871x941, trollhunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13196807 No.13196807 [Reply] [Original]

First "faketoshi" troll down. How many more will be taken to court? Are you next? Did you really think you could smear others in public as fakes, scams and pedophiles without consequenses?


>> No.13196837

Fuck this fat boomer piece of shit. Real satoshi wouldn't resort to lawyers because of 'muh feelings'
Fuck you craig

>> No.13196857
File: 330 KB, 900x740, 6ACD2E7B-8AC8-434A-A25E-F2BA3CC46F87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dear Sirs

>> No.13196863

"world scaling leaders" XD

>> No.13196869

"It's not paedophilia if she's asian"

>> No.13196875

Shut the fuck up u cringey loser

>> No.13196879

Who is he suing? Corecuck team?nkek

>> No.13196898


>> No.13196899

you don't have to fucking prove it court you retard, if you want to prove it just sign a fucking message

>> No.13196907

u afraid wh*te boi?

>> No.13196912

Did he write an article about himself on his own website in third person?

>> No.13196919

Ohh.. we got a raging boomer over here.

>> No.13196921

I can't believe creg threatened to sue twitter and got banned and then the golden bullrun started. What a timeline.

>> No.13196941

I don't know if these boomers realize that Bitcoin is Bitcoin. Like, even if craig was Satoshi that wouldn't change anything. It's not Satoshi who decides what Bitcoin is. This is what decentralization means!

>> No.13197019

bitcoin is meant to be open source and decentralized technology
not whatever craig is planning
only brainlets can't see that what craig does today totally contradicts with what satoshi did back in the days
but I'm not saying the current state of btc is much better, just that the solution certainly isn't craig

>> No.13197050

>bitcoin is meant to be open source and decentralized technology
It still is with BSV

>not whatever craig is planning
What is Craig planning that you're so afraid of?

>craig does today totally contradicts with what satoshi did back in the days
What is it Craig does that contradicts Satoshi?

>> No.13197090


>> No.13197101


>> No.13197109

because he can't sign the message

>> No.13197155

Aaaaand another clown infesting our board and twitter
>first was vinny
>second was jihan
>third was ver
>fourth was garzik
>fifth was faketoshi

And now we have this fucking pseudopaedophile here. Can we accelerate the proccess, milk him out of shitposting fast and then move to the next clown in line pls?

>> No.13197167

Also calvin gtfo out of here. And no, your own blog isn't a trustable source of news you fucking midget baldie with micropenis

>> No.13197230

>It still is with BSV
yes it might look like it, but it's probably not
there is no need for patents in decentral technology, because the heart of decentralisation is to work around these restrictions
also why didn't satoshi patent bitcoin back in the days?

>What is Craig planning that you're so afraid of?
nothing, if he would be capable he would have created something by now
if he does however, I will simply which
unlike you I'm not emotionally invested

>What is it Craig does that contradicts Satoshi?
parents, and glorifying himself mainly
you know the best thing about satoshi?
that he is gone, if he would be dead than this would only be the cherry on top, because then it would be perfect
leaving behind decentral technology as a legacy is strangely appealing, not that you would understand

I hope you are just trolling, otherwise you are in for a rude awakeing ...

>> No.13197268

I browsed most of satoshi's messages to get an idea of what the guy was like. Not once did I see him sucking his own dick like Creg does on a daily basis.

>> No.13197322

why can't somebody run this boomer piece of shit over with a truck?
fucking annoying faggot

>> No.13198258

The man who invented bitcoin is also a patent troll and concerned with internet trolls -_-
The absolute state of forgetoshi...

>> No.13198287

Hide and filter all CSW threads. Such a cringe faggot. I don't care if he is Satoshi (he's obv not) I'll never ever buy this chink shit with a laughable logo. Fucking Waltonchain looks more legit.

>> No.13198289

Article is written by Editor-in-Chief Bill Beatty, it's literally the first thing written below the headline.

>> No.13198300

I don't think he really believes Craig is Satoshi, right?

>> No.13198321

how could anyone believe CSW is satoshi or BSV is a good coin?
Reddit and twitter makes in obvious it is a scam.
Also, we need to release the Mueller report to see the collusion.

>> No.13198353

>He hasn't seen him trying to buy original mining addresses

>> No.13198354

honestly why cant these faggots be sued into proving what they claim?

>> No.13198505

They are. 4th april, court, kleinman case, craig, oath.

>> No.13198702

anyone remember gawker? BTFO

>> No.13198744

>also why didn't satoshi patent bitcoin back in the days?
Nchain Didn't patented bitcoin you fucking retard , they have patents on the use cases aplied on top of the protocol.
I doubd you could do it , but if you really want to develop something on top of REAL bitcoin aka bitcoin unlimited aka BSV you could do so and no one would say a thing, unless you would use some of the aplpications that are already patented they just learned with Tesla (the inventor)

>> No.13198778

Am I supposed to believe that Satoshi would prefer going to court instead of signing a single message with his wallet?
Craig probably deluded himself into thinking that he carries out Satoshi's will

>> No.13198812


what the fuck are you talking about you crackhead?

>> No.13198833

and yet you are here pajeet

>> No.13198842

dont bother these brainlet dont read , they are too lazy

>> No.13198870


not an argument , inbred

>> No.13198881

>claim to be Satoshi
>fail to prove it by publicaly signing a transaction with satoshis private key
>still class to be Satoshi
>Sue people I stead of providing proof
inb4 creg sanjay rite will prove to court that he is Satoshi by signing an off-chain message lmfao

>> No.13198905

shut up craig you boomer

>> No.13198932
File: 30 KB, 1298x350, forged3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah I have

>> No.13198940

Have you ever met a lottery winner ? once people know you have A LOTOF MONEY, they treat you in a diferent manner.

He can't sign the message not because he can't but because HE CAN'T.
Let the market decide , if bsv turns out to have a better use case he wins without ever proving anything but tf he has an inferior product he will loose regardless of having or not 1M bitcorns

>> No.13198967
File: 55 KB, 564x811, lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone maintains the same mindset after 10 years

Fucking brainlet>>

>> No.13199005

well if he has degenerated into this retarded narcissist sociopath, why do we even care if he is satoshi or not?

>> No.13199029

wow you are so retarded. do u think craig would be that blatantly obvious? come on tardo

>> No.13199071
File: 281 KB, 798x1211, forged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has been this blatantly obvious about so many other deceptions that it's starting to look like his signature move

>> No.13199137

>Nchain Didn't patented bitcoin you fucking retard
and I never said they did
but if craig would be satoshi, then why didn't he start patenting everything connected to bitcoin right away?

>and no one would say a thing, unless you would use some of the aplpications that are already patented
and this is the number one reason why craig isn't satoshi
if you would know about the software development and open source culture then you would understand
and this in combination with the decentralization aspect at the heart of bitcoin (or blockchain tech in general)
makes the whole situation really hilarious

>> No.13199203

it's not only a mindset
its a character trait
and if satoshi would have seen bitcoin grow up, then he would have destroyed most of his keys
and keept quiet about it afterwards
the hands off approach is the only logical one
you will see what happens with ETH once vitalik falls out of favor

>> No.13199221

If BSV didnt exist all of you would disappear

>> No.13199230

Based satoshi

>> No.13199258

>Craig is Satoshi


>> No.13199296

>He can't sign the message not because he can't but because HE CAN'T
lmao the absolute state of cashies. If he didnt want any attention he shouldnt be chimping out claiming he's satoshi. He can't sign the message because he doesnt own the key, simple

>> No.13199610

I didnt say he didn't wan the attention , he dont want the attention because he has money, he wants to teach and guide , thats obvious in his twitter /medium posts.
And since people started to twits satoshi words for their own benefit he was forced to step up and fights for his lifetime creation , even if he does own the key , why are you so scared just ignore him and get fucked later in a blitzCraig style

>> No.13199625

what coin should i buy and HODL?

>> No.13199650
File: 233 KB, 828x424, 1552080625392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sirs, I'm so hungry. Fo the needful and buy bsv. Vishnu will bless you with many ruuupeeees

>> No.13199916

Yeah exactly. But retards like OP will care even though the idea of the currency and it's actual real world applications matter much more.

It's why retards fell for the whole tharanos scam because they saw big names as opposed to actually doing DD themselves.

>> No.13200441

wait--- no moustaches?

>> No.13200646


>> No.13200682

all he has to do is move something from the genesis wallet. That's it

>> No.13200727

why would he ?
do you show a certificate of how long your dick is b4 talking to a girl?

>> No.13200743

do you show your id when buying ciggaretes?

>> No.13200752

yes im Mclovin

>> No.13200762

did he just tried to fuck with mcaffee? kek this is gonna be glorious.

>> No.13201172
File: 1021 KB, 500x213, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? You mean, we are, we're in the blockchain??