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13195760 No.13195760 [Reply] [Original]

OK so i live in a west coast college town with lots of hot chicks. The Maserati dealer near me is having a lease special for a MY19

I can lock in this Quattroporte SQ4 at the following terms

$8,499 due at signing
$1399/mo for 36 month lease

I live rent free at home and make $30.29/hr (approx. $63k a year if i was salary with full hours.) as an Associate Packaging Engineering Technician so it'd be liveable. I have nothing else to spend money on so I might as well try to get girls with something nice.

>> No.13195765


>> No.13195780

I was like you until I self developed enough to have average girls buy me gifts, treat me to meals out, etc. Much rather have girls trying to impress me than the other way around.

>> No.13195792

dunno, 1400 a month just for something half a step above BMWs when your income is 63k pre-tax is a bit eh... I live in an upper middle class area (not super wealthy) and people don't even really blink at Maseratis desu. really depends on if Maserati is perceived as true luxury in your area.

>> No.13195804

Material things won't matter if you're a faggot… which you are.

>> No.13195805

This thread again... At least you stepped up on the vehicle this time.

>> No.13195867
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>nice things are sure to get me laid
t. le supreme gentleman

>> No.13195883

It will if the nice thing is your body

>> No.13195900

>buying a quatroporte

>> No.13195913

Wait nvm, the new quatroporte line is fine just avoid the old ones

>> No.13195918

Nah, i have a Fiat Punto and chicks don't dig it at all.

>> No.13195924

Where i live a Maserati is a normal car nobody looks twice at it. It's like a little beter version of a bmw.

>> No.13195947

What is the point of this bait thread? Genuinely curious

>> No.13195949

Same here, in Charlotte it's a bit over a Maserati in terms of showing what class you're from. (Next step up would be an Ashton Martin)

>> No.13196152 [DELETED] 

Curious on my /biz/bros thoughts

>> No.13196173

90% of women wouldn't tell the difference between a maserati and a new civic unless you explicitly told them

>> No.13196474


>> No.13196621



just buy a used ford musting for ~30kish

>> No.13196645

I really hope this is a larp. What kind of moron would even glance at considering this brainlett tier money pit? For what, pussy? Just get some motherfucking escorts and save money retard.

>> No.13196649


>> No.13196696

OP, don't take this wrong way but I fear you might be fucking retarded.

>> No.13196738

Imagine being so fucking dumb you waste your young money on a car instead of investing it. Literal nigger-tier thinking, OP.

>> No.13196762
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>driving a maserati and living at home with your parents

>> No.13196788

maserati are literal trash lmao

>> No.13196965

Just buy LINK and XMR for that every month and you can cash 50 of those babies in a year or two fren...

>> No.13197046

Italian here.
Maserati are meh...
Old boomers cars.

Also the name is fucking retarded, Quattroporte might sound exotic af but it simply means "Four dors".

Doesn't even look expensive, buy a used Panamera or a simple BMW (here chicks go crazy for Germans car, for example).

>> No.13197172

>Copping a Maserati on 60k a year
LOL! Normiepilled

>> No.13197303

Getting Audi cheap Audi or Mercedes don't be retard, it's all luxury cars to college chicks

>> No.13197364

>needing anything more than decent clothing and pure presence to pull a girl

You have absolutely no idea. God no wonder this industry is worth billions.

>> No.13197382

>(Next step up would be an Ashton Martin)

Please tell me this is a joke. Please.

>> No.13197417

You're an absolute retard.

>> No.13197423

what do you think the hot chicks reaction will be when you roll up in your maserati and then tell them you still live with your mom and dad LOL

>> No.13197452

If I were you, I would definitely choose something else. There’s plenty to choose from. Maseratis are trash and unreliable. Get a Porsche, Benz, or BMW. Or, become based and redpilled and save your money

>> No.13197461

Why the hell do you want a Maserati on a 60k salary?
You can have a hooker every two days with 1400$ per month.

>> No.13197463

Buy houses

>> No.13197485

>trash and unreliable
>Get a Porsche, Benz, or BMW
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, enjoy your eternal electrical problems until:
a) you hang yourself
b) you sell the car

The ultimate red pill is a Toyota Corolla, or even better, if the city allows it, public transportation.

Use the rest to buy crypto.

>> No.13197496

Buy an Alfa Romeo idiot

>> No.13197524

Maybe have an intelligent conversation about the state of the housing market and the real estate bubble... something something don’t want to be tied down... something something parents need taken care of too... something something paying rent is giving money away

>> No.13197533

kek. Underrated. Here's a Like

>> No.13197554

>Maybe have an intelligent conversation about the state of the housing market and the real estate bubble
Chicks will run away in no time

>> No.13197622

German cars are reliable now this isn't the 90s, I've had the same Audi for 8 years with 0 problems.

>> No.13197875


This guy is right!

> 2019
> not buying audi
It‘s like you don‘t want to make it.

>> No.13197925

pay cash for that shit dont waste money on a new one that you cant resell


>> No.13197958
File: 120 KB, 206x218, 1531282050580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even assuming this isn't a pants on head retarded strategy in the first place don't fucking buy/lease a new Chrysler you retard. They crash hard in value after the lease term just get a discounted pre-owned Ghibli.

>> No.13197983
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>this thread again

>> No.13198045

Yes goyim! Go into debt for pussy that will leave you as soon as they find out you have no chance of moving out of your parents basement for the next 3 years due to the pretty Italian shackles stuck around your legs. At the end of the lease you will have nothing to show for it but at least you might have fooled a girl long enough to let her slap a child support order on your monthly bill.

>> No.13198282
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao all that money to get girls just for them to get stolen by some fag in a Miata

Do it OP it won't make up for your shit personality anyways

>> No.13198346

You’re sad. Get it. Please get it please please go get it NOW.


>> No.13198400

If by chicks you mean roastie whores, then yes enjoy your empty one night stands

>> No.13198430

At his mom's house? Get real lol.

>> No.13198433
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Who in a Miata fucks girls though seems like a non issue tbhfam

>> No.13198523

Based and incel pilled

>> No.13198550

i barely browse this shithole anymore but I've seen this trhead like 1000 times already

>> No.13198575

Ur actually fucking autistic if u think these bitches know the difference in luxury cars. I drive a fuarking 2012 335xi and these dumb thots think its some 100k car while i only paid 15k for it.

>> No.13198978

if you really want to show off your big dick energy pick an alfa romeo giulia quadrifoglio