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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13191318 No.13191318 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13191331

hahahahahahahahaha literally in the middle of his thread

>> No.13191446

There's one of his threads in the catalogue.

Really regret listening to him.

>> No.13191479

I seriously lost everything just now...I dont even know what to do

>> No.13191501

That's what you get for betraying us, you cocksucking good for nothing piece of garbage. I hope you kill yourself from missing out. Fucking faggot.

>> No.13191552

Caps anon was such a huge fucking buy signal

>> No.13192019
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>> No.13192035

give it a few hours and you retarded bulls will be singing a much different tune

>> No.13192052

I got fucking liq'd already it doesnt matter if btc dumps from here. its over for me...honestly I wonder if caps anon knew and was just fucking with us. his data just made way too much sense

>> No.13192091

it's not over for you silly, you're gonna have a whole year to accumulate

you shouldn't have been fucking around with that much money on futures

>> No.13192100

Man get a load of this fucking LOSER going from thread to thread trying to do damage control.

>> No.13192101

>oh damn he types in all caps, better trust him will all my money
you deserved this, faggot

>> No.13192105

>Thinks ta is data.

>> No.13192125

i don't even know why you guys are sparring out? he literally said "it will get close to or touch the 200 ma"


he didn't say "open a 100x short immediately" you fucking bozos

>> No.13192133


>> No.13192141

>his data just made way too much sense

> misspelled words in caps lock
> a jpeg image<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F602;</div>

>> No.13192166

Biz namefags btfo now, always and for ever. Namefags will never EVER be right

>> No.13192175
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guys buy the breakout!!1

>> No.13192186

literally who?

>> No.13192451

accumulate with what? I appreciate the words of encouragement but I'm literally at 0 now. Thought there was no fucking way this shit would hit 5k

>> No.13192551

Imagine listening to some TA faggot just because he talks in all caps, imagine risking all of your money on his meme lines
OP if I just walk up and yell at you would you think that gives me credibility and give me all of your money?

>> No.13192609


>> No.13192615

It will pump until the bear fags drop their guns, then it’ll dump until next year.