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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1319061 No.1319061 [Reply] [Original]

So /biz/, what are the most promising altcoins and why?

>> No.1319091

ETH without a doubt.

now how about you ask in any one of the 10 fucking threads about coins instead of making a new thread.

>> No.1319096

I have, didnt get much back.

>and why

>> No.1319103


just buy DGB while it's still cheap.

>> No.1319110

how does that set itself apart from others?

>> No.1319143

- the CEO has a lot of meeting with companys and Banks.
- out of 50 start ups it was the most anticipated at the rise event last month
- new games for earning DGB (currently LoL and CS:GO) will be added in the future
- an active and mature telegram group with permanent updates and news
- fast transactions
- and it didn't fucked up that hard during the current BTC run
- also runors for hitting one of the bigger exchanges later this year ;)
- people are already in for DGB as soon as BTC crashes down after the halvening

use it as p&d or go long, as you wish
for me there are enough points to make some profits.
Especially since I farm a few k DGB via my friends who play LoL.

>> No.1319156

thanks m8, ill put some in. Prob gonna split between trump, eth, and ill put some in dgb

uness anyone else wants to shill

>> No.1319163

The most promising altcoin is the one you won't hear about here, because it has actual sound tech behind it rather than hype and pumping.

>> No.1319208

This will be the case for Tau-chain - Agoras.
It's on my watchlist, but will only invest after a few more news are out.
Pretty interesting tech concept.

>> No.1319403


>> No.1319462


>> No.1319470

I'm pretty sure when it's no longer in alpha zcash will take off.
Bitcoin keeping a publicly accessible record of every transaction you make is fucked up.

>> No.1319511

Trumpcoin is pretty much garunteed to go up at least 400% after main stream media promotes it.

>> No.1320213

2016 Global Blockcahain Summit
22-24 June Beijing,China

Jared Tate, the co founder of Digibyte will speak during this event.
Check this out in a few days and tell me if DGB is more then just another altcoin.

>> No.1320214

looks dead to me

>> No.1320223

dropping $1k in it as we speak. I feel mad tosh coming in. Maybe it will turn into $100k in a year or two.

>> No.1320224

might happen if people are buying and holding instead daytrading like a mad man

>> No.1320232

wtf is up with Bittrex? What a shitty platform. They are making depositing $$$ in so difficult.

>> No.1320233
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This >>1317967

All hail the new god SASHA IVANOV

>> No.1320238

Trumpcoin has a big Chance of going to 1$

>> No.1320249

what's up with russians and crypto scams?

>> No.1320257

Thats why people should trust Satoshi Nakamoto before you go full slav-coin :^)

>> No.1320266


Trump now 9th in poll lads


>> No.1320283

what if he was a russian under alias too?

>> No.1320287

then slavs are confirmed for crypto-kings and master race

>> No.1320356

Seems vaguely interesting, but also pretty damn complicated to understand

Zcash definitely has a lot of interest, but that could be a negative since getting in early will be very hard and there will be an inevitable crash.

>> No.1320482

great lets get it to #1


fire up those proxies

>> No.1320489

or all crypto is confirmed for slav tricks and scam

>> No.1320514

forget the jews, slavs are the future of finance :^)

>> No.1320588



>> No.1321940


>> No.1322327

Sup ya'll. Would anyone be nice enough to give me some bitcoins?

I want to get started trading and investing. But I want to start out with nothing and get my seed capitol by begging online.


>> No.1322436
File: 891 KB, 768x645, The Great Bitcoin Expirement u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit guys, thanks for the donations!

>> No.1322445

you're onto something anon, keep it up

>> No.1323899

You know what you have to do anon (hell I also gave away BTC worth 1$ a few times. One day a generous rich guy will come along and karma pays back 10 times!).

>> No.1324119

DGB, GAME, and BCY are what you need to get into.

It's questionable as to whether or not ICO scamcoins like WAVE or LSK who claim to change the world actually do anything.

None of these coins are going to change the world, but they have actual uses within the online gaming niche, and it's stupid to think cryptocurrency isn't going to have a role in this niche moving forward.

>> No.1324177


If you want to have a guaranteed (even if it's little) profit, then check out the Blockchain Summit in 2 days.
The co-founder of DGB is speaking and as always, there will be a little pump around 10-20%.

>> No.1324183

forgot the link

>> No.1324192

Sweet, I put a decent bit of BTC down on DGB today without even knowing about this. Good to hear!

>> No.1324214

If you made profit, check the Bitcointalk thread in a few days. Maybe you will get an invite to the telegram group for first hand information ;)

>> No.1324232

How hard is it to get an invite? I'm a hero member with a good track record but no green trust and I'm not exactly a whale.

>> No.1324235


Oh I forgot, I gladly take a 9500 DGB tip (around 3€ - a beer in my country) if it turns out fine for you in a few days :)

>> No.1324240

Just use the search box in the [ANN] thread, you will find it.
I'm not gonna post it here, I hope you can understand.

>> No.1324241

alright yeah I can definitely manage that lol

>> No.1324311

Would investing in ETH be a good idea if it dips? Should I invest in BTC in the meantime? Or should I wait for a big dip there as well?

I'm looking at Waves too but it looks like I'd need BTC too in that case. Basically, please help this poor student. I've already deposited money to Kraken, which took a long time and thankfully saved me mig time from investing in ETH before the crash.

>> No.1324319
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Here's your answer; either invest in memecoins, since all of the USA is following one giant meme that they dubbed 'politics' or invest in BTC

Anything else is pissing your money away without either the gamble factor to make it big in memes or the relative stability that BTC provides

>> No.1324323


The only coin that actually can make an impact is Bitcoin. Don't buy into Eth under the pretense that it has "huge potential". ESPECIALLY don't buy into WAVE, it's a shitty ICO scamcoin. The only people who make money off of it buy in before it's launched.

The memes and niche altcoins are where you need to go if you want to gamble, BTC if you are bullish about cryptocurrency in general.

>> No.1324339

I see, maybe I'll invest into bitcoins in that case. Thanks for the input guys. I definitely got a wake up call when I realized the slow deposit saved me my money the other day.