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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1319012 No.1319012 [Reply] [Original]

Did i fall for the Econ major meme?

>> No.1319030

what majors aren't a meme?

>> No.1319040

what memes aren't major?

>> No.1319247

I guess engineering and CS isnt considered a meme here

>> No.1319439

Pls respond, i need anonymous users on a malaysian tiger molesting forum to validate my life choices

>> No.1319460

CS is certainly a meme due to saturation.
Electronic Engineering, Math, and Physics will probably never reach meme-tier because they're intrinsic pleb killers.

>> No.1319483

Econ really is a meme. I got a degree three years ago at an ungodly young age with a fairly high GPA and had fucking shit in terms of employment prospects out of school, although part of that was my own fault.

It's a jack of all trades, master of none degree. Which, in a highly specialized economy, means its not worth much. You want to work business? Go get a Finance or Business Administration degree. You want to do economic modeling and forecasting? Well since you really can't even do that without a graduate-level econ education that will force you to learn high level math and statistics, you might as well just say fuck it and go get a general math or statistics degree to get that out of the way now and save yourself some time. You just want a boring, clear-cut job in an officer where you top out at $70k? Accounting's the path for you.

There is no end with an Econ degree that could not be better served by getting a different degree more relevant to your goal.

>> No.1319586

>top out at 70k

u wot mate? I've just made senior at a big 4 firm after 2 years and I'm on 73k...

>> No.1319747

Just fuck my life up then i guess. Everywhere I look Econ is around top 10 in best major list with around 80k average salary or whatever. What gives?

>> No.1319801



"the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project found last fall that lifetime earnings for economics majors at the 90th percentile are nearly triple those at the 10th, reflecting the range of destinations for such experts in government and the private sector."

Do some research, don't listen to these failures. Get an internship, keep decent grades, stay away from academia, and you'll be fine.