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13187518 No.13187518 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off transgender suicide rates?

>> No.13187543

Sell pink funeral coffins?

>> No.13187583

Marry transgenders, take out a life insurance, then pay for their surgery reassignment. The initial investment from the surgery will give you 100X returns when the inevitable happens. You can take a "break" when they're emotionally draining you and then just keep delaying the divorce if they push for it.

Alternatively, give financial advice specifically to LGBTQ community, get them to invest into crypto, then take over their wallets when they an hero.

>> No.13187593


>> No.13187684

bet on celebrity tranny deaths on augur

>> No.13187692

steal their bone marrow<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/13.gif"></div>

>> No.13187739


I agree, brilliant. Except you don't even have to pay for reassignment surgery - less than 1% of all trannies get the full chopping block treatment, they just load up on whatever cocktail of hormones they can get their hands on and play dress up and SJW their way through whatever's left of their life before the an hero event. Even more profit!
Last stat I saw said suicide rate is 40%, which is a pretty profitable gamble in itself, but if you can get in their head just a little, a few subtle hints, sprinkle around the opportunities and a few news stories - remember trannies adore drama and attention, so maybe fine tune a "heroic misunderstood butterfly crashes itself against the rocks, so beautiful and tragic, the whole world cried" sort of emotional story that will set the stage for a copycat.
Oh, and definitely discuss autoerotic asphyxiation, and make sure you have a nice strong anchor point in the house at least 7 feet up. You don't want anybody trying to pull some bullshit drama an hero attempt by popping a few xanax and rushing to the ER.

>> No.13187958

I have a pretty penny invested in the death of desmond is amazing
he will die from anal fissure with 5 years.

>> No.13187980

Suicide attenot rate, sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.13188445

because attempting suicide is better?

Its still way off normal

>> No.13188479

It's 1% less than full body burn victims. Ruminate on that for a few.

>> No.13188533

No just makes the life ensurance scam unviable

>> No.13188794

Now this was based and redpilled. Have my updoot

>> No.13188942

>Alternatively, give financial advice specifically to LGBTQ community, get them to invest into crypto, then take over their wallets when they an hero

LMAO im down, ill whip up some tranny themed crypto wallet and advertise on tumblr. I wont teef the funds right away but ill let it gain some traction in the lbgtq community and then ill pull the rug out one morning and /biz splits the profits