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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13183920 No.13183920 [Reply] [Original]

What's the financial future of leafland? Is it completely JUSTed?
If you're a low-IQ flyover rust belt migatard, please dont respond to this thread.

>> No.13183924

Canada is finished.

>> No.13183945
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The future of Canada is a multiracial PARADISE and there is NOTHING white bigots are going to do about it

>> No.13183966

We're basically dead men walking. In theory, if the price of metals and oil suddenly skyrockets it'll be "happy days are here again", but that relies on overall strong global economic growth. We used to get away with assembling and trans-shipping Chinese goods into the United States under cover of NAFTA, but the recent tariffs and USMCA agreement have fucked us. We're currently in the "cannibalisation" phase of economic decline as whatever is left of our independent manufacturing vanishes and our economy increasingly relies on a real estate bubble, insurance, debt, and finance to prop itself up.

The economy consists of a bunch of monopolies controlling everything, so there's no downwards price competition. Canadians are too passive to complain in any meaningful way, so stuff just gets worse and worse.

Real estate prices are skyrocketing due to foreign money, rents are skyrocketing due to mass immigration, wages are low, the cost of living is going up, taxes are spent on increasingly pointless things (schools that don't teach your kids, hospitals that don't heal you when you're sick, police who don't enforce the law), university degrees are worthless, etc. Frankly it's hopeless; all of our young talent flees to the US if they get half a chance.

>> No.13183976

this isnt in CAN.. is it?

>> No.13184008
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>> No.13184011

Its migaland.

>> No.13184043

>all of our young talent flees to the US if they get half a chance
I never understood this. All talented Americans are fleeing their country the first chance they get to go to japan, china, Europe, etc.

>> No.13184074

I don't know if or why Americans are fleeing, but Canadians are going to the US because the salary is usually much, much better for jobs that will take Canadians (mainly finance and tech). Also it's harder to get venture capital in Canada because all our investors are extremely conservative. If there are no language and minimal cultural barriers, why wouldn't you move to a different country on the same continent where you can get paid double or triple (even quadruple, what with the horrible exchange rate these days) what you'd get if you stayed at home?

>> No.13184099

Because they're going to be a 2nd class citizens and all miga hillbillies are going to be making fun of them?

>> No.13184103

You know that Canada has taxes which make anything over $100k/year (CAD, $75,000 USD) not worth the extra work, right?
Why stay somewhere that will literally punish you for trying to be successful while also funding alraljeet rahjmadan and his fifteen wives and one hundred and two kids (while you can barely earn enough to support a wife and kids at an upper-middle-class lifestyle)?

>> No.13184119

You know that I know you're a migatard?

>> No.13184144

>Why stay somewhere that will literally punish you for trying to be successful while also funding alraljeet rahjmadan, Juan pedro Gonzalez and deybanquan muhfuggason and their fifteen wives and one hundred and two kids (while you can barely earn enough to support a wife and kids at an upper-middle-class lifestyle)?
Uh oh. Its like whatever problems there are in leafland migaland has it 100x worse :^)

>> No.13184187

t. India

>> No.13184459

Look here fellow maple syrup drinkers.
Canadeh is going to be alright.
We're going to make more money then any country has ever made with oil and precious metals.
We can quite literally grow and process a product that sells for 1.5 x gold does per ounce meanwhile producing it cost just around 1/16 the price of what gold cost to mine and process.
The next 3 years are going to be a grand laugh for us.
If you live in Canuck land I suggest getting involved in the Mary the iguana trade.
You don't want to miss out.

>> No.13184547

the same job I am doing here in Canada, I get paid 50k/yr while in the US it's 100-120k/yr

IT industry

Kill me

>> No.13184654
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The Chinks have utterly BTFO of your real estate market.

The bubble's gonna pop.

pic related.

>> No.13184721

Except not because nobody will know you're from Canada unless you tell them. Or have a ridiculous over the top accent. SOARRY Eh!

>> No.13184750

LOL. Good luck with the mentally ill eco tards. Having resources don't matter if politics prevents you from utilizing them.

>> No.13184854

>not virtue signalling as a xanuck
Stay fat

>> No.13184897

he's talking about cannabis, dipshit

>> No.13184900

If the bubble does pop. There will be even more chinks in Canada scooping up cheap real estate

>> No.13184951

Any Canada bros trying to get US citizenship? Canada is unironically a meme especially BC

>> No.13185156

>especially BC

>> No.13185245

Chinese money laundering through real estate has rendered the place far to expensive to live in.
A lot of boomers there still think $15/hr is too much even though the cost of rent is absolutely insane.
Moving to the US as a leaf is the easiest way to double your pay.

>> No.13185609


Exactly. Housing market in Vancouver is totally fucked. Chinese money laundering & the rockies stopping future growth of the city = $2 million average home cost.

>> No.13185749

True this but the whole Pacific northwest is crazy. It's not just Vancouver. Look just across the border....

>> No.13185784

god please tell me its not

>> No.13186125
File: 2.60 MB, 2880x2160, 20190217_103623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to get your PAL/RPAL

>> No.13186274

it is the an alternate universe predator movie