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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13182913 No.13182913 [Reply] [Original]

Oh noo

>> No.13182936

oww my balls

>> No.13183002

Everything is going right so far. Literal chimps

>> No.13183029

Hey guys, we officially launched our hybrid blockchain today. Make sure to stock up on CHX and hold until the mainnet exchange release in June. We're all excited at OWN! However we still need to market sell 720,000 CHX over the course of these upcoming 8 weeks, so if we could keep the price stable that would be great. Thanks guys!

>t. Sascha

>> No.13183151

any1 here still in this?
I'm starting to get AMB vibes with the constant promises and no actual deliveries

>> No.13183163

telegram is a shit show too
the hivemind is strong, everybody is posting moon gifs because of the main net and scypher and his minions supressing any kind of negative posts

>> No.13183170
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Constant promises and no actual deliveries lmao? I’ll have what you’re smokin

>> No.13183182

so they built a blockchain big whoop
everybody is doing this shit
there are still no customers announced and thats the only thing that counts

>> No.13183189

>We're all excited at OWN! However we still need to market sell 720,000 CHX over the course of these upcoming 8 weeks, so if we could keep the price stable that would be great. Thanks guys!

the fraudster devs will keep dumping their tokens.. and misleading you to keep price at around 15m

>> No.13183199

and I'm starting to think the big fast food rumor is just some fucking burger shack with a revenue of 100k

>> No.13183319

Every week 90,000 CHX dumped adds up to 1,440,000 CHX to this date. Wait until the dev tokens unlock...

It is. It's going to be a small "chain" with two locations in the same state. People in the Telegram unironically believe it could be Dunkin Donuts or Domino's Pizza. Let that sink in.

>> No.13183371

Yeah, I dunno, starts to look pretty dubious. They are promising so much, it's almost too good to be true. And the delays are not helping. I only bought a few of them at 12 cents, so I'm still on green, but really curious if they deliver or not in the upcoming months.

If it was a scam though, at least it's an elaborate one and they work pretty hard to keep it up.

We'll see.

>> No.13183502

>It is. It's going to be a small "chain" with two locations in the same state. People in the Telegram unironically believe it could be Dunkin Donuts or Domino's Pizza. Let that sink in.
why would you know that

>> No.13183542

Just wait and see.

>> No.13183595

how big is the STO going to be

>> No.13183640

Isn’t mainnet supposed to launch today? What happened with that?

>> No.13183690

April fools!!!!

>> No.13183695

Weak fud bro. Try a little harder.

>> No.13183696

its live

>> No.13183757

Facts are not fud. Check their wallet, every week 90,000 CHX gets market sold on IDEX to pay their contractors. Add up how much CHX got turned into ETH over the course of this year alone. They sold 180,000 CHX in the past week alone: https://etherscan.io/token/0x1460a58096d80a50a2f1f956dda497611fa4f165?a=0x4dfebcfe7e50da3d85339986971f377259ac511b

>> No.13183825

Wait, I thought people were saying they were dumping tokens? If it's to pay devs that's very different.

>> No.13183841

That's what the fudders call dumping

>> No.13183883

>If it's to pay devs that's very different.
Why not pay them in FIAT? The contractor excuse was made by OWN themselves. Can we verify it's true?

>> No.13183961

OWN should us le all available tools to bring the project to completion. If they need to supplement their income with some token selling, whether to pay contractors or to continue business development, it doesn't matter. It's a zero sum game. Either they complete the development of their platform or they run out of funds and all of this was for nothing.

This is early stages and the team must do all in their power to fully launch their business.

>> No.13183971

Should use all available tools*

>> No.13183984

>complete the development of their platform

It is complete, use it. Most people buying shit in crypto don't even use the shit they're buying because they're too goddamn incompetent.

>> No.13184108

> when the street shutters try EVEN HARDER to come up with something remotely excusable for fud


>> No.13184128

Wow! So they’re gonna take 20k and run? Which will also essentially cripple their careers and lead to jail time? For 20k.. lmfao complete nonsense, back to the street ranjeet

>> No.13184173

>For 20k
280k actually
nice math though

>> No.13184183

look at the graph.. does that look like pnd to you?


>> No.13184358

Market selling 90,000 CHX comes out to 122ETH or $17,324. At least $250,000 in the past four months for to pay developers and a designer in Bosnia. Will be half a million by June, or more, if the price increases. I never said they're going to run. Now when their tokens get unlocked, they might regularly sell 180,000 CHX a week instead of the usual 90,000.

>> No.13185332

2019 is the year of STO hype. I hold CHX and STT.

>> No.13185347

Might help to post the right link: https://idex.market/eth/chx

>> No.13185424
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>> No.13185643

Mainnet lauchned today. Where are all the secret clients that were under NDA? Why isn't anyone buying CHX to lock up? Was the launch just an April Fools Day prank?

>> No.13185662

When brain?

>> No.13185953

Oh noooo the team sells tokens to fund the operation! Those scammers!

Chx fudsters are bottom of the barrel tier.

>> No.13186118

Many projects pay people in tokens, anyone that knows even the slightest thing about crypto, knows this has long been a common practice. It's a good way to ensure quality deliverable and it's especially common when engaging "marketing resource" for obvious reasons. I could name a whole bunch of projects that have been regularly shilled here in recent months that have done exactly this. But I won't because I have more class than that and I'm also invested in some these.

>> No.13186270

Truth is. You don't know who owns the recipient addresses and you don't know why the payments were made.

>> No.13186354

>Mainnet lauchned today. Where are all the secret clients that were under NDA? Why isn't anyone buying CHX to lock up? Was the launch just an April Fools Day prank?
Holy fuck you weirdos are impatient as fuck. Just calm your pussy, it's not all gonna drop at once Jesus.

>> No.13186411

My God. The level of basic reading comprehension here is at an ATL, even for biz.

They paying their devs in CHX. That's not dumping you fucking morons.

Second, mainnet is absolutely live right now but the token swap is June 1st.

There will be numerous exchanges announced in April.

>> No.13186469

>I could name them but I won't
Kek this sounds like Own saying they have lots of clients and partners but they cant' name them, because reasons. Unfortunately the main stupid excuse, that they are all under NDA, is no longer valid with mainnet live.

>> No.13186575


They will be listed in the app, and the price will be 30% up before you can even get to your computer to fomo back in.

>> No.13186577

How it sounds to you, is of no concern to me. What is a of concern to me, is having respect for those that share information and to never reveal sources. That's why I have this information. Don't believe me? Couldn't give a flying fuck,

>> No.13186829

or they all suck ass and the price drops to 5cents

>> No.13186875

How does one get in contact with sources like these?

>> No.13187084

hi sascha, lurking again?

>> No.13187100

Rolled 4 (1d6)

This shitcoin better fucking recover before Link takes off

>> No.13187148

your local döner kebab turk doesn't qualify as a fast food chain btw
you better not fuck me over with the next announcement

>> No.13187998

Do you have any idea how high profile business partnerships work? It’s not similar to you being in partnership with BK despite your whopper addiction

>> No.13188007

If I had an 1chx for everytime I’ve heard this. Kek

>> No.13188307

When is that supposed to happen? Is there a date announced? Nothing happening today is concerning.

>> No.13188492

They said that Mainnet won’t be an instant update. They’re progressing into it over the span of 2 months to make sure things go as smoothly as possible. Companies are starting the STO process today though. The issuances (1% lockups) are one of the last steps so we may not see the lockup effects until a month or two. All you need is patience with this token

>> No.13188872

>whopper addiction

Mid April

>> No.13188875

oww my balls

>> No.13189045

>Companies are starting the STO process today though.
How can this be verified?

>> No.13189086

>When is that supposed to happen? Is there a date announced? Nothing happening today is concerning.
The same shit happened today with Owns main need as every other main net, they let it lose but like every other one swaps and wallets and onboarding takes a little bit of time

>> No.13189132

does this reasoning also apply to ambrosus and would explain a reason they haven't publicized mainnet before getting the rest of their ducks in a row

>> No.13189315

i'm the anon that shilled chx for 5 months from sub1m marketcap to 25m marketcap.. own are fraudsters... they are fraudsters.. they mislead and outright lie while they dump their chx on you.

hold if you want, but dont say i didn't fucking warn you

they are scammers. i know own better than anyone here

>> No.13189328

prove you were the shill and i'll dump my CHX right fucking now

>> No.13189340

>prove you were the shill and i'll dump my CHX right fucking now

>> No.13189348

also look at my last message.. see the lower case.. see the dots..

>> No.13189368

He proved it in multiple threads in the past already. I didn't believe him at first either, but turns out he was right after all. He predicted the mainnet delay in February and it did actually get delayed till June. Get ready to dump your CHX.

>> No.13189400

Is this ghosty young fellow

>> No.13189424


What are you on about? Again, Mainnet is not delayed. It's live right now. Token swap is in June. STFU.

>> No.13189431

>Again, Mainnet is not delayed.

>> No.13189463


>> No.13189469

yeah im not selling my CHX i'm playing with house money i just wanted to see who you guys were. my moneys on Ghost, he types with those "..." and starts certain sentences with "ahh", and had 100k OWN around the end of january when he would blow up telegram and 4chan about how much CHX he had
too high IQ for you young lad

>> No.13189505

I was on biz that day the mainnet "delay" was announced. He changed his script to fit to the chx announcement. Don't fall for it.

>> No.13189514
File: 608 KB, 1440x1906, Screenshot_20190401-213401(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You were saying?

>> No.13189523

ding ding ding.

>> No.13189542
File: 850 KB, 1440x2478, Screenshot_20190401-213831(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this? More BS amirite?

>> No.13189545

Is it a public mainnet launch?

>> No.13189549


>> No.13189558

I was as well and I'm 99% sure he said the delay would happen way before Sascha's comment in the Telegram.

>> No.13189577

>>Again, Mainnet is not delayed.
Double heh
First block is there.

>> No.13189594

Fuck I really fucking hope this is JNT V 2: Return of the Pajeet

>> No.13189631

I'd also like to point out I'm giving away how i've known who Ghost was all this time on 4chan... but it won't matter because in about a month you'll be entirely irrelevant... I hope for your daddy's sake you kept some of that CHX in a new address otherwise i foresee jumping off a bridge in your near future

>> No.13189635


Thanks, was about to post this

>> No.13189757

Sad to see all these low level iq pajeets on here. OWN is just getting started. You can see the blocks and validator nodes in the link above. Mainnet is active. Just wait until the big news drops this week. Sad fud is sad

>> No.13189773

Fudders trying so fucking hard
> price dumps less than 5%
Lmfao be ready to fomo or jump out of your nearest window in the near future

>> No.13189886

Is it public? This a private beta early access demo release. Shit ain't done.

>> No.13189893

i'm not this ghost person

i'm the anon that shilled chx from sub 1m to 25m marketcap over the last 5months. i made 90% of chx posts. at first i believed in own, but know now the fraudster sasha mislead and outright lied to us about everything. they are going to keep dumping their tokens.. they won't get on big exchanges.. just shitty ones like switcheo with 0.5btc daily volume.. they won't get big partnerships.. they won't do lots of sto's and the few they will do will be small.

it's not going to pump... there is 0 reason for it to....it's just going to bleed because devs will keep dumping their chx.... if it pumps it will take another couple of years... it will take own a couple of years to build their infilstructure (if they dont walk away from the project)... security tokens won't get hype for another couple of years

>> No.13189956
File: 23 KB, 560x87, 1553639824162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fraudster sasha lied to us about having tokenized half a billion dollars of assets. this was just testnet stuff. one anon tried it and increased it to 2 trillion dollars

fraudster sasha lied to us about having sto's lined up until 2020. there are actually only 9 small businesses interested in doing an sto with them

fraudster sasha lied to us about mainnet being Q1. mainnet was delayed until end of Q2.

sasha tried to get partnerships.. but they were either not interested, or wanted to steal their ideas, and the few that are interested want to "wait and see" for a couple of years. the only partership they got was with a failing business.

own sold the small amount of eth they raised at ico at the bottom. they are bankrupt. sasha said they are funding chx out of their own pocket. this is why they are dumping their tokens and will keep doing so for the next couple of years.

chx is a centralized illegal security. it fails the howey test. sec might shut them down.

own's marketing is a joke. they are making chink merch and an app game to show people how to do sto's with them. meanwhile real sto platforms like securitize are tokenizing billions of dollars worth of real assets

>> No.13189958

>if it pumps it will take another couple of years
This. People in the Telegram are saying $10 by the end of the year and OWN being on the same level as BTC and ETH. The #1 marketplace for STOs. How likely is that now?

That's why I initially invested, big returns, because of promised big partnerships and hundreds of companies displayed on the DSR. Over 2 billion tokenized (not the 2 trillion glitch btw). All turned out to be FAKE testnet info. Except Sascha said in the Telegram it was real data back in November. Liar.

>> No.13190023

This is definitely the guy you want to take financial advice from.

>> No.13190030

people are leaving their telegram in droves

>> No.13190040

Can't argue valid points? Look for a spelling error instead.<span class="fortune" style="color:#00cbb0">

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!![/spoiler]

>> No.13190054

Haha, right on cue!

At least learn the fucking language if you are going to come to my country and get on welfare.

>> No.13190064

>This is definitely the guy you want to take financial advice from.
i dont know how to spell infilstructure.
if you look at the chx posts over the last 9 months, you'll see i keep miss spelling that word.

>> No.13190088

If heads, OWN is a scam.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Tails</b></div>

>> No.13190092
File: 983 KB, 1440x2144, Screenshot_20190401-224405(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you gone to the securitize telegram? Everything they do is on eth, hyperledger or tezos.

>> No.13190095

Also if it's tails.

>> No.13190100

>double dubs
kek has spoken loud and clear

>> No.13190120

kek can be a jokester on april's fool day.

>> No.13190130

>At least learn the fucking language if you are going to come to my country and get on welfare.

i'm white, british, 35. bought btc at $2.70 10 years ago, then eth, then ico's... invested early in google, apple, alibaba, facebook, snapchat, whatsapp.. they all became the word's bigest companies. yes my spell sucks, but i fucking own you at investing.

>> No.13190189
File: 270 KB, 750x824, 3F0365C8-BD29-4D7A-8950-6365A6994390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sit down son. This is where adults actively get shit done, and don't have time to cater to and dispell every pathetic 4chan fud your two brain cells can pump out. Have fun with whatever shitcoin you bailed into

>> No.13190230

Dying company with 65% less assets in 2018 than 2016.

>> No.13190289

Company's total assets are worth more than the entirety of the US national debt in 2019. Typing out completely made up stats is pretty damn easy

>> No.13190308

>Company's total assets are worth more than the entirety of the US national debt in 2019. Typing out completely made up stats is pretty damn easy


https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1284557/000128455719000001/public.pdf<div class="like-perk-cnt"><div style="text-align:right"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/temp/verified.png"></div></div>

>> No.13190462

>>Company's total assets are worth more than the entirety of the US national debt in 2019. Typing out completely made up stats is pretty damn easy
You've just proven how stupid you are. Hamersley doesn't control the assets, they connect the buyers to the sellers brainlet. Does not take away from the fact that they've sold billions. They will do the same for Own. Sit down little boy.

>> No.13190475
File: 38 KB, 450x450, 385CC0E7-7240-4DD9-9399-CB8DEDADBBD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be all good and well if they were an asset manager. Hamersley are a broker-dealer. They do "deals". They're not an asset manager. They connect buyers with sellers, so why would they hold any assets themselves. Impressive attempt with something to lead the fud pajeets with ah ha gotcha bitch. However it is simply a completely irrelevant mouth breather of an attempt that even a fifth grader would understand. Shoo shoo poorfag

>> No.13190536

i told you all to sell chx for fantom couple of weeks ago

fantom is up 3x since then and chx is down

it's still not too late. it should do another 5x in the short term

>> No.13190554

What about the part where 97% of their revenue comes from three clients. For both 2016 and 2018.

>For the year ended December 31, 2015, three clients accounted for 100% of the Company's revenue. Therevenue percentages are 69%, 20%, and 11%, respectively.
>For the year ended December 31, 2018, three clients accounted for 97% of the Company's revenue. The revenue percentages are 54%, 29%, and 14%, respectively.

Less assets and same number of clients? Their expenses also lowered as they moved to a smaller office. Sure sounds like a successful business. 50 years of investment and sales experience (combined) and one of them happened to land a $5.095 billion deal in like 1992.

Ah yes, you're parroting the same excuse as told by Sascha in the Telegram. It's a nice spin. Why would you want less assets and the same number of clients?

>> No.13190567

When you guys saw that Hamersley Partners announcement, were you honestly telling yourself "Fuck yes! Hamersley! Just who we needed! We're going to the moon! $100 EOY"? It's a shit partnership and made no difference at all.

>> No.13191104

>Just wait until the big news drops this week.
$60k volume on the day of mainnet launch. This is dead on arrival. Everything with this is always hype about the future - Fast launch, big partnerships, mainnet launch. Then when nothing happens the shills just move the goalposts.