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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13182846 No.13182846 [Reply] [Original]

Oraclize dude said Oraclize got a million oracle transactions at 0.02 per call that's 20k total yearly revenue lol

Even if link captures 10m calls per year that's 200k flowing through the network to pay thousands of node operators


>> No.13182852

>The finest of street shitting math coming to you live from Mumbai
>it's pajeet!

>> No.13182858


>> No.13182869

>he doesn't realize that billions will be flowing through the system

the absolute state of this board

>> No.13182888

10m calls per year represents about 20 calls per minute. A single app on a single node could use that much data.

>> No.13182904


>> No.13182959

Your looking at it the wrong way. Currently there are 0 calls going through chainlink, yet chainlink is worth 52c.
99% of chainlinks value comes from it's network, and that network doesn't exist yet.

>> No.13182984

Imagine it will exist in the future.

>> No.13183125

If there are billions of calls then the call prices will go down too kek

0.000001 per call! Kek

The token price therefore will go down too instead of up

Think before you post...

>> No.13183257

Because Oraclize currently is shit?

>> No.13183820

kys retard

>> No.13183829

link is shit

>> No.13183921

>well yeah you can sell software like Microsoft Office but if 1000x more people buy it then it'll drop in value by 99.995%
Just end it, my dude. YouTube has noose tutorials.

>> No.13183938

Imagine the chain of events that leads you to being this retarded.

>> No.13183974

Product =/= service
Retard!!! Lol

>> No.13183996
File: 63 KB, 900x506, Full Metal Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> billions will be flowing through the system
Isn't it all about the infrastructure? We all want to get rich fast by chasing a p&d after the next one.

Shouldn't we be more concerned with running a node (even now on testnet) to capture some of that value running though the system in the very near future?

>> No.13184004

>If there are billions of calls then the call prices will go down too kek
Fucking why?

>> No.13184019

So oraclize operated at a loss for 4 years with only 20k revenue?
How did the employees, yes plural, even get paid and not quit on the spot.
Weird fud