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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 580x518, TheMagicalDecentralizationSolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13177853 No.13177853 [Reply] [Original]

Genius-tier programmer Zack Hess just destroyed a year and a half's worth of your "research" efforts on Chainlink because /biz/ was too dumb to recognize the flawed design of their beloved ERC token. Lmfao. Brainded linkies blown the fuck out. Time to find a different broken dream for projecting all your failures in life onto.

>> No.13177870

Literal who?

>> No.13177880
File: 304 KB, 384x596, 1553145948612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, I suddenly hate chainlink now.

>> No.13177881

No one knows what this means nor do we care.

>> No.13177885

Not defending Chainlink but this faggot has incentive to discredit Sergey as his project Amoveo is basically a competitor.

>> No.13177889
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My life is fucked and my money is gone.

>> No.13177890

it's not even made yet, he just gave a suggestion and sergey is likely to just take it an implement it kek. get rekt. EOS challenged ethereum, ethereum researchers just went ahead and created plasma chains and are in the provess of attaching them to Ethereum. If he was serious about his criticism, he'd try to build is own oracle solution or shill another one. But naturally he doesn't have the answers because we have to create them as we go, which is what Ethereum, Maker, Link and others are doing, which is why they are the best tokens to hold. Buy the forefront, stop being salty.

>> No.13177902

I don't understand post 1 but it's not a voting protocol because you can choose your oracle. It's not EOS or whatever that is controlled by a few assholes. If all the oracles are shit jew companies and you don't want to trust them with your kill all jews and niggers smart contract input, you can choose a different subset of oracles.

>> No.13177906

Hi Zack, shouldn't you be working on your zero-chance-of-being-successful shitcoin that wishes it could do what chainlink will?

>> No.13177932


>you can here Sergey

Wow what a genius...

>> No.13177943

don't do zack's homework for him. let him learn his lesson the hard way

>> No.13177948

Hi J Kohn.
Based bost.

>> No.13178135

You do realize this FUD is constantly brought up? Honesty you fags think you have the killing blow each time this is brought up.
>chainlink is just node aggregation! Popular vote triggers contract execution! It’s not finding truth!

And each and every single time we have to explain to you retards that your idea of a god oracle is a pipe dream and if you’re looking for a product that triggers with 100% guaranteed truth then your best bet is TempleOS because no one can possibly make an actual fucking oracle that gives 100% correct outputs you fucking brainlets.

>> No.13178139

>you can here Sergey

>> No.13178185
File: 100 KB, 560x280, 1553394161135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Sergey promised us truth!!!

>> No.13178232

He's a Fascist who doesn't believe in voting, aka Democracy. It's a philosophical objection, not a technical one.

>> No.13178257

This dumb nigger is wrong and cherry picking from the yt paper.

>> No.13178283
File: 134 KB, 1024x692, 1553946208268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is this shit? i didnt read the whitepaper, didnt watch any of that fat cunt sergeys speeches because you said they were all the same, didnt do any research at all, i just bought it because of the memes... did i just get dabbed on by fucking biz? is this chainlink shit all a joke? is it true this rory guy is a cuck? all my life savings are in this...

>> No.13178286

The cycle of fud

>some uppity no name dev starts slagging off the white paper
>no name dev has a half baked shit tier non-decentralised oracle shitcoin
>shills enough to end up going to some conferences
>ends up on a panel with serge you
>2 months later
>"we are happy to announce we will be using ChainLink as our oracle solution"

No matter what, they always bend the knee

>> No.13179110

The two big use cases, insurance and derivatives can't even be done with smart contracts in the real world.
Do you think that insurance companies have a 1:1 ratio of capital to covered insurance? No of course not, because they know that only a fraction of all contracts are getting served.
With smart contracts you need to have a 1:1 coverage, because the funds need to sit and wait in that SC in order for it to be trustless.
It's the same thing with derivatives. So banks and insurances will need to 10x or 100x their capital reserves to use smart contracts which will obviously never happen.

>> No.13179257

Kek this. Enigma soon.

>> No.13179281
File: 41 KB, 251x251, 1553117873214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What´s a white paper?

>> No.13179292

There we go

>> No.13179310

he proabbaly has a fat stack of decred too

>> No.13179333
File: 161 KB, 800x1422, whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.13179371

You might be correct, his opinion is probably biased. It however doesn't change the reality of the facts he's displaying us.

>> No.13179517

>insurance companies, banks will not give up their profits and use SC
is what you're saying?
Technically, it's very doable. After they go insolvent blockchain monetary system is next.

>> No.13179527
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>> No.13179552
File: 810 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190331-225233_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know where this is going...

>> No.13180083

How the fuck is aggregation voting

>> No.13180090

It isn't. Stop trying to understand nonsense.

>> No.13180094

oh no no link btfo

>> No.13180333

Jesus taptancing Christ, THE Zack Hess? Fuck, I'm out, this is bad.

>> No.13180479

the insurance company will have multiple underwriters. even insurance companies have insurance.

>> No.13180511
File: 46 KB, 652x576, zak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy $VEO guys

>> No.13180515

Until the wheel is broken.

>> No.13180518

>‘Created plasma chains’
>attaching them

Great bait mate. That or you’re both retarded and clueless about development on ethereum.

>> No.13180529

Fucking kek<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F995;</div>

>> No.13180709
File: 54 KB, 500x376, $R7DLX93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Genius-tier" Just say Genius cringelord. Do you say "blue-tier" too? You want to fit in so bad with your memes.

>> No.13180732

Have a like. This redditor speaks the truth. I cannot believe we are still having this discussion everyone! The man in the OP must have just discussed Chainlink in the past week and he's going through the discussion that happened almost 2 years ago now. Sad!

>> No.13181023

>not understanding the foibles of Zack's turboautism
Not going to make it, buddy.

>> No.13181044

> wh*te “women”

>> No.13181093
File: 720 KB, 1538x312, 1554091198409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13181134

sergey used magical solution word as a metaphor brainlet zack cant understand what is a metaphor literally cherry picking words from sergey's 40 min presentation to shit on the best project in crypto space. We are gonna make it

>> No.13181185
File: 47 KB, 466x512, 1634624576538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and kekd
zack "who" BTFOd
ty, come again

>> No.13181202

Is this Zack Hess guy trolling or retarded?
That's exactly what oracles are.

Here's Vitalik explaining it in 2014:
>Essentially, instead of a long-running contract being run directly on the blockchain, all funds that are intended to go into the contract would instead go into an M-of-N multisig address controlled by a set of specialized entities called "oracles"

>> No.13181213

No, he's actually retarded and so are you.

>> No.13181215
File: 58 KB, 324x362, 1545873215222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>created plasma chains and are in the provess of attaching them to Ethereum