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13177643 No.13177643 [Reply] [Original]

Wagefag here. Just got into trading crypto but that’s beside the point. I still work a shitty warehouse job at $15 an hour. I pay $800 in rent monthly in the Midwest. I eat very healthy so I only spend max $175 on health foods like sardines, soups, salads, veggies, etc. but today for some reason I’m depressed. I worked my shitty 10 hour day. I went to the gym and did a 99 minute run. And then I just sat in my car outside my apt and just sat there for like two hours thinking.. boomers went to college and left without debt. Boomers got to work the same job as me at the same wage and went and bought a nice two bedroom, one bath house with a nice little yard. Boomers used my same job and wage to pay for their weddings and honeymoons and I’m sitting here working like a fucking dog and I’ll likely never see any of that. Maybe a small house but nothing of the same scope boomers did. I feel betrayed. I’m sad. I could careless about showing up to work tomorrow or working out. Sick of my annoying girlfriend and how we won’t ever get married because who can afford a nice wedding anyway. I’m thinking about just leaving everyone... Family/girlfriend just packing my shit not tell a soul I’m leaving and just go to Alaska and live inna Woods the rest of my life until I die.. Life shitty for many of us, I know...
how you coping bros?

>> No.13177690

Your only hope is to work for yourself.
I only work commission sales jobs because I don't want to live the typical wagie lifestyle. I work from home and I can do whatever I want as long as my bills are paid.
With that being said I'll probably kill myself within a year so it doesn/t rreally matter anyway

>> No.13177696

>just go to Alaska and live inna Woods the rest of my life until I die.
Well that wont take long to happen....

>> No.13177704

That’s the point retard but I’ll be free

>> No.13177714

I’m right there with you m8. I’m gonna daytrade with a large chunk of money and if I fail I’m going to Alaska to a very tiny town and making a little homestead

>> No.13177728

capitalism is state sponsored usury and usury is slavery so yes work in the wagie sense is slavery. Now work in any form of labor whether it be being a craftsman, blacksmithing, agriculture, etc. is not.

>> No.13177738

Using a chair or desk edge to silently brap is an old trick.

>> No.13177763

It is when the govenrnt is taxing you some 40% in tax

>> No.13177793

>be a slave
>ripped from your mother's tit and sold to a violent stranger
>30 year life expectancy
>works 16 hrs rain or shine for literally nothing
>confined to slave quarters
>eats table scraps
>raped by master
>baby ripped from your tit
>whipped to death if you don't like it

>> No.13177819

You can neck yourself at home too you know....It will be less painful than freezing to death...
p.s. dont do it

>> No.13177823


Work itself is not slavery. Hard work can be rewarding if you feel it has purpose. Signing your soul away to be a cog in a machine is voluntary slavery.

>> No.13177834

black women are the most oppressed group in the west, for sure.

>> No.13177839
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Hey I have been a neet most of my life. There is a lot they don't tell you about not working.
When we are born we have to go to school very soon. We get into a routine of working. Normies grow up working, they don't really think about whether or not it's necessary. When they don't work, they feel lazy and that they should get a job soon. When you neet long term you break this cycle that has been drilled into you since you were literally a child. Neeting itself is a red pill that takes affect over time, the longer you are away from it, the more absurd the workweek starts to look in retrospect. Normies wake up on a fucking alarm clock... even in hunter gatherer days they at least got sleep. In retrospect it's like racial differences, how the fuck did they actually convince people we weren't different, etc? Look at the planet, concrete jungles of worker bees.

I actually believe the whole reason school exists is not to teach you, but to develop a certain skillset and condition slavery from an early age.
>waking up early
>being at certain places at certain times
>respecting authority figures, doing what they say
>forcing through work even if it is boring sometimes
None of these are truly necessary. We could be doing work on our own times, developing machines to do repetitive shit, etc. So basically, yes, you are right. It's slavery. But even if you tell normies this, even if they UNDERSTAND. At best you'll just get
>"Lol that's funny, but most of us do have to work, it is necessary and better to have more money."
I tried to save them. "You don't have to work." But they are conditioned like stockholm syndrome. They feel idle, when they don't have to work they actively seek it anyway, like good slaves crawling back to the master. Because it's all they knew since kindergarten. Schedules and authority figures.

>> No.13177844

They are also most oppressed by black males too.

>> No.13177884

i go to jobs just to learn,assist,help at least once a month, most the time don't get paid, or get paid with a free lunch/coffee.

so whena paying job does come down the line
i can say "yeah i have experience"
and it will be that much easier to pick up on what the task/job is and do it.

>> No.13177905
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Buy and hold Bitcoin. We will take the final revenge on boomers soon enough.

>> No.13177914

>"Lol that's funny, but most of us do have to work, it is necessary and better to have more money."
>I tried to save them. "You don't have to work."
Would love to stop working but how do I survive without money? At a minimum I need food/water/housing and all of that costs money.
The only way out I see is FIRE, and unless you create a super successful business (unlikely), it takes at least a decade of being a wagie.

>> No.13177934

Id never kill myself likea coward cuck

>> No.13177966

not anymore.
black women in the west are doing better than ever by a long shot.

As far as "the west" goes, it's really the Latin American countries that the IMF/WHINSEC is manipulating.

>> No.13178028

Didn't read anything but the subject line, but the way the working world is structured?

Fuck yes. Shortest to explain reason? You NEED a job for your very lively hood.

Now there's actually a simple as fuck solution. Cost of living.

If the cost of living were abysmal, that would take away power employers have. You would no longer survive on their MERCY.

If cost of living were dirt cheap, work life balance would exist (working hours could probably be reduced), yoi wouldn't risk being homeless (so basically eradicating all homelessness), and it basically fixes EVERYTHIIIIIIIIIIING

Only people who disagree are retard boomers that profit off of real estate.

>> No.13178036

All valid points I think your right about school

>> No.13178037

Experience is the new degree
Schools for the sake of degree
Jobs for the sake of muh experience
That does seem like a slavery indeed

>> No.13178065

Buy link you brainlet

>> No.13178086

This girl is in the process of trying to fart

>> No.13178131

Slavery is increasingly meaningless now, it's one of the only almost universally agreed upon bad words so various interests try to shove everything under the umbrella like racism. Most bemoan work but still dream of things that require enormous amounts of "slaves" to function if they had the free time, even if it's as basic as someone else cooking your food. It's all very self-centered thinking, if you're too good to lift a finger for anyone be prepared to jockey for position with everyone else that thinks the same thing.

>> No.13178186

I've been a white collar wagie since I was 21. 7 years of work then I quit my last shitty job and had 2 months off.

In those 2 months off I did more for my own personal development than I did in 7 years of waging. Learnt how to code in Python and JavaScript. Went to the gym 4x per week. Slept 8+ hours a day. Ate healthy. Took my girlfriend out on dates and hiking in nature. Went on a trip to Europe with my dad and uncle for a week. Worked on business plans with a bro.

Now I have to wage at a new job tomorrow. I can't sleep (it's 2am in Bong land) and I'm a nervous wreck. I saw a glimpse of what a life of financial freedom would be like and waging is absolute Fucking nightmare in comparison. Wagies don't understand, my new boss even said things like "I bet you are excited to get back to work after being a man of leisure for so long" - as if I sat and did nothing for 2 months. Nah.

>> No.13178206
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It's not boomers. It's capitalism. You got the bad hand. During this time, rich kids will do internships in Singapore and partying on the roof of some building. Then their father will pull string and they'll have a nice job in a business center without even doing an interview.

However, people will say that the capitalist class is legit to get surplus labor, because they "took risks". When in fact many were already born rich or got lucky.

You are getting scammed each time you go to your job. The shareholders of your company, whoever they are, get rich on your time, your efforts, your labor.

>> No.13178209

What happened to the business plan? It's the only way to escape

>> No.13178227


Still working on it. We will go for investment later this year.

I have 90k LINK I'm riding on too. But I ran out of spare cash so have to go waging again otherwise I'll be living off my girlfriend's salary. Was an awesome 2 months though.

>> No.13178228

>Is work actually slavery?
If you pay taxes, you're working two to three months for free for your employer. You're literally not getting paid for 40 to 60 days of work. Tell me how that's not slavery?

>> No.13178248
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>for your employer

>> No.13178253

If he neck himself, it's suicide regarding Karma. If he froze to death, he died in the wild, trying to survive.

I'm not sure Karma exist, but i'm can't say for sure it doesn't...

>> No.13178281

You get paid ten hours.
You work ten hours.
You get paid 100$.
But the product of your work is worth more than 100$.
The product has value because of your labor.
The difference between your pay and the value of your labor's product = surplus value.
Example: you get paid $100 but your labor created $150.

Surplus value is the basis for capitalist profit.

This goes towards the bourgeoisie snorting coke off assholes or yachts and shit.

It's stolen from you and society and consumed privately, wastefully.

Profit is theft.

>> No.13178300

start a nonprofit business then. it's that simple.

>> No.13178405

He still need capital to do that, and OP isn't exactly rich with $15 an hour, so no bank will lend him money.

>> No.13178454

So? save up and start it. start small. I mean you don't need much profit to survive, because it's that easy and other business owners are just greedy bastards right? All that money they're hogging for themselves,
you'll be able to offer much higher wages and attract the best talent easy.

>> No.13178478
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i wish my face was that desk

>> No.13178486


Use to make shopping carts.

Pumped out 200 carts a day.
10 carts goes for $799 - used

Do the math on that.

>> No.13178505

So you won't be a wagecuck, but you'll be the capitalist, exploiting labor of someone else.

Capitalism is a trick.

Men are supposed to work together, to cooperate, but for the community, not to enrich someone else.

>> No.13178528

literally what. where the fuck do you think food and services come from?
do you even understand what nonprofit is?

>> No.13178540


No, people can be extorted within reason. It's not within reason now a days, but people are not fighting back.

>> No.13178606

Make sure you don't stop working out. Feeling depressed with life is bad enough on its own, but it's ten times worse if you're fat and out-of-shape on top of it.

>> No.13178617
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not if your work is ACCUMULATING TRON

>> No.13178641

Non profit are not bad. From what i understood, the Linux foundation, Mozilla foundation and Debian foundation are non profit organization.

In any case, a better mode of production would be one not based on exchange value.

>> No.13178642


How do you know?

>> No.13178643

Itt: commie retards don't understand risk, liability, overhead, and true cost of employing someone (hint: wages aren't it).

Can't blame them, since if they understood they wouldn't be snivelling little communist faggots.

>> No.13178647

if there is no concept of value, there is no concept of free trade. without free trade, it is a central agent determining what is valuable.
Do you really think the govenrment knows what you want better than you do?

>> No.13178661

Found the bootlicker

>> No.13178700

>without free trade, it is a central agent determining what is valuable.

In good old 20s century perhaps. Direct democracy or an algorithm could determine what is and is not valuable, regarding natural resources and other parameters.

I still have much to learn, but from what i learnt, free trade is the core of the whole problem of exploitation.

Usually humans do not produce to trade, but directly for their needs.

>> No.13178703

Price does equal value. Pick up a dictionary before you spout your "economic prowess". What's the price of the bakers labour when the value of his dog shit pie he spent 10 hours labouring on and nobody values it? Oooo Wait the owner eats the fucking cost of the materials the baker just wasted.

>> No.13178715

and who gets to write the algorithm? so many tards willing to give up their freedom if someone says a fancy word they don't understand.

>> No.13178728

what you need to learn is that communism has been tried a dozen times and has ended in starvation and genocide every single time.
you're actually arguing that you need to be enslaved with fewer freedoms...

>> No.13178757

Get out of my thread jews

>> No.13178807
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As long as there's a private central bank printing money as it pleases we're all slaves. Fiat money is a system of control.

>> No.13178818


I don't want anything. I'm not for state capitalism (20th century communism).

Capitalism is doomed (tendency of the rate of profit to fall).

And we need the majority of people to understand that they shall not work for someone else (surplus labor like in slavery, feudalism or capitalism), in order to build a new mode of production not based in the exploitation of others for the profit of a minority.

Bullshit. In an industrial bakery, and in franchised bakery, there are norms of production which ensures that the product is of a marketable quality.

Anytime a business is making profit and is employing workers, it exploit the workers of their surplus labor.

Now, if the company loose money, they don't exploit the workers. But most of the time, they profit, thus they exploit.

>> No.13178824

what other way can we design the system, that is not capitalism, but would work to where everyone would be given their basic needs to survive. maybe it could be an economy that is based on the blockchain and every would pay their taxes through the blockchain. it would be transparent because everyone could exactly see where their money is going through the blockchain. Everyone paying into the system could vote on law/regulations/elected official/policies etc... it would have MUCH less corruption. maybe people could work much less in this type of system?

>> No.13178835

>i'm against free trade
>I'm not for state capitalism
pick one imbecile. If you are preventing people from trading freely, then you are imposing a tyrannical central government
Capitalism is just fine, it's been working for millennia.

>> No.13178858

Most societies value individual achievement rather than stealing other peoples' stuff

>I’m sitting here working like a fucking dog
at a "shitty warehouse job". What do you feel entitled to?

He signed up voluntarily. Employment, like everything else, is a negotiation. If OP's skills made him worth $200/hr there would be a line out the door of employers competing with each other to bid on his labor. He isn't.

>> No.13178866

mob rule is stupid. direct democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. the 51% will vote to confiscate what the 49% have.
also changing the method of payment from banking to blockchain doesn't change aaaanything. the government still collects your taxes and spends it on whatever they want.

>> No.13178881

No such thing.

>> No.13178885

Ok, before i had to brainstorm a little, but this one is easy.

In the primitive tribe there was no tyrannical central government, and no "trade". Humans produced directly for their needs, without trading.

Capitalism (exploitation of free workers) only exist since the 13th century. Trade indeed since millennia

However, during the vast majority of human existence, before the neolitic revolution, there was no trade, no capitalism, and no central government, whether tyrannical or not.

>> No.13178898

Really, my number 1 complaint is the cost of living. Homes being based on supply and demand is down syndrome stuff.
Homes should instead just be priced based on possibly the cost of the material and labor or some shit like that.

Real estate business shouldn't even be a thing. This is the ONE thing people should not be able to wake a profit out of.

If the cost of living were abysmal everywhere (for example, I've seen homes under 100k in florida), that would literally fix almost all the problems in the u.s.

Shit wages would have more buying power so lower cost of living would be a pseudo wage increase. It would also give less power to employers meaning you wouldn't be at their constant MERCY. You wouldn't rely as much on them for survival.

It's retarded how easily it is to become homeless. That in itself shows this system is broken. Fixing the cost of living would basically end nearly all homelessness and people wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck (for example, 78% of all fulltime workers live pagcheck to paycheck. Employers can fire you whenever they feel like it for nearly whatever reason so you can become homeless in the blink of an eye. If that isn't down syndrome incarnate, nothing is).

>> No.13178921

> salads
Look up Dr Shawn Baker and start eating meat.

> 99 minute run
You must look emaciated as fuck. Lift weights.

>> No.13178985

So your whole model is based on the assumption of sustained quality? Kek. Real world data clearly disagrees when 66% of buisnesses fail in the first 10 years. So quality of product didnt play a part in any of that?

>> No.13178986

im from sg n im a rich father's son. that sounds cool but i'm not sure if it's true.

>> No.13179017

>Humans produced directly for their needs, without trading.
100% bullshit. there was obviously some trading going on between the berry pickers and the hunters. but if you want to go live in a hippy commune off of the land you're welcome to do that. but even there there is trading. who knits the clothes? not the same person as the hunter.
> there was no trade, no capitalism, and no central government, whether tyrannical or not.
there has always been trade. you're so fucking stupid you're not even worth responding to again.

>> No.13179037 [DELETED] 

so basically we are fukt?

>> No.13179047

if you had delusions of being a billionaire, yeah. If you can appreciate the thousands of services and goods we have access today, no.
Get a rare desirable skill, stick with it over the years, and you'll do better than the median.

>> No.13179611

Didn’t read. I can’t fucking stop staring at this brapper. I can’t fucking believe no one is talking about it. So fucking round and juicy

>> No.13179689

It's an evolved version of the Roman system of slavery.

>> No.13179690

Bro if you are willing to go to Alaska try working on the North Slope. You can make a comforable living even doing kitchen work because they pay you a shitload of overtime. You could make 50k a year to work 6w on, 6w off, or some simular bullshit.

Or join the operators union or some shit. That way when you retreat to the woods after 5-10 years you can use all the toys to clear your land.

>> No.13179697

plus the whole system after the education indoctrination is fine tuned to keep you hard working and poor until the end

>> No.13179860

what trade should i go in to learn how to build my shed/upkeep my 50k boat innawoods and shitpost on my pc all day. cant imagine being over 23 and still being in this room

>> No.13179868
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>> No.13180528

What type of work?

>> No.13180556

Busting my ass of as a freelancer only to get raped by the expenses. I didnt think it would be that brutal.

>> No.13180693
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In a competitive environment things get cheaper but as you can see school and transportation have not.

>> No.13180706


>> No.13180715

I work about 16 hours a day for much less than min wage (salary)
I've been raped
I have no money so I eat fucking rice and noodles
I won't ever reproduce, too poor, even fucking SLAVES have move reproductive opertunaties than me..

holy shit im worse off than a fucking slave, i should kill myself, I really wan't to (I'm 28 so that's less than 30years too)

>> No.13180723

I don't believe in Karma or the afterlife, but I would opt to freeze to death. I don't wan't my family to think I killed myself, I wan't it to look like an accident.
I was always thinking drowing. Get a boat, get some weights, take some kind of pills or get drunk as fuck and head for the open ocean. That way while my family would be sad they wouldn't be as sad. Maybe.

>> No.13180735

appointment setting. opening sales basically. don't want to say specifically what is but I open, then we send somebody out into the city to close the deal from the cold call face-to-face. I'm in a big city. It's not a bad system for what we're doing because we can send somebody out to close literally two days after I set the appointment, but the guy I'm working with is getting paid 2 times what I am just because he set it up and that kind of fucking annoys me. I haven't put much effort into it so far because I'm so depressed and fatigued every day and i have been putting more effort into planning my suicide desu. but if i was normal i would probably see it as a good opportunity because i;m good at phone sales. used to be anyway...

>> No.13180777


>> No.13180788

get a different job?

>> No.13180811

KYS and enjoy

>> No.13180928


>> No.13180938

You have options. If you're really thinking of ending it all, why not try something new? Take out a loan or get a line of credit or a few credit cards and travel around and do random shit, maybe you'll gain some perspective or find some joy. If you're at this point then there's nothing left to lose, so might as well try it.
Maybe you can teach english in chinkland, I knew some druggie loser high school dropout that did that and he's doing well now.

I'm the same age as you and I think it's too easy to get tunnel visioned on your current life and the future you see for it, it starts looking like you don't have options. You do have options though, it's just hard to get perspective when you're stuck working.
At the very least don't drown yourself, it's a shit way to go even if you are fucked up.

>> No.13180953

>>13177643<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F407;</div>

>> No.13181871

This. Start your business so you are the one exploiting people and not the other way around.

>> No.13181873

two wrongs don't make a right

>> No.13181888

Seriously though. I want to lick her ass while she sits on my face.