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13175041 No.13175041 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of learning French or Dutch with my free time or something, but the alternative to that is of course the possibility of learning a programming language, bettering my math etc. I am a full time wage cuck so unfortunately my time is limited to only one choice. Which would you guys pick in my place? The former would allow me to visit Europe which is cool, but the latter would allow me to secure a better job some day. Ultimately, I don't really care to become rich, I just want a nice, happy, peaceful quality of life. Which skillset would help me achieve this?

>> No.13175047

kanker homo

>> No.13175129

> French or Dutch
> would allow me to visit Europe
you can visit Europe with English only just fine, beside France almost nobody speak French in Europe either, so unless you have specific business there I wouldn't learn it

> learning a programming language, bettering my math etc
> would allow me to secure a better job some day
market for junior programmers is getting more saturated by the minute, and 2-3 months of evening studying doesn't really make you rockstar programmer, unless you already have a job where you can use newly acquired programming skills or your current experience/domain knowledge can help you get a programming job you will not see much returns on this for quite some time

in summary unless you are really into French girls, programming might be a better choice

>> No.13175150

You're right, but I'm thinking whatever the next 'job boom' is going to be, its almost certainly going to build off of programming, right? So in a way, programming is literally necessary for the 21st century, if I don't learn programming, I won't be eligible to jump on the next job meme either, right?

>> No.13175162

oh my keep forgetting that burgers are subhumans who only know one language

>> No.13175173

I see europoors brag about this a lot, but the reality is that most of you are just learning English because it's the only language that matters, meanwhile we have zero reason to learn German or French, it's just an extra thing we could learn if we're bored.

>> No.13175203


OP I used to be huge into foreign languages (I’m ESL) as a hobby when I was younger. Then I realised they’re all literally useless except English.

>> No.13175245

нy.... Pyccкий тoжe знaю нo этo кoнeчнo нe пpoтивopeчит пocтaвлeн тoбoй фaкт чтo я биoмycop (

>> No.13175389

programming is great supplemantary skill, but is not at the same level as plain old human-to-human communication skills or even just reading/writing, consider then next boom might be one of nanotechnology, gene editing, space mining or some other hardcore, sure you wold definitely be of use as a programmer (more so if you have required domain knowledge), but if any of those fields would explode the would still require plain old managers, analysts and other coordinators... notice that even for those roles it would be great to have domain knowledge/experience in the field to get hired

that is not to say that there will not be booms withing the programming field itself - right now (actually two years ago) it's good time to know advanced match for some data science/machine learning, but if you could just got lucky with picking the right framework/tech stack that will bloom in next couple of years... yeah that would be great

in your place I would step back and rethink that 'job boom' things altogether, sure you are thinking strategically about the future, but that doesn't mean you couldn't have a $6k/week consulting/freelancing business doing not-so-sexy thing by just doing some niche technology instead of the new hotness, or just doing the same thing like other people but better, using some soft skills or clever market positioning to get an edge

are you really gonna invest x years to learn about gene manipulation?

will it even count without a degree?

are you willing to wait several years for the market to pick up on that skill?

if you are committed then great, but if not really sure then let's start where you are now... office job? leveling up excel-fu and picking databases or analytics sotware will improve your day to day operations and may open a path to entry level position at software/hi-tech company as analyst, from then you can decide to go full tech or to management, and keep a lookout on what's going on, trying to pick the next unicorn

>> No.13175519
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You are a fucking faggot. Learn Chinese, Japanese or Russian. Much more beneficial and they have profitable benefits.

>> No.13175532

I speak both french and english fluently
You'd be stupid not to learn spanish over French

>> No.13175545

wow, seething

>> No.13175562

>Seething Yuro
Notice how it is only non-anglophone countries who have to learn other languages

>> No.13175572

>I'm thinking of learning French or Dutch
Lean Chinese you faggot. Everyone who matters speaks English in The Netherlands, even so in France to a lesser degree.

Nobody speaks Western languages in China.

>> No.13175579


>> No.13175606

OP I am fluent in both. What's your first language?

>> No.13175694

being limited to English content / information is a huge disadvantage faggot. I'd also hate that every fucking idiot can understand me wherever I go - it's the best thing ever to have a second language to discuss things when you are abroad and don't want everyone to understand what you are discussing

>> No.13175710

He's not wrong though, and thanks to the EU that's now more accurate than ever.

>> No.13175727

If I had to choose between Japanese and Russian what would you recommend? I don't want to associate with the chinks.

>> No.13175850

I'm curious, the situation when I need to discuss something without other people understanding almost never happens to me, maybe in public transport or in a waiting line? in most other situations it would be very rude thing to do so I would go to more private place...

the real problem would be that someone else would have to learn this language for me to speak to them...

the thing about being limited to English is true, but then again learning any specific other language doesn't really help all that much... unless you have some specific business there, and I'm non native myself. besides contact with my family/friends, day to day usage in my country and few bits of local culture that I enjoy it doesn't really do much for me in the context that if I was born in US I would probably not invest time to learn my current native language, on the other hand learning English was game changing for me (as opposed to learning Russian as a third language)

>> No.13175861


What's it like having to know more than one language to be relevant?

>> No.13175908

>americans only know one language


>> No.13175931


>> No.13175973

challenging yourself intelectually or physically rarely is useful

better justify your deficiencies on a transnistrian candlewicking forum

>> No.13176002

>hij heeft de engelse ziekte

>> No.13176157

I'm Dutchfag, Dutch is probably the most useless language to learn. Everyone here can speak English and even if you speak Dutch to a native they will probably still answer in English. And in Amsterdam (the only city you will visit) a lot of people working there don't even speak Dutch. The only other place that speaks Dutch and is worth visiting is Belgium (which speaks an accent that you won't understand if you learn 'proper Dutch') and there they also speak English.

Also don't even bother learning French. You really don't want to visit France, Paris is probably the worst city in Europe.

Learn Chinese or something

>> No.13176256

why on earth...? learning whatever they speak in India would make more sense

>> No.13176283

Kek there is a reason it's called English and not American you fucking brainlet mutt. Krijg de kanker Mongolide kutamerikaan.

>> No.13176292
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Russian is a good language to learn because people in Russian speaking countries generally don't speak much English, and it's one of the most widely spoken languages in the world with a global power behind it. Learning some street shitter or Western European language is pointless because they all speak English anyways.

>> No.13176374
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i guess that's true, nobody should want to visit russia though. by that logic people should learn Portuguese because 1. Brasil speaks it and 2. they are poor at English and 3 brasil have more population than russia.

did you know that japan almost has the same number of people as russia? and USA has twice the number of people in russia.

>> No.13176413

Russia seems like a pretty comfy country desu. I'd love to visit.

> by that logic people should learn Portuguese because 1. Brasil speaks it and 2. they are poor at English and 3 brasil have more population than russia.
Portuguese wouldn't be a bad language to learn. But they speak significantly more English than Eastern Euros.

>did you know that japan almost has the same number of people as russia?
But far fewer speakers. No one outside of Japan speaks Japanese.

>and USA has twice the number of people in russia.
And no one is claiming that Russian is a more useful language to know than English.

>> No.13176513

just saying that russia has a surprisingly low amount of people

>> No.13176565

If number of people was all that mattered then we should all be learning Mandarin and Hindi. Yet those languages are useless for anyone who isn't moving to China or India.

>> No.13176574

i was just saying

>> No.13176608

Russian was also often picked as a second language in second world countries (much less so nowadays) and if you are into visiting pretty places (and meeting pretty women) Russia covers large part of Eurasia, it also could to a some degree help with other Slavic languages (western ones like Polish less so)

but if you are considering it for business purposes, without any specific company/industry in mind I would rank it as less prospective skill to acquire than say Chinese and falling in ranking dues to unfavorable global political situation,

even then in most places doing business you will be strongly reliant on locals who probably learned English and your knowledge of local language will only play supporting role, once again it all depends on context, all changes if you have some specific opportunity in mind

>> No.13176682

in the end focusing on acquiring general business skills and just hiring translators when needed might be the most optimal strategy