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13174732 No.13174732 [Reply] [Original]

Why don’t any of you pussy faggots invest in triple-leveraged ETFs?

They literally make them for every single fucking industry that could possibly exist ever. There’s also inverse ones too that will make you money on the short side.

When all this coin bullshit inevitably fails, and you look to find the quick money, triple leveraged ETFs will be where it’s at.

TQQQ / SQQQ forever mothafuckas! You fuckin’ nerds better RECOGNIZE.

>> No.13174758

Explain to me how "triple leveraged ETFs" work then anon if you're so sure it works

If you can't explain it in words yourself then it's snake oil

>> No.13174761

the math function of 3x daily rebalance is that they always trend to zero. they are built to sell not buy. hence the creators short them infinitely then reversesplit and repeat. they are only for shorting and that is all

>> No.13174808

The fund manager uses loans to pad out your return to three times whatever the underlying index/asset is doing. It’s only for people with balls because the returns amplify when there’s multiple daily gains/losses. You just have to be able to tolerate the huge swings.

>> No.13175542

The only reason total market 3x ETFs don't decay like leveraged industry ETFs is because the general market doesn't swing as hard as specific industries. However, you can already see this shitting the bed because of the last year of high volatility. The SPXL (3x long) ETF is currently only 83% of its ATH, whereas SPY is at 95% of ATH. Decay is already hitting these leveraged ETFs and will only get worse if volatility increases.

Also, imagine wanting to leverage at the PEAK of the business cycle. Fucking kek.

>> No.13176222


Why not just go inverse then?

>> No.13176297

they are called DAILY leveraged ETFs for a reason anon. you don't hold them for more than a day or the slippage will fuck you.

>> No.13176505


Why have I made $12,000 profit since the beginning of January on a long TQQQ position? Is that what being fucked feels like? Making half of your McDonald’s salary in a month?

>> No.13176566

if you weren't poor, you could have just gotten 3x leverage from your broker and invested in QQQ directly without having paid the slippage (or just used options)

but I guess poor people always pay more than they need to. it's in their nature