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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13173405 No.13173405 [Reply] [Original]

Is Billions the best trading money making TV ever made. And is Bobby Axelrod the best model hero for making it.

I say yes.

>> No.13173499

Quick rundown on this show?

>> No.13173508

Where can I watch this for free

>> No.13173514


Isn’t he a scammer?

>> No.13173544

These actors are so facially and aesthetically miscast that the show becomes unwatchable
>Black girl

>> No.13173586

Unironically he is the good guy. Its the guy trying to catch him for financial crimes that is more the bad guy.

Just watch it. Fucking best tv ive seen this year. Top 10 easily tv ive ever seen. Good writing. Adult show. Not aome Marvel shit.

>> No.13173614

> muh self made hedge fund manager meme that still eats junk food and doesn't wear a tie
> muh psychological roastie meme
> muh inspiring speeches and romance

Watching this if you worked in finance is as cringe as watching Grey's anatomy if you've actually worked in a hospital

>> No.13173616


>> No.13173621


>> No.13173627


All of crypto are self made and don’t wear ties.

You sound like someone bitter as fuck who got cucked by wallstreet

>> No.13173639

IBD here, you can fuck off, that's exactly how people look when they made it, I mean it.

>> No.13173651

First two seasons were comfy. 3rd one went full sjw morality play pushing degeneracy and leftist politics at the expense of the story. Shame.

>> No.13173663
File: 516 KB, 1224x811, BLACKMONDAY_PILOT_SUBWAY_3GROUP_0316rb.contrastW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black monday is both more entertaining and more realistic. also tv is for losers.

>> No.13173664

He's not in crypto though. He tells his employees to "short or long" (lol) boomer stocks based on insider info he keeps in his head (lol again).

>> No.13173672

>Watching this if you worked in finance is as cringe as watching Grey's anatomy if you've actually worked in a hospital
Try "Succession"

>> No.13173686

Billions is adult drama. If you want some shit netflix zoomer marvel sci fi shit you wont like it...fair enough.

>> No.13173697

Oh, I must say I'm quite surprised. That's unironically a really good show, I watched all season 1. Way more realistic. There's gonna be a season 2 I think

>> No.13173704

Just about to start the 3rd season. Hoping you are wrong about that. I love the dense plotting that actually makes sense cause 90% of shows dont. Sorkin in involved in Billions which is why it probably went sjw..

>> No.13173788

Correct, a few weeks ago I walked past them filming s2. Should be wrapped soon if not already.

>> No.13173801

Once Taylor enters the picture it def gets more sjw but overall the show is still good and one of the better currently running shows worth watching.

>> No.13174119

How is the show SJW? Can someone just give me bullet points? I don't even need full sentences.

>> No.13174247


>> No.13174361

He is in crypto, breh. Even uses Ledgers and shit

>> No.13174388

>Watching the electric jew

>> No.13174418

>he watches Andrew Ross Sorkin’s propaganda show

>> No.13174430

Yup Sorkin is a top tier jewish agitator

>> No.13174463

Kind of agree. BUT if you actually watched the show he is only one of 3 writers and actually I was surprised that the Hedge Fund guy is the likeable character while the Gov prosecuter you expect to be the hero is a fucking asshole. So...

>> No.13174771

It's really not until the third season. But then you get
-a whole subplot about the trans character's love affair with a Peter Thiel type character including a really gross love scene
-cliche hypocrite gun toting southern baptist conservative villain
-cliche psycho Russian patriarch villain
-in almost every interaction between the female and male characters the female is showing some kind of superior wisdom or virtue. Even the main character's previously vapid wife suddenly was the one helping him run the business and he cant' do it without her
-not sjw but bonus propaganda: cryptoccurrency is only used to commit crimes

>> No.13174868

So the elite are portrayed to be good guys? Hmm... I wonder why that could be!

>> No.13174898

Succession is better. Honestly, every non HBO show gets trash after a couple of seasons, it's hard to keep a quality show running for long unless it's HBO for some reason. I'm not even shilling them though since I pirate everything anyway, it's just my personal observation.

>> No.13175072

I watched 3/4 of the pilot and had to turn it off because of the cheesy dialogue.

>> No.13175115
File: 165 KB, 918x1148, 36214BC8-B3B6-4BD7-A5AF-F73839C2F9A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny love affair
>"I AM SILLY"-tier right-wing strawmanning
>crypto FUD
...yep, sounds like the ol' season [n+1] bait-and-switch - and not even a subtle one

>> No.13175144

name one (1) show that doesn't turn into complete shit

>> No.13175189


The opposite, cant you read?

Since when has hedge fund managers been seen in a good light in any media?

>> No.13175264
File: 69 KB, 300x300, Shinra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ related entertainment?

TV Shows:
House of Lies
The Newsroom (maybe?)

Margin Call
The Big Short
The Wolf of Wall Street (more about the drama than business)

Anyone have other /biz/ shows/movies?

>> No.13175470

Glengarry Glen Ross

>> No.13175708

first was gold, second was silver 3rd is shit so far

>> No.13175747

The redpill is to not follow any movie or book. Go your own way, become successful by your own terms, create your own original story.

>> No.13175764
File: 744 KB, 1166x2212, reiner pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead meme

Billions is cringe, it's painfully obvious that drama comes before any financial realism. It's like watching Naruto to learn self-defense.

That being said I have no clue what good financial based shows there are. I recall Margin Call being a good movie