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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13172098 No.13172098 [Reply] [Original]

This is supposed to be BUSINESS and finance, howcome the only threads here are faggoty Pajeets shilling """crypto""", which is nothing but gambling and pyramid schemes for impressionable, impotent nerds who can't create actual sercives or products?

What the fuck is going on? Isn't anyone interested in creating real wealth-generating systems for themselves? Why are you shilling retarded scams to each other 24/7 instead of talking about commerce, marketing, copywriting, positioning, strategy etc etc?

>> No.13172104

Give me money to start a business.

>> No.13172117

Show me your model and mvp. Prove to me there's a market. Show me a mockup site and how much interest you've generated

>> No.13172140
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People like to eat. It's fairly common around where I live, I've seen it happen often. There's people I can organize that know how to cook edible food if I pay them. I need a building to house them, or at least a mobile vehicle of some sort so that I can secure my cooking facilities that I will be buying with money that I do not currently posses, and thus continue to earn more money from hungry people.

>> No.13172154

I really miss the old /biz/ where we discussed real businesses, stocks, property and scams. Crypto ruined this board. And now after the dumpening, the board is filled with gay bloggers and nigger lovers. I fucking hate what this place have become!

Any other oldfags here?

>> No.13172182

Then get on it, dumb nigger.
It's no groundbreaking epiphany you've had there for sure, but if you think your eatery/food truck will do well in your area then why aren't you working on that you dumb bitch?
You've got a kitchen, it's not hard to get some wheels.
Think up a way to get yourself known, think of how to agree with grocers/butchers to create economies of scale, think about whether this will be legit or local and unlicensed.

THAT'S what we should be talking about here instead of gambling.

>> No.13172191

Trying to scout a location to start a drive through cafe,
Want to build and work the business myself, having my wife make sandwiches and slices while ordering cakes /cupcakes and soda.
What kind of research do people do and where do they do it before starting something like this?

Btw, I already know there is no such business in my area and I'll be the only one doing it.

>> No.13172200

I'm mainly from /pol, but I'm shocked at the absolute STATE of this board. Literally 90% crypto scam shilling 5% neet threads and 5% stock market or real estate.

What the fuck is wrong with these geeky limp-dicked fucking nerds?

>> No.13172202

I have everything that you mentioned + more. Do you have money to invest or are you just larping? The reason I'm asking is because we're in the process of selling an old project of ours and if the deal goes through we'll use the money to market this new project I'm talking about. If the deal doesn't go through, we'll probably have to look for some outside investor. I'm not against the idea of having some /biz/ whale be our angel investor as opposed to some Silicon Valley basedboy. The questions is: are you a whale or a larper?

>> No.13172218
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>You've got a kitchen
I said I know people who know how to cook you dumb boomer, not that I had a kitchen to do it with. That's what the loan is for you utter mong. Jesus fuck no wonder you people are dying childless and alone.
You mean the corporate overlords who own the local Walmart and ran all of those other little businesses out of town? Yeah, let me get right on fellating the regional corporate headquarters 2 states away, you fat braindead fuck.

>> No.13172225

Look up zoning, then check out rents for commercial properties of the right type.
Get intouch with slmeone who runs a similar business in a different city, you're not direct competition so if you're nice about it and ask them to share some wisdom, 50% chance their ego and altruism will allow them to tell you some very useful things they've learned.
Look for preexisting software/spreadsheets to properly crunch the numbers for various scenarios.

Think about the branding too, and get the design taken care of either yourself or on 99designs.

>> No.13172250


I'm in the same boat as you, you dumn cocksuckers. Built up an office cleaning/maintenance company that I live off of. I don't have anything to invest in you faggots, but look at the other threads, they're CRAWLING with dumb gambling cocksuckers with plentdy of idle cash.

My point is, this board should be filled with PRECISELY posts like the two I'm replying to.

>> No.13172264

Unfortunately Boomers are not childless, they shat out our absolute travesty of a generation as a final insult to the world

>> No.13172283

Look up Aaron Clarey and pay him to look at your numbers and assess your finances.
He's harsh and implite, but I got good business-related advice from him in the past. Your accountant is very unlikely to be as clued in as this guy.

>> No.13172301

If you're in the same boat, then you should know why are aren't talking about this shit on /biz/.
Main reason is that building a business is hard as fuck and there's not much to gain by educating /biz/tards on the struggles and pitfalls of it. There's also almost nothing to gain from /biz/ either. If you ask a legit question, you just get shitposted on. There are far better communities online for this.

The secondary reason is that crypto is probably the most asymmetric opportunity out there with 1/10 of the effort of building an actual business and almost 0 barriers of entry. It's obvious why it's so popular.

Third reason is that /biz/ is anonymous, which means that it doesn't make sense for me to write 4 posts with 2000 characters each to educated some random brainlet when in 6 hours that posts will disappear as well as any connection it had with me. Unironically Reddit/Quora (or any other community that has a permanent ID) is better for that. At least there if you provide value, at some point people will notice and you can gain something back (business partners, investors, connections, etc.)

TL/DR: the board can't be filled with posts like that because it's the worst place on the internet for that.

>> No.13172325

buy BSV sir

>> No.13172332

I'll be doing my own branding and signs, I will definitely reach out to another person doing this and actually have someone a friend knows who can get me in touch.
I've written up my own spreadsheets of potential income but it's all based on loose estimates, I'll see if I can talk to an owner in town to find out what they know
Thanks for the advice, this has me very motivated.

>> No.13172349

I want to move to panama and build an logistics company. Im from germany i think this could help. I also have experience in handling shipments by sea and road from my current job.

>> No.13172367


Godspeed bud!


By that reasoning, there's no point in sharing anything on any site.
4chan is fucking amazing, see boards like /diy, /k, even /pol. You can ask a question here and get the most relevant, precise information. It's inhabited by neuro-atypical, intj, intellectual-minority, whatever you wanna call it. Smart people with outsider views. It's frequented by incredibly rich and influential people. It's a wonderland at its best.
Threads are archived and can always be referenced, and read on 4plebs.

/biz is a fucking ABOMINATION and an absolute waste of potential.

Nuke the third world


>> No.13172409

Reddit and Quora are good for business questions.
I also like Fastlane forum

>> No.13172441

>Fastlane forum

>> No.13172446
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Tell me how to get a house with $10k, /biz/

>> No.13172634

the following has been posted thousands of times (literally), but newfags never learn
an anonymous message board is the least interesting place to discuss entrepreneurship, because business is at its heart a confidence scam, and you need to put your name out there and network to make it. there's dozens of established and functional communities over the internet to do that
coming to /biz/ to talk about real wealth generation doesn't make you the refined entrepreneur you wish to be seen at. it just signals to all of us non-pajeets, who do have real businesses we discuss in other places, that you're one of many "idea guys" - or even worse, an affiliate marketing / SaaS parasite

>> No.13172696

Your shit's retarded and you sound like a faggot.
I'm talking about REALISM, not basedboy "ideas", and imageboards are better than forums once a certain culture forms on them.

>> No.13172700

Birdchain is the closest thing crypto has to "business"

>> No.13172702

Fuck off NIGGER

>> No.13172724

You are a deluded, /pol/ is a trash cesspool and not at all this “intellectual minority” you try to make out of it

>> No.13172734

Holy fucking shit it's so painfully obvious where you came from. PLEASE go back there.

>> No.13172772



>> No.13172791

You first you dumb faggot. This board has business discussion all the time you just don't see it because just like every other garbage thread you see here it eventually falls off the catalog. Which is why 4chan is a shitty place for business threads. If OP wants to have his shitty little Real Business circle jerk like he wants, he can go right ahead and make a general thread and keep posting a new one every time the old one dies (He won't. None of the dipshits that whine about this every other day ever do.) There is literally nothing stopping him.

>> No.13172815

I want to start my own small gym.
Anyone here having some wisdom to spare?

>> No.13172819

Go play in traffic with your Pajeet crypto you butthurt whiny fucking faggot

>> No.13172832

YOu need to go back sirs

>> No.13172833

Keep begging other people to make business threads for you instead of doing it yourself you lazy nigger.

>> No.13172839

Pajeet is the symbol and icon of our board you racist fuck. Btw had a horrible dream that I was on a airplane called pajeet airways that looked like the twin towers which was hard coded in python to fly extremely close to all other aircraft until they nearly hit each-other.

>> No.13172843

This IS one you fucking africoon FUCKING nigger

>> No.13172845

True. Back then, you could actually make money together here in /biz/. Is still make 1k a year passive with stuff we discussed here. I remeber paying my whole Car Insurance (400€) just with some stocks that were determined to go to the moon in like one day. You could really learn something here. Still think we can save this. But best would be a dedicated Coin board, so all the scammers can go there.

>> No.13172848


Pajeets are a race of idiotic bumbling clowns who can't get pussy.

>> No.13172850

>a coin board
That's actually a great idea

>> No.13172851

This isn't a business general thread. This is just another one of many threads whining about how /biz/ doesn't have any business threads. You aren't even posting about business you braindead piece of shit, you're just crying because everyone is complaining about threads like these popping up and never accomplishing anything. For fucks sake even the crypto boomers have their own general. You all would make shitty entrepreneurs if you can't even do such a basic thing.

>> No.13172867

Stock boomers is what I meant. I'm done with this thread.

>> No.13172871


Thanks for bumping my thread faggot, but don't let it distract you from playing in traffic

>> No.13172878


THIS. The problem is that most people who come on here are lazy and stupid fucks, and want to make money with no time or effort, hence the crypto fucking retards. The sad truth is 90 percent of this board is not capable of starting their own business.

>> No.13172891

All I kniwnisnthst there aren't enough simple oldschool gyms anywhere, and that women have ruined gyms in general.

>> No.13172896

here >>13172815

>> No.13172927

Know is that*

>> No.13172992

What's the point of establishing a business if the purchasing power is diminishing every year and the Federal Reserve dollars are more worthless every day that goes by? You're eventually bound to fail. At least with crypto everyone can have a somewhat fair chance to make a x100 or x1000 and turn is life around while taking away power from the feminized jew system we currently live in.
You can't prove me wrong

>> No.13173022

MAYBE you should get out then.

>> No.13173052

>90 percent
I'd say 99.8%
Business creation is hard even when you put in the time and effort and cash. I can code anything to completion and that's the problem. I have no ability to judge business ideas worth building in reasonable timeframes, let alone the marketing prowess needed to get traction for them.

>> No.13173058

That's a great point, but it's more an argument against wagecucking. Business is actually one of the few ways out of this tightening noose.
Crypto is just gambling, not saying you shouldn't but it's no substitute.

>> No.13173080

Crypto isn't innovative or revolutionary in any kind of way. It's simply a bundle of:

-alternarive currency

Each of these branches WAS truly innovative and has value whether as part of cryptocurrency or not, but crypto in and of itself is dumb and worthless.

>> No.13173083

I am gonna start a small one with all the essential things needed.
No 50 machines for old people.
Just great racks, dumbbells, bars, a good height adjustable cable machine and some accessories.

>> No.13173089

Hey retard, you forgot about blockchain in your list, retard.

>> No.13173099

Oh, you again?
I thought you'd choked on dick, why do you obsessively keep coming back to my thread?

>> No.13173111

"Blockchain" is a combination of currency (or more accurately, the resources backing it) and p2p in a shitty, contrived, unproductive Rube Goldberg bookkeeping device.

>> No.13173158

I'd definitely pay 30-40 bucks a month for a good oldschool gym like that with no thots and few boomers.
Especially if you didn't play demoralizing kike music on the speakers.

>> No.13173181

it will be a bit bigger then a home gym.

it would used for 1 on 1 session for personal training and as bonus my customers can train there too when I don't have people to train, which means they will train there alone or with just a few other people which gives them the option to blast their own music.

So not really a gym where you pay per month and train like you want.
But that is open to change, just a current thought.

>> No.13173192


Try doing a 24 hour gym with little or no employees, there is one next to where I work and surprising people love to go there even though half the day the gym has no employees and only security cameras on to watch if anything bad is happening. You'll save on labor costs, and people tend to join gym more when there are no hour restrictions on when they can workout.

>> No.13173200

Sounds good. You can perhaps use interactive scheduling software to make sure they can check then the gym is booked, and request time slots

>> No.13173205

This IS the coin board you newfags. /biz/ was created to end the bitcoin spam on /g/. There was no biz before crypto.

>> No.13173210


Also don't buy the gym equipment., rent it, lease it, etc, from what i have seen gym equipment does not last long and breaks down fast, if you own the equipment your fucked.

>> No.13173211

Employees ruin the experience in most gyms

>> No.13173218

He's talking racks, benches, plates, dumbbells and barbells. If you avoid the machines, the equipment is quite durable (and much much cheaper).

>> No.13173224

This board was created as a containment board for cryptocurrency spam. The name was probably just an attempt to legitimatize or broaden it. It's never been about actual business here.

>> No.13173225

Maybe there should be an entrepreneur board?
Then again, once all the crypto faggot pajeets commit suicide we might as well use this one.

>> No.13173249

I am doing it alone in the beginning.
I HAVE to have at least 1 person there at any given time.
I will give my clients the option to train there when there is no personal session booked. Since I am there the whole day (or even will sleep there) people can train from the morning until late in the night.

that will be a must have, yes
I get a lot of feedback that people are willing to pay more if they can train alone in peace, no one is watching, the equipment is clean and they don'have to wait.

I won't have much machines. The cardio machines brake unfortunately.

>> No.13173259

You could buy an apartment with that in Sweden or an apartment in a city near Prague and rent it out to students/workers because Prague rent is like $8000 a month

>> No.13173266

Bitcoin was not really the problem and all the biz memes cool too. The problems came with all those shitcoin spam. It got a little better after the big "purge" last year though.

>> No.13173283

That's true, I'd rather discuss Bitcoin 10 times than discuss 10 different Pajeet scamcoins that they shat out over the past 24 hours.

>> No.13173320

Im gonna start a climbing gym. They make iron man numbers

Tfw student with. O $$$$$$

>> No.13173668

crypto made a lot of people rich. I started my own buisness and I wish I would of just dumped it all into crypto back then

t. oldfag

>> No.13173702

Crypto mining and staking is business operation sir.

>> No.13174380


's gambling nigger

>> No.13174582

Tile anon here. Have my own small biz laying tile. I charge about $75/hr for my labor.

Pretty good money and i like only working 2 or 3 days a week. But i admit I'm burnt out and tired of it.