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13171676 No.13171676 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a rather meek small investor most of the time, but after acquiring a rather generous 3k "bonus" of sorts, I'm feeling rather daring and want to invest this booty into something with a bright and profitable future. Any suggestions? Any stocks or shitcoins you want to shill?

>> No.13171688

bitmax... ready to go up to 20cents+

>> No.13171733
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No lie, exchange tokens. The next bullrun is gonna blow the last out of the water, even if it takes a couple years to really get going, and exchange tokens will let you grab a share of their profits.

THAT BEING SAID, don't go blindly sucking up the pump-and-dumps from the street-shitters like >>13171688 Go find some exchange coins that have actual history, and weren't just created in January to cash in on BNB's success. I won't shill you the one I'm heavily invested in, but I suggest looking for those that have 1+ years of history.

Good luck, friendo.

>> No.13171766

An exchange coin is a good bet, don't go all in though.

Put some in a microcap alt like Sentivate or Birdchain. Those have teams with announcements and plenty of hype events waiting. Stuff like NANO already hit its hype events. This market is about speculation, don't forget that. What could be better than speculation about the next internet or global basic income?

>> No.13171775

Resistance DEX is a good bet once the ico starts. That team will build it and [REDACTED]

>> No.13171784

LTK : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/litecoin-token/#markets

sell at 30 gwei. you're welcome.

>> No.13171823

>acquiring a rather generous 3k "bonus" of sorts
Give it back, Jamal

>> No.13171829
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I'm liking where this is going. I still want to hear some more suggestions though.

Yo yo man, that's my granny's munny! She's descended from pharaohs, rat kings and sheit!

>> No.13171840
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I'm a firm believer in DYOR and not shilling my coins until I'm ready to sell. All I'm gonna say is you can google "exchange tokens" for a bunch of articles laying out why you should buy that particular writer's bags. Find the ones that are still around after a decent amount of time (my recommended 1yr+) and haven't already mooned hard in the last couple of months or just straight up exit-scammed. (Cryptopia, for instance, is basically dead no matter how much its rotting corpse twitches.)

>> No.13171943
File: 64 KB, 1178x933, lykk wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna throw you a bit of a free breakdown, since I haven't been too interested in looking for other exchange tokens before now. (Hint: My personal choice is not discussed here.)

Top article I found was shilling Lykke hard. (Never heard of it, never heard of the exchange.) CMC tells me the entire exchange does 25k daily volume. That's pocket change. Do you think you're gonna get rich off of pocket change? I imagine not. It's a dead exchange. (Pic related, the mythical bull run of Jan18 2018 is barely a blip.)

Same with Ethfinex and NEC. The token itself gets about 1k daily volume on a 2M daily exchange. Does that sound like something that a lot of people are interested in buying or trading?

Huobi/HT is nearing ATH. Probably best not to jump on board with them if you're looking for massive returns, although they wouldn't be bad if you're looking for a medium risk investment since they're one of the top exchanges. Lump them in with Binance/BNB of "will probably continue to climb, but the moon mission is over."

Kucoin/KCS is in the middle of a hard moon phase that reeks of manipulation since exchange volume is nearing an all time low. The fact that the exchange token itself is the highest traded coin should be a major red flag.

>> No.13171956