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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13166361 No.13166361 [Reply] [Original]

Alright anon, what we doing today? You're working on your body, right? Summer's right around the corner. Did you pay your dues in the glorious house of gains after sinning last night and mindlessly destroying your body partying?

Myself, my body is feeling completely exhausted. Taking a rest day with lots of food to satisfy my cravings. Back on it tomorrow.

>> No.13166371
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>> No.13166380

>tfw managed to do 1 plate OHP on wednesday

feels fucking amazing bros, smashing through goals feels way better than smashing pussy

>> No.13166581
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Started intermittent fasting and havent had a drink in 3 months, also doing lot of lifting. Feeling great.

>> No.13166661

1 plate one hand pullup? are you fried buddy

>> No.13166850

Dyel detected

>> No.13166968

We need a /bizfit/ board

>> No.13167057
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what coins are my /fit/ bros in? just 50/50 btc/eth?

>> No.13167227

enjoying a nice day off after /leg day/. tomorrow is chest and arms with HIIT cardio

>> No.13167263

i stopped doing all cardio and HIIT after my new job at geodesy. your just walking the entire day, i couldnt be fucked anymore to do a run afterwards

>> No.13167299

I lost so much weight so fast when I started eating once a day

>> No.13167375

me too
except i just followed the fast threads and did a 16 day fast to lose 5 kg (net, total was like 10+)

>> No.13167503
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a cosy thread for a saturday night, fren
just off to the gym for another session of mark rippetoe's honking honk 3x5