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13162794 No.13162794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They don't age as quickly as the Whiteys.

Plus Half White Half Asian chicks are top tier fuckable.

>> No.13162824

who is this girl again? some rich new yorkers hapa daughter right?

>> No.13162825

Asian covers a ton of ground.
What about a Armenian hairy girl that ages terribly
Or a fucking dark neet woman?

>> No.13162833

>going for whitewashed mutts
somehow they are even worse than whiteys. Go to some far eastern countries and find some cuties there.

>> No.13162835

kelly wang/baltazar. dad is vp at goldman.

>> No.13162838

Assuming you're a white guy then you probably won't have too many issues with one, even if you have a son it will be okay. I'm jewish(not religiously just ethnically) and I've noticed that all the negative hapa kids always come from Jews and now real European type whites. You should prioritize getting a white wife though but if you can't I don't see anything wrong with an asian girl.

>> No.13162848

>Kelly Wang is 26 years old and was born on 06/19/1992.
>Sometimes Kelly goes by various nickname including Kelly C Baltazar.
>Personal details about Kelly include: political affiliation is currently a registered Republican

>currently a registered Republican


>> No.13162853

If you can deal with their lack of dental
Hygiene and then eating fish eyeballs then go get em bucko

>> No.13162867

My dilemma is the white women that I want are not interested in me and the white women who want me I don't want. However, there are endless asian cuties who want to ride my big white cock. I will probably end up marrying an asian woman.

>> No.13162878

How common is the case where the really submissive girl is just being submissive to have justification/defense in being unpleasant in other areas off life.

>> No.13162953


the real dilemma is that you're a beta that can't pull any girls of any race, but likes to fantasize that being white gives you an edge with asian women.

Try to pick up girls in Japan or Korea and you'll find that being non-asian is actually a disadvantage as most of them prefer to stick to their own race

>> No.13163040

This is true for most countries.

Only amerifags cross breed.

>> No.13163103

I've been to both countries and got laid a bunch of times. Not as easy as southeast asia though.

>> No.13163105

haha yeah right rice boy. Asian women are addicted to white cocks, I can personally testify to that! You're just jealous!

>> No.13163809

larping faggot

>> No.13163830

Lmao it's not even true. Korea was full of foreigner hungry sluts and so was Japan. I didn't even have to pay for sex once when I visited. Just social media trolling.

>> No.13163976

She only registered GOP to get back at dad.

>> No.13163983

This was me so I married a Japanese and now have a beautiful hafu daughter. Don't play the white girl's games anon. Just start a family with an asian girl and don't look back.

>> No.13164008

^ the Jew

>> No.13164022

Whatever. Enjoy your fat ugly bitch.

>> No.13164075

>A Jew advocating for white racial purity
>A Hapa/Kike throatfuck whore republican
I have no idea whats going on in this world, but I like it!

>> No.13164090

You must be some sort of Gamma, us betas are doing it better

>> No.13164093
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>> No.13164116

sometimes i think women are absolutely different species of humans. maybe they even can’t be classified as humans...way too animalistic

>> No.13164132

"I'll show him...Im gonna vote for Trump...Daddy will never forgive me for wasting my vote and not going for Jeb!'

>> No.13164162

>she rimmed him

>> No.13164172

lmao. why just why?

why did she do it anons? why?

>> No.13164217

see >>13164116

>> No.13164224

she's going to married to some high class dude, and be kissing with that mouth

>> No.13164238

as my finnish roommate would say
what a fuck
imagine there is someone out there probably in relationship with her thinking how he struck gold and doesnt know jack this about this

>> No.13164248


hapas have daddy issues from having a numale father

>> No.13164267

Sounds like she got everything out of life tbdesu famiglia

>> No.13164269

wtf are daddy issues and why i only hear this term from americans
post 3 examples/manifestations of this "daddy issues" and what caueses it.
I read about guys exploiting this trigger in girls and apparently its one of the easiest buttons to push on a woman.

>> No.13164281

Women are crazy and incoherent

>> No.13164307
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hapa got that hep A mouth

>> No.13164398

She had the perfect life...wealthy af, new york high society, beautiful, tall and smart. Internally two things were going on: She got bored with it and internally she knew it was bullshit. Maybe there was some abuse and she hated herself.
Who knows. But she blew the whole thing up.

Dunno if it’s roleplay on the video, but it sounds like she fked a lot of dudes before getting into pron. Then she does these videos, goes to college and starts selling weed and perhaps meth. Obviously not for the money, but maybe just for kicks.

She’ll be rich and fine for the rest of her life.

>> No.13164418

ALL women do this for Chad. You just don’t have a video of it.

>> No.13164433

She's currently in prison in Thailand for selling drugs locally and they're trying to make an example of her...may be in there for a long time unless daddy can pull some financial strings, but last I read on Reddit she's still in jail.

>> No.13164470

Seriously? Thai jail would be one of the worst places on earth. link it

>> No.13164475


>> No.13164477

I bet she gives blowjobs to the other prisoners

>> No.13164492
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Asian women are the new trophy wife. I can't picture NOT marrying one in this day and age.

>> No.13164495

nah brah she seems to only go for old white dick

>> No.13165023
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Unironically this. On top of being a status symbol or class and wealth, they naturally age better than their peers. They take impeccable care of their skin and if you're lucky she'll apply that same attitude and dedication towards you and your eventual kids. If you get an attractive qt asian, you'll want to fuck her well into her 40s. You can be can sure she she'll take care of herself and won't turn into a whale. Sure there are bad ones out there, but if you get a good one, they're head and shoulders above the rest. They'll literally save your life.

>> No.13165102

Daddy issues can mean she has a bad relationship with her father. If a female isnt raised properly, they are way more likely to be manipulable and become whores. All women need men to guide them. If the father didnt guide her properly while growing up, then she will be more receiving to influence from other males (good or bad).

>> No.13165112

What does it mean if I have mommy issues?

>> No.13165118


Nah, that's BS, I can't find any links on that.

>> No.13165125

Post pics of your daughter

>> No.13165126

4 More years of Trump you mad libcuck?

>> No.13165129

Lmfao imagine thinking dating an Asian or any ethnic mystery meat as a white man gives you status. This betrays your low breeding and numale perspective. It’s literal beta cope by white men who don’t want to be incel.

>> No.13165134

>Maybe there was some abuse and she hated herself.

You don't get to be a VP at Goldman Sachs if you wouldn't sell your own mother for $30...

In her father's case, he probably had to rent his daughter out for a couple ceremonial orgies that got him in his position

>> No.13165141

The only acceptable interracial mix for white men is handsome Nordic man and Japanese beauty with alabaster skin. Anything less is pure cringe. And I can guarantee nobody on this board either has those genes or could pull off such a match.

>> No.13165150

>t. Juan-Miguel “Mike” Hernandez

>> No.13165166

I feel bad for masturbating to that vid now, that's tragic af

>> No.13165173

>She only registered GOP to get back at dad.
the being splattered with cum on the internet wasn't enough?

>> No.13165178

You're wrong.

>t.person who's actually been to korea

>> No.13165183

I’m masturbating to it right now. Feels pretty good man

>> No.13165184

this is true if you want to have a stable long term relationship with quality girls.
if you want to fuck slutty high mileage roasties i guess it doesnt matter.

>> No.13165218


what a fucking whore

>> No.13165223

What about Chinese?

>> No.13165245

Stinky classless bug people

>> No.13165354

thread themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YixAD9GIAuY


>> No.13165383

>t. salty mutt mad that his country will lose world dominance

>> No.13165424

>ching chong ping pong
Your people were eating grass and bark 50 years ago and will be doing so again in the not so distant future

>> No.13165435

Isreal is actually importing Russians/Jews that they know are lying about being Jewish but want less shitskins in Israel and pay the black Jews to leave. And I grew up as an Orthodox Jew, and I can tell you that the community is obsessed with being Jewish but also obsesses over blonde hair/blue eyes.

>> No.13165450

I'm white

>> No.13165494

Aren't Chinese culturally more like Russians?
They are as much bug people as Russians

>> No.13165604

Yep, Asian women are the ultimate redpill.
White women are so fucking dumb and shallow. I have never met one that can hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes and doesn't believe everything you (or whoever the alpha male around) tells her.
I've been with an awesome Asian lady for 3 years, and no regrets. Never again touching a white chick.

>> No.13166027 [DELETED] 

If Slavs were Asians...

- Russia would be China
- Ukraine = South Korea
- Belarus = North Korea
- Poland = Japan
- Czechia = Thailand
- Slovakia = Philippines
- Croatia = Australia
- Slovenia = New Zealand
- Balkans = Vietnam
- Bulgaria = Taiwan


>> No.13166083

>Do I piss away my genetic line for a life long happy marriage and faulty kids or sacrifice my happiness and financial well being for healthy, mentally well kids that look like me

Help me /biz/ I genuinely can't decide

>> No.13166151

Kek know the feel

>> No.13166152

Get a quarter asian bitch and get the best of both worlds

Wife looks kinda asian, kids look white. Win win

>> No.13166220

Pick the one that doesn't take your kids and half your money

>> No.13166399
File: 117 KB, 594x539, 20190328_204410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a cute slav gf.