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File: 909 KB, 778x1100, 1F711F7C-1416-4F87-A6DC-FF9CA88516B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13162270 No.13162270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will money truly get rid of my insecurities?

>5” dicklet
>5’11” (5’10.5”) manlet

>> No.13162285

My dick is 7 and a half inches long and it's the best thing in the world.

>> No.13162295

7.25" krew checking in. feels good

>> No.13162298

jelquing is free, money could buy you the limb lengthening surgery

>> No.13162303

>never bothered to measure
>used to be skinny
>girls were always impressed
>got fat
>hooked up with ex
>"I remember it being bigger"
>Oh shit being fat makes your dick effectively smaller because fat eats up the base
>I've lost most of the weight

Most people don't appreciate what they have until something fucks it up. You're only slightly below average anyway.

>> No.13162304

Heh. Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.13162306

No you're gonna be the same but with more spending power. Fix that shit now or you're gonna an hero when you make it. 5'11" is tall enough to have lots of partners and dick size don't matter if you make up for it with technique and confidence.

>> No.13162310

No. You'll always be insecure and terrified of what people think of you.

>> No.13162311

Self-esteem comes from within, so no

>> No.13162313

I tried jelqing but made my dick feel limp and numb. I don’t know about that. I have a jes extender and a bathmate and it can get up to 6” with regular use but I’ve been too lazy. I should get back into it next month.

I’m not fucking getting limb surgery, I’m not retarded

>> No.13162322

I have similar stats and have had a great life, and many sexual partners and have received numerous complements on my lovemaking over the years

1) women don't care about your dick size that much, unless you are very small. 5" is fine. Especially for asian chicks.

2) lazy dog position isn't dependent on dick size to drive a woman crazy, look it up

3) 5' 11" is above average almost anywhere in the world not swamped by nordics. You are quite tall compared to asian men (most recent chinese and korean generation excluded since they are all secret crispr babies) and all middle easterners and indians, and most eastern europeans too.

4) Money will not help your insecurity unless you actively use it to gain experience and confidence. A nice wardrobe and knowledge of how to entertain your company goes a very long way.

If you have money and aren't hideously ugly, you can make it work as long as you put the time in.

>> No.13162326


Money will not get rid of your insecurities. Money will allow you the resources to figure out why you're insecure, and the resources to do something about it.

>> No.13162333

8 inch long, 5.5 inch circumference. The first time women see your dick they really don't know what to think or do with themselves. making them cum from your thrusts alone is pretty dank. Only 5'9 unfortunately though.

>> No.13162356

I’m unironically a bit weird in a way I know I’m decent looking. I’ve had good looking partners and I do receive daily interested looks from fuckable chicks. But I’m just too lazy and not in a good place in life right now to do anything about it. I do try to dress nicely, always been into fashion. Just stuck in a rut being a wagecuck and gym rat. Going to start taking care of myself again soon and get back in the game. Wish me luck and thanks I’ll look up that position

>> No.13162360

Can confirm although the width is not as big. Sorry that dicklets will never know that feel. However I will say that sometimes it physically cannot fit and so I've had to cancel sex because I'm afraid it will injure them. They get mad about this but I like asian girls and if they aren't thicc enough it doesn't work

>> No.13162391

I no longer care if I'm still breathing upon daybreak.

>> No.13162410

Vaginas are really flexible. you're unlikely to injure them. Even if you make them bleed a little they usually don't notice or care. the worst that'll happen is they will tell you to stop or they will feel weird walking after sex. Lube will make sex with small vaginas easier to penetrate.

>> No.13162445

Imagine larping this hard

>> No.13162456

Nope. If you bop a girl in the cervex that's the end of your night.

>> No.13162489

>Tfw my penis is long enough but super skinny
Sucks man

>> No.13162491

Here's a secret little guy. Women really don't care about the size of your penis. It's more of an ego trip amongst men. Most men will lie and exxagerate about their size.

>> No.13162495

I know you are larping because I am actually that size. The only thing is you will bottom out and they will be in pain and tell you to not go so deep. If she stoped fucking you because of that you were garbage at sex to begin with. You dont start out just pounding away.

>> No.13162512
File: 889 KB, 1162x938, Screenshot 2018-12-04 at 20.51.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5.5" x 4.3" here.
iktf bro

>> No.13162534
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5'6 with a 6.5 skinny dick should I just end it?

>> No.13162549

>t. dicklet

>> No.13162558

7x4.5 here. Ive had no complaints but no compliments either. Never gave a girl a orgasm from thrusting alone. Do i need to be girthy to do that? Feels bad man

>> No.13162568

Average penis bro here, actualy if you find the right angle you can hit slightly above the cervix. Putting pressure there can actualy be realy pleasurable to alot of woman without hurting them. Don't advise pounding away on there though

>> No.13162569

How have you never got a complement about a 7 inch dong? Fuck outta here

>> No.13162571

Cuz its skinny man

>> No.13162572

me too bros someone kill me please

>> No.13162577

Thrusting? ...real life isn't porn.

That's not how you make a chick come. You have to GRIND into her. Back and forth sawing doesn't do fuckall. Pussy is designed to accommodate dick. You get into the back part of it and you grind your cockhead into that little pocket you find back there, and then she goes fucking psycho under you. You will KNOW when it happens, because women can't control themselves when you find that spot nature made to accommodate your cockhead.

>> No.13162583

This is true. I remember being literally 8" when I was working out every day, jacked and taking supplements. Havent worked out in 3 yra, got fat, dicks like 6" now. Feelsbadman.

>> No.13162594

Ive done that once in missionary, she said it felt noticeably crazy and different. Havent been able to recreate it

>> No.13162603

6,2 reporting in.
What was the reason for caring about what some hoe feels again?

>> No.13162612

none really... unless you want to get a call back

>> No.13162618

Girth always helps. Length only helps if they have a spot in the back above their cervix they enjoy being thrusted against. Find which spots they enjoy pressure/friction in their vagina (usually right below their bladder) (apply presure/rubbing up against their pelvis bone) and try to position your dick to aim at those areas. If girth is really an issue you can always glide your dick against their hole opening/clit (make sure they are wet) quickly until they cum.

>> No.13162644

I approve this message. Alot of girls ive been with say the same thing.

>> No.13162654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13162679

5.5 x 5 dicklet but I grew up rich and spoiled.
I wonder if they would of kept fucking me if I was
poor with a avg dick?

>> No.13162688
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>> No.13162696

Kek ok bro. The only way “it physically cannot fit” to the point where you call off sex is if you are thick as fuck and cant get it in, and 5.5 girth is nowhere near that. A dick of any length “fits” you just may not be able to stick the whole thing in, which sucks, but not enough to call off sex. If you are smashing the fuck out of her cervix that is your own fault. I dont care how big your dick is but if you aren’t larping as “hur long dicks just hurt girls”, I'm gonna give you some advice. Dont start out just slaming the fuck out of the back, ease in to being deep so you can figure out where it hurts them, you may have to leave a couple of inches out. After you figure that out you can set up positions and change your thrust angles so that you are missing the cervix either above or below when you are bottoming out. You will still probably be hitting the back so you Physically cannot go balls deep, but thats just the way things are. You have to work with what you have no matter what size you are.

>> No.13162698


>> No.13162700

What kind of bugs live in those pubes? Also cut your fingernails.

>> No.13162707

fuck off reddit

>> No.13162737

8.3 inch wang
very handsome face
I’m a married boomer now but holy shit when I was in my late teens and twenties I could fuck any girl I wanted. It was so based

>> No.13162746
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He's not wrong, I've had girls beg me to do it because they like the pain. It grossed me the fuck out, I was not going to do it. I don't care if they enjoy the pain, I don't because I have more than two brain cells and I'm not going to do something ethically wrong. Asbergers chad

>> No.13162751
File: 511 KB, 533x454, 7e8899245b82f8e3ccd8a316173faed3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'6 with 7 inch length and 6 inch girth

>> No.13162752

What's the deal with biz school?

If you get a 760 gmat, can you basically get an MBA anywhere?

>> No.13162760

Pretty based but in the end it doesnt even matter for me its been months since i've talked to a girl that wasnt a cashier

>> No.13162769

5.5 inches is average. 7 is porn star big. Everyone here talking about their 8 inch dick is LARPing. No, this isn't a cope. It's a fact backed up by scientific research.

>> No.13162776


>> No.13162799

Its ok fren I haven't had sex in a year. I'm waiting for the bull.

>> No.13162836

>I'm waiting for the bull.
I really hope your joking anon

>> No.13162882

Unironically 7incher here.
Considered myself average until girls started complaining. 7 inch took em some time to get used to and smtimes i hurt em. 5" is ok op, you will have an easy sex life when you dont spend like 10 mins trying to painfully insert the thing. I also feel for the ppl with bigger dicks, since it is harder for them to find a physiologically compatible person

>> No.13162892
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Tfw everyone Is bragging on a basket weaving board about the size of their dick. All of you unironically neck

>> No.13162904

6.5 dick here. My current gf said the only reason she started dating me was to ride my dick. but you know shes probably just being nice

>> No.13162929

i have a thick 7 incher but its only about 3 inches soft and shrivelled. i'd give anything for a big soft 6 inch flopper, even if it stayed that size erect. fuck roasties i want to impress my bros.

>> No.13162937

just watch footage from the world naked bike ride. every dude is thick, soft and long - well over 5 inches on the flop. no way 5 inches is average. that is a dicklet cope.

>> No.13162996

The only man who would entertain a "naked world bike ride" is a man with a big flaccid dick. That sample isn't statistically sound.

>> No.13163000

Self-esteem doesn't help in hitting those vaginal crevices and doesn't prevent slippage out of holes during the heat of the moment.

>> No.13163006

So money WILL get rid of my insecurities, but one is not supposed to state this directly. Understood.

>> No.13163039

Thanks lads I fell off the workout and kept rourine these posts encouraged me to get back on it, signing up for the gym first thing Monday morning. TFW biz is more motivating than fit in regard to being fit Kek

>> No.13163044

Keto rountine*

>> No.13163069
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Made a girl off tinder cum twice tonight by eating her pussy, fingering her, then fucking her. And I'm a dicklet.

It's all in your head, or you're fucking the wrong girls. Girls that can only cum from 9" monster dongs are the type of girls that were molested as kids, so just remember to wrap it up if you're sticking your peener in those walking trashcans.

>> No.13163071

If you dick don't want to pump every other day, your nutrition is off or you have some kind of skin infection.

>> No.13163089

when she is on top works erry time

>> No.13163108

Degenerate crybabies
Please kill yourselves and cleanse the world of/from your pathetic petty existences

>> No.13163113

There are 1 billion small dick asian and indians that skew the data.

>> No.13163114

>eating her pussy

>> No.13163145

Eating pussy rules, homo. I genuinely enjoy it.

>> No.13163173

This dude gets it. Find the spot behind the cervix and stay on target

>> No.13163186

Don't do jelqing, you rre going to ruin your dick

Look up stories about how ppl lost their ability to get their dicks hard after they tried jelqing

If u want to try something to make your dick bigger, go for angion method

>> No.13163191


>> No.13163197

What happened to your foreskin?

>> No.13163222

A vagina can push out a baby, if you can’t fit your dick in then she’s just not turned on enough

>> No.13163223
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>doesn't like eating pussy

>> No.13163284

7 inch uncut cock here.

When I was at uni I used to just jam the cunt in and poke their pussies like a battering ram. A lot of the time they didn't like positions like doggy cause I would just hit their cervix over and over. I fucked an Asian girl who said I was too small? Not sure what Dino-dicks that cunt had.

>> No.13163380

I would have believed in this if it wasn't for the fact there's no factual proof of progress or that the community is gathering the most insufferable faggots I could think of

>> No.13163405

me too bro. but i never tell anyone in case i get called a cuck. eating pussy is the best

>> No.13163611
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Keke, doesn't know how to make a women wet and get her in the mood.

Solid 8 inch reportang

>> No.13163677

Shut up big gay

>> No.13163975

>and eastern europeans too

lol no

>> No.13163978

No. There are some things money can't fix! You need other ways To fix it...

>> No.13163981

>eating out a tinder sloot

u absolute faggot

>> No.13163997

>caring about (((female))) sexual pleasure

Kek. You get off and that's all that matters.

>> No.13164016
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>tfw everyone in this thread is above national and world average

>> No.13164140

In doggy style I can hit it every time, missionary is a bit tougher from the angle of the hips. Try that

>> No.13164146

4.5" dicklet here who has trouble getting it up from PIED and blows his load in 30 seconds.

Feels like life is pointless if you can't give women pleasure

>> No.13164166

>>5” dicklet
>>5’11” (5’10.5”) manlet
This is all pretty average. You are not small or short dude

>> No.13164175

>Feels like life is pointless if you can't give women pleasure
he thinks women can easily orgasm from dicks alone.. Majority of women need clit stimulation to orgasm. The "penis in vagina until she orgasm from the thrusts" is a meme.

>> No.13164186

That's cuz we all wanna make it on biz and branch out to other disciplines to help that happen, like lifting. fit is self absorbed narcissists so no wonder their advice is lackluster as a group

>> No.13164221

why not get dick enlargement surgery, girls are getting boobjobs and vagina tightenings like sweets, its 2019, pay someone to pump your dick up...its not that expensive.

>> No.13164251

Enjoy throat cancer

>> No.13164271

Enjoy colon cancer

>> No.13164286

You don't have to be a faggot to not want to go down on a girl off tinder. There's nothing wrong with a long term partner sure but look it up, there's been a spike in throat cancer in men due to higher rates of HPV

>> No.13164290

Have you told your father you perform cunnilingus?

>> No.13164311

LSD helps brings awareness to the smallest details. It's slower, fun, and I last longer.
I've learned my best sex is when I express the pain that is having a hard cock. Sharing that pain. Sizes aside everyone should have that energy, I'm guessing girls can sense it.
It's fucking magic.
There was a meme " big dick energy" or BDE
There's nothing a vagina can hide from, gotta be all up in and around that pussy baybeh

>> No.13164333

LSD+MDMA+SEX is a great combo

>> No.13164380

Based and lyserpilled

>> No.13164391

Lol I’m not huge but I know I’m above average and I’ve not had any issues with women feeling good when I fuck them, but I DID have a girlfriend for a little while who would say things to imply I was small and I think it was just a control thing for her. Probably the same with that Asian girl. I used to say “when you can fit the whole thing down your throat you can call it small”. She never got there, though she tried plenty :)

>> No.13164399

6'4" with 7.5 inch, thick. German and Swedish. Honey blonde hair to my ears. Glasses. Literally every single women I've ever been with has commented on it being large. Is sometimes a problem with shorter women or tighter women (painful for them, etc.).

(fuck you, data miner)

>> No.13164415
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14 inch BBC here...hu-wite wymen literally start to shudder in orgasm when they pull (rip) my pants off. Just the tip of my long veiny thick python gets them in serotonin based orgasmic highs. I have a stable of bichez just wanting me to breed them so their son can be a half-black slaying future wymenz. Plus I'm a rich trust fund baby.True fucking story.

>> No.13164542


>> No.13164568
File: 136 KB, 405x465, Elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video to kill all cope

>> No.13164595

It's cool with long term gf, not with tinder girls full of STDs you idiot

>> No.13164600

The real question is, have you got more BTC than inches? I sure dont, so I have a bigger dick than I’m rich

>> No.13164609

I'm considerably shorter than you but have a bigger dick.

>> No.13164634

Soon you will be able to buy a larger dick.
Stem cells make everything possible.


>> No.13164649

Its habbening? the literal greatest achievement for all men in human history

>> No.13164656

It will happen for sure. In 10 years this will be possible without a doubt. Stem cells and genetic engineering are the future

>> No.13164678

I'd call you a faggot until I went down on this big titty redhead dive bar nerdchick. So many dreamy red flags, figured I'd get an STD but went with it. She actually tasted good. Most girls taste awful.

>> No.13164772

I’m 8 long 7.25 thick

>> No.13164834

How is it ethically wrong

>> No.13164864


>> No.13164865

8x8 checking in

>> No.13164887

How do you get such a big dick? I'm a measly 6 inch

>> No.13164914

10 inches here, you fags are lucky your gf's don't know me lol

>> No.13165094

Hell yeah, dick bros. Let's slap our 7.5 inch dicks together in solidarity, no homo

>> No.13165123

good move anon

>> No.13165235

I remember there being some newer more realistic dick size chart and I was literally off the chart kek

>> No.13165243

you can jelq it to get like half an inch more but it's mostly genetics. be EXTREMELY careful though

>> No.13165324 [DELETED] 

circle jerk

>> No.13165346

This guy says the truth, let me tell you my story.

>been an aspie most of my life, too shy to talk to girls but I managed to land a couple of long-term relationships because I am relatively slim and have a "cute" face
>first sex experiences with both long-term girlfriends were awkward as fuck, as my dick would just not fit and would get soft inside the condom (which was difficult as fuck to put on)
>think it's just because of nervousness and general aspieness combined with their being a virgin when we started dating (both)
>in both relationships, after a while they started taking the pill, sex became good when they got used to the girth
>because of porn, both girls and me think my dick is average
>one day, relationship ends and I go on a dry spell for 2 fucking years
>drunk in a bar at 4 am, some cavern orc approaches me, she wants me to go to her place to "smoke some pot"
>go to the orc's cavern, she rolls a joint for both of us, we smoke it while making awkward conversation about music
>she announces she's going to bed, invites me to go to bed with her
>some more awkwardness later, she's pulling down my pants
>she sees my dick, acts all shocked, says it's huge
>at this point I am thinking she noticed how aspie I am and is just trying to make me feel better
>we try sex but there is no way to put on the condom so we leave it at a blowjob and I go home
>one week goes by, same bar
>7/10 friend of the orc approaches me, starts randomly talking about sex, I think nothing of it
>the bar is closing, time to get a taxi to go home
>"anon, you and me live in the same part of town, we could share a taxi"
>we stop at her place first, she invites me to go up to her place to listen to some music
>follow her, knowing full well I don't have the social skills to initiate anything, hoping she won't mind much
>she doesn't mind much, she literally says "fucking would be nice, don't you think?"

>> No.13165361
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average dick here
Pretty much only attracted to petite girls. I don't know if it's a psychological thing that I want to be big for the girl I'm having, but the moral of the story here is that you can be big for a girl. There is not only the dick in the equation. That simple. And I can dance better than all those plebs larping with their big dick, fucking negroes who cares. Top quality girls only for me, you can have your slack sluts

>> No.13165387

holy shit nig, r u me? same height, im 5-6". its inconsistent af. so call it 5.5".. every fucking quarter inch matters i swear. what shoe size u wear? im size 11-12. just curious if shoe size really co-relates

>> No.13165400
File: 88 KB, 950x713, 1551213596341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i dream of mine being 8X6". one can dream i suppose, but does 7.5" hurt grillies? do they likes it or no?

>> No.13165412


>proceed to fuck this girl, she is some sort of sex fiend, devours my dick trying to get it all in her throat but fails and fails again
>had to stop her from trying because she was really hurting the base of my dick with her eagerness
>we move on to regular sex, condom doesn't work, as usual, but I don't care at this stage, tell her I can fuck her raw and cum outside, she agrees
>during fucking, she keeps saying how huge I am, her enthusiasm makes me think she might be honest about this
>decide to do some research about my condom problem
>google different things about condom size
>figure out my dick is actually 99.9 percentile, not average by any means
>research about bigger size condoms, find some "my size" ones being sold in a pharmacy nearby
>girl at the counter gets curious and asks me what it is
>awkwardly explain it is special size condoms
>no, I didn't fuck this girl
>a week goes by, same bar, girls acting flirty, as things progress and people get drunk, notice more and more conversation about me and my dick
>turns out, I am now some kind of dick size legend
>from then on, weekends invariably turn into sex orgies with drunken girls as rumor keeps spreading
>mfw 7.5 inches

>> No.13165427

checked, wish mine was 8" long =X and like 6" girth does have a big dick give you abit of confidence in life?

>> No.13165430

Just LMAO if you don’t have AT LEAST an 8 x 6 inch cock. You shouldn’t even BOTHER having sex otherwise. ANY other answer is cope. The girl won’t even FEEL such a small cock inside of her.

>> No.13165441

I really want this to be true. Is there any hope for my aspie, micro-penis friend?

>> No.13165473

dick size seems to be a big turn on for girls you meet in bars, but it's not a requirement, there are many ways to get laid

>> No.13165479

fuck, i wonder if gengis khan had a micro 5" dick and raped all he can for us micro dick bros.

>> No.13165504

>walking around naked in front of other men
>watching "world naked bike ride" examining their dicks
>"fuck roasties"
kek, this faggot.

>> No.13165530

Literally just tried that angion method. How the hell do you not cum doing that?

>> No.13165541
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>> No.13165559

The absolute state of biz that this is even posted here. Go back to /b plz.

>> No.13165587

only if they can make it grow on women

>> No.13165607

>>Never bothered to measure

>> No.13165608

Who cares about dick size, we all have arms we can shove inside these whores if they're not satisfied after you pump them full of cum

>> No.13165621

>Don't do jelqing, you rre going to ruin your dick
If you are a retard. If you do jelqing and stretching in a responsible way you will gain. I gained 1/2" in length and insane erection quality.

>> No.13165753

it is hard to get it right and you can permanently hurt yourself

>> No.13165767

>it is hard to get it right and you can permanently hurt yourself
If you are stupid, yes. The vast majority of people on forums havent permanently injured themselves.

>> No.13165931

penis enlargement is a meme

>> No.13166063

>White, blond hair blue eyed
>6x4.8 dick

I am literally never going to impress or underwhelm anyone. Playing life on average mode.
I feel neutral

>> No.13166098


Money will not get rid of your insecurities. There are plenty enough insecure rich people. Money won't solve your problems just by having it. It's identifying your problems, and putting forth the effort to change. You can do this without money. Money can however help you in the sense that you have the time and capability of hiring professionals to help identify why you are insecure, and a plan to help you address your insecurities in a more timely fashion. Ultimately money is not required to fix your insecurities. All you need is the ability to realize you're insecure, and the effort to do something about it.

>> No.13166104

nothing works yet except for hormone treatment as an early teenager.

>> No.13166121

travel south, swim in pussy

>> No.13166203

>4.5" girth

>> No.13166234
File: 219 KB, 600x720, screen-shot-2017-01-10-at-10-05-24-am1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelq is a meme akin ti pic related

>> No.13166280

Focus on money, power and wealth, yes you will cope and this is the only solution for your problems because you are already mentally poisoned and unless you reach the Nirvana the mentally prison will continue.

For Height Increase:
John Pathaday method (To correct your posture and max your back strenght 1 to 14 cm gain)
Surgery tier:
>Illizariov Surgery

Dick Increase:
>arginine AKG, tribullus terrestris, ginkgo biloba and peruvian maca + basiic arabic jelq routine using coconut oil (natural)

Social fix
>proper psychiatric treatment with the support of terapeuts + stoic knowledge

For all of those you need cash, so get cash.

>> No.13166352

>I'm a dicklet
>puts his mouth on 100 dicks

Checks out.

>> No.13166457

Yeah I’m 7x5.25 sooooo no it’s not pornstar length, those dudes are definitely bigger than me.

>> No.13166484
File: 490 KB, 1440x1431, SmartSelect_20190330-134318_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating out a slut
thats really fucking gross anon.

>> No.13166498

>caring about pleasing women
If you are not at least considering the bi pill you are not blackpilled enough

>> No.13166500

His raping is why you’re microdick bros

>> No.13166569

It's all about how horny they are to begin with (6.5" 5" girth here) foreplay first and don't put it in until they're dying for it. Girls always cum with this method.

>> No.13166630

tried it nothing happened

>> No.13166638
File: 80 KB, 1876x1200, 1530029514546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8" here and anyone else have issues when slighyly dehydrated and having sex all day?

Sometimes after alot of sex I need to pee and when I go it feels like there is still some in there, so then i stand over a toilet for like 20 min trying to squeeze nothing out (girls have knocked on bathroom door asking if alright)..

I heard its because my uthera is long and can get minor discomforting blockages

Anyways one issue with big dicks, another is having it hit bottom of some toilet bowls when shitting, also can get in way while running/climbing

>> No.13166651

>then i stand over a toilet for like 20 min trying to squeeze nothing out
you should get the prostate checked out