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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13157671 No.13157671 [Reply] [Original]

What did you workout today anon? You're getting /fit/ right? For when ChainLink singularity happens and you can that the rest of your life and do whatever you wish with the riches and wealth you'll possess.

Myself, I hit chest/arms today. The pump was absolutely fucking gnarly. Feel juicy as FUCK right now. Bout to cook a 16oz ribeye with sweet potato and avocado to recharge.

>> No.13157678

I just inject my muscles with saline friends

>> No.13157679

Based. Does /fag/ have a discord?

>> No.13157697
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I'm about to leave to the gym. Back and biceps today. had a good legs+abs day yesterday.
t. link chad

>> No.13157703
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unfortunately we're not trannies and we dont use discord.

>> No.13157711

absolutely based anon. its a daily ritual to pay sweat, blood, and tears everyday in the glorious house of gains

>> No.13157715
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focused on push/pull muscle groups today. going to swim laps tonight for ~1 mile and then relax in a hot tub. doing an 8 mile hike up a gorge tomorrow. might try and book a sauna/steam room for Sunday during men only hours.

>> No.13157727

Friday is leg day
I'm exhausted but feeling pretty good
Done for the weekend too, I'll light a joint and watch my FTM stack pump

>> No.13157734

currently on test-e 500mg...feel like a god....lifts going up, insane hunger....once i hit my lifting goals, will cruise for a bit and then run tren-e ....got my double jaw surgery coming up this year too....feelsgoodman

>> No.13157752

I'm already 6'5 and have the most desirable physique on this board after years of autistic gymceling. The singularity will open other doors.

>> No.13157758


>> No.13157767

/biz/ + /fit/ masterrace

up to 170 from 125 after 1 year of lifting and eating right
in a few years im going to be at my ideal body, and rich as fuck

it is what i look forward to every single day

>> No.13157775
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unironically been working out 5x a week since going all in LINK a year ago. About to go hit pull, drinking some coffee as pwo. also started running a couple times a week to train for a 5k. i've put on a shitload muscle, need new clothes, get started boys

>> No.13157776
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are you familiar with BAP? if not, would highly recommend

>> No.13157809

absolutely based. similar to me. started at 140, now at 200 6'0. got a nice frame going right now, gonna keep up the gains and just clean bulk from now on. did 2 years of just eating 4k cals and lifting heavy. wanna do a more athletic approach now with more stretching/mobility involved so im not a walking potato.

>> No.13157823

hey /fit/ bro, what lifts to you recommend? in another words, what is your gym routine for a day? I've always done cardio in my life but should i add lifting in that? do you think cardio + lifting in one workout is good?

>> No.13157825

I would also advise everyone here to let the ego go at the door and focus more on muscle mid connection and contraction as you squeeze at the end of your range of motion. it works so much better than just trying to hit new PRs. lower the weight a little and squeeze as hard as fucking can each time. you'll build a lot more muslce, especially early on.

>> No.13157830

depends on your frame/goals. tell me how much you weigh/height.

>> No.13157878


always been skinny, soccer player back in the school days. Think i wanted to gain more muscle mass but keep the lean frame

>> No.13157894

This is my routine now with summer approaching as well as my deets.

Weight: 200lb
Height: 6'
Daily calories: (I dont really track. I more so listen to my body and how it feels.) Rough estimate would be around 3-3.5k right now.

My routine would be
Monday- 8am cardio. Do 30 min of laps/stationary bike and then finish with some body weight exercises like abs/pushups/pull ups.
Monday - 5pm - Chest/Arms day. Pretty basic. Bench, incline bench, flies, curls, pull downs, etc.
Tuesday - NO cardio.
Tuesday - 5pm - Back/Shoulders. Deadlifts, rows, single arm rows, shoulder press, military press, etc.
Wednesday - NO cardio.
Wednesday - 5pm. Leg day. Leg curls, squats, hack squats, leg press, hammy curls, abductor/adductor.
Thursday - NO Cardio.
Thursday - 5pm - Chest/Arms day repeat.
Friday - Cardio 8am. 30 min running/bike, finish with body weight exercises.
Friday - 5pm. Back/Shoulders again.
Saturday - 8am cardio. Finish with body weight.
Sunday - 8am cardio. Finish with body weight.

Keep in mind when I lift, the morning cardio is very light and just to get my body woken up/going. On days i dont lift, the cardio is a bit more intense because it's my "active" rest day. I give myself a day off before and after leg day for cardio.

>> No.13157913

Is that anything like BRAP?
Except with /fit/ man browneye?
>no homo obv

>> No.13157929

literally about to go do leg day. Need to de-stress after the OMG news

>> No.13157950

Ok you're literally me when i was smaller. Played soccer never put on a frame was skinny.

You have to start lifting weights, and you have to start eating a lot more food, so dont ever be afraid to splurge on another burger or a slice of pizza. You'll put on some fat but unironically you shouldnt even focus on anything more than just lifting and eating for the first 1-2 years of your journey. You want to set a good foundation for yourself later on, and as you get more knowledgeable about how your body feels after some foods you'll know how to manipulate it later on (this is important IMO). Start off lifting weight that you're comfortable with (dont let your ego break you, trust me that dude who's worked out for 10 years and is benching 3 plates doesnt give a fuck about how much weight youre pushing. He's too focused on pushing himself to care about your journey - and this is a good thing. You'll learn quick that a fitness journey is about pushing yourself, not someone else), you want to really feel the muscle you're working out contract on each negative and positive pull/push. As you lower the weight, feel the muscle stretching and when you push the weight feel the muscle contracted at the top. Once you build a good foundation of form (imo 6-9 mths of working out), you can start increasing weight to hit PRs. Once you start, promise yourself you won't stop. Yeah you might be sore as fuck a day, but take it off then. Hit the gym the next day when you feel better, or the day after. JUST DONT FUCKING STOP. Gains are made one day at a time.

>> No.13157967

may your gains be plentiful anon

>> No.13158017

awesome, thank you for all the tips anon. Will try to incorporate them from now on

>> No.13158727
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routine looks good bro. I'm curious why you'd stack Chest/Arms and Back/Shoulders. I'd recommend giving PPL a try if you haven't yet

Good advice. The best thing to do is to just start hitting it every fucking day and not quitting because you're a fucking man (1 rest day/week tho) But if you're not quite ready to grow a pair overnight (I wasn't), try starting to make a commitment to go at least ONCE a week. You don't have to go more, but you have to hit it at least once. You won't get much gains, but you'll start the ball in motion.

>Think i wanted to gain more muscle mass but keep the lean frame
"keep the lean frame" is a weakling illusion. I've been victim to it as well. I was 30lbs lighter, thinking that 'lean' was attractive. Now strapped with 15lbs of muscle and 15lbs of fat, I laugh at what a fucking twink I was. GET BIGGER. It's a game changer. Getting lean (again) is easy, and presence is more important than 'lean'.

>> No.13158780

Was 140lbs when I first bought Chainlink at ICO and I'm up to 160lbs now with 10% body fat. I'm 6ft so still a bit to go. Figure by the time we hit singularity I'll be at 175-185lbs which is my goal.

Chainlink was the best thing to ever happen to my body, mind and soul.

>> No.13158798

>falling for the iron jew
never gonna make it

>> No.13158806

I'm doing PPLPPL currently and loving it btw. Around the 4 sets of 8-10 range seems to work for me.

>> No.13158936
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>iron jew

>> No.13158990


Working on non-autistic personality will give you way more power than having muscles. I went through a period where I totally isolated myself for a year and did nothing but make physical and financial gains. (It was 2017 so I was making a shit ton of money in crypto just sitting in my room) when I finally reconnected with old friends and started venturing into society again I was fucking shocked at how much my social skills atrophied. Never had great social skills to begin with but every basic thing was in manual mode again from greeting, smiling, making eye contact, conversation smoothly. Took me a few months to gain a sort of "fluidity" or "naturalness" to interacting with people. Now with daily deliberate practice I'm now an alpha restaurant manager.