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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1315648 No.1315648 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/. i have an idea for an app, but i have no programming experience, and the software i need would need to allow it's users absolute privacy. how do i ensure that if i hire an i.t guy, that he won't install a backdoor or something else which will rape my business without my realising it? also how much approx should i look to pay a programmer per hour for creating and updating this s/w?
perhaps i should just learn to do it myself? i have no programming knowledge. would it be terribly difficult to build an app myself? what i want is, i think, pretty simple, but i don't know where to start.
thx /biz/. and btw if any of you lot want the job and appear to know your stuff, i'm quite likely to hire you.

>> No.1315745

>how do i ensure that if i hire an i.t guy, that he won't install a backdoor
Well no way you can verify that if you aren't a coder. Hell, even if you were it's still possible to hide things. You just have to find somebody you trust (maybe nearby so you can sue them or something. Not pajeet half way across the world.)

>i have no programming knowledge. would it be terribly difficult to build an app myself?
Depends exactly what it is...

That being said - "absolute privacy"? Like encrypted messaging or something? Most programmers are incompetent at security. The ones that can do security already have well paid jobs.

>> No.1315806

Probably not the best idea to pay per hour because the programmer could just intentionally take longer to get more money, just agree on an amount for the project. If you're Looking For An android app then the programming language would be java, iphone - objective-c or swift i think, and Windows and Mac idk, these could take around 6 months to learn if you really try. It would probably be best if you do it yourself so you know exactly how it works and how's it's built and you won't give anyone any ideas but there would most likely be contracts signed to solve that issue. What kind of concepts would be needed to build the app, like a backend server to store user data or like proxies and shit

>> No.1315831

>Like encrypted messaging or something?
i guess. i don't really know what would be required. all i need is, in a nutshell, an app which can be installed without complications (noobs, elderly and plebs need to be able to use it) then for them to secretly communicate a message of 5-20 characters, to other app users. the message needs to cause the recipient's phone to beep, for the recipient to be able to receive the message, see who it was from, then crucially, send a response indicating that the message has been retrieved, a small message back, and then everything deleted irreparably. big icons, easy to use interfaces and generally idiot proof use is essential, and it needs to function both on the phone connection and the phone's net connection.

as i say, i'm hopeless at this stuff, but i've tried to be as detailed as i can as to what i want... it doesn't sound so hard... does it?

>> No.1315838

alright thanks anon. think i'll be hiring someone else then. not gonna spend 6 months learning, need this asap

>> No.1316005

And this is something that an existing encrypted messenger such as Signal cannot do?

>everything deleted irreparably
I guess it might not do that. But remember, there's never a guarantee of deletion, users can screenshot etc...

Just your basic idea doesn't sound too complicated, no. Maybe a couple weeks work. And assuming your "absolute" privacy doesn't mean government/LE proof...

Yeah, I'm just curious really, don't have much to add otherwise.

>> No.1316010

so uh... anyone want a job...?

>> No.1316017

>And this is something that an existing encrypted messenger such as Signal cannot do?
the main thing i need is for it to be insanely easy to use. elderly people who have never used a phone before need to be able to use this thing instantly

>> No.1316024

>And assuming your "absolute" privacy doesn't mean government/LE proof...
...and you should also consider hacker proof. If your own servers have to act as a middle man, temporarily storing messages before they are forwarded to the appropriate user... That's a weak point. But it really depends on your threat model, whether anybody is seriously going to try to access these messages.

Define "absolute privacy", please, you will need to for whoever you hire. Is there any financial incentive to access these messages? Or is it just some "personal secrets" type app...

>> No.1316034

>whether anybody is seriously going to try to access these messages.
lots of people will be trying to read what was said. it needs to be extremely secure. i don't know how to better quantify the level of security i need, but it does need to be near impenetrable. the consequences of this data being compromised would be extreme.

>> No.1316046

Try asking /g/

>> No.1316049

oh, ok thanks anon.

>> No.1316052

>the consequences of this data being compromised would be extreme.
If that is really the case, you need to hire a top tier security expert and that will be expensive. You probably want some kind of end to end encryption so you don't even have access to the message content.

You might try contacting devs of Signal/OpenWhisperSystems or ChatSecure.org

>> No.1316084

ok so look. here's what i want.

i want an app which will open on any phone no matter how crap it is. i need android and apple support.

i want the app to provide an interface which will allow people to purchase items. there will be 2 items for sale. i want the user to be able to click on the item(s) they want, enter how many of the items they'd like, along with their username. upon clicking send i want the order details to be sent to a recipient, who will then be able to respond, with a place at which they should be waiting, and a time. upon receipt of this acknowledgement of the order, i want all data to be wiped, and if i can do this through proxy all the better.
please excuse the ambiguity. anyone getting an idea what this is?

>> No.1316091
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>mfw i want

>> No.1316124

You're thinking of Signal.

Don't worry I had an app idea once that was already invented. Fucking YikYak faggots.

>> No.1316133

>You're thinking of Signal.
you sure? no idea what that is

this app won't be available to members of the public. it needs to be extremely private and available only to those to whom i personally give it. will this complicate things further?

>> No.1316146

Signal would probably work for you. I don't know exactly how secure it is.

If this is just communication between people you know, learn to use tails, TOR, pgp encryption and just email each other.

>> No.1316153

>learn to use tails, TOR, pgp encryption and just email each other.
as i say, it needs to be utterly idiot proof

>> No.1316165

There is a learning curve to these things, but its really not as hard as it seems and since you're not dealing with people who appear to have the same needs you do they should be learning this stuff too.

Just look up a basic guide to navigating the deep web. Pretty all of what you need is there. The only issue I think you'll have is mobility.

>> No.1316170

since you are*

>> No.1316176

Hire someone to write it.
Take the code and send it to a team of auditor to ensure its secure, if it's not, tell the programmer and hire another to audit his work.

>> No.1316180


anyway making that on its own is fairly simple, making an encrypted and highly secure version is very difficult

If you aren't making it available to public, you could probably get your dev to rip off some open source software (e.g. Signal as mentioned) and then add the additional features to it

are you rooting all phones in question? Because otherwise it will be on the app store and thus available to the general public...

lel I had a similar idea to YikYak idea too :^) Still think there could be a better/more anon/chan style spin on it.

You do know what it is because you attentively read my previous posts. But no, Signal is good but is just messaging. No ordering items.

>> No.1316182

I'll do it for ya, and I won't write a back door in. ;D

>> No.1316184

i can already use derp weeb, encryption etc, but junkies can't.
i need this whole project to be as anonymous as possible, the fewer people the better, but ok.
>are you rooting all phones in question?
nope, this needs to be immediately accessible and functional to people who have no clue how tech works
>I won't write a back door in. ;D
i...i... d-d-don't believe you o_o

fug, why is this so hard? i need to make a programmer friend, don't i?

>> No.1316195 [DELETED] 

some kind of drug dealing app?
or are you planning on making the next Silkroad and making a BTC to drug direct exchange? (actually a pretty good idea, but you'll need REALLY, REALLY good encryption... and huge balls)

>> No.1316196

You need to hire someone whose identity you can legally verify. I would totally do this for you, but I don't see how we can verify each other's identity on an anonymous image board.

>> No.1316205

no need for btc, just an app which functions outside of the normal, monitored phone lines

>> No.1316215

some kind of drug dealing app?
or are you planning on making the next Silkroad and making a BTC to drug direct exchange? (actually a pretty good idea, but you'll need REALLY, REALLY good encryption... and huge balls)

You might not like this but the only way you can really trust a developer is to make them a co-founder. That way you're both work towards the same goal. The only problem is that nowadays being the "idea guy" isn't really enough to make it 50/50. maybe 30/70 or 40/60, with the higher percentage going to the programmer - who is literally doing all the work at this stage. you'll need to add some value to the partnership if you go with this route, either through funding or marketing expertise, etc.

>> No.1316225

0% will be going to the devs after i've paid them for building the app. i'll pay for updates obv. all monies will come to me in cash