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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13156453 No.13156453 [Reply] [Original]

OK so i live in a west coast college town with lots of hot chicks. The MB dealer near me is having a lease special for a MY19(shipping damage they fixed in house)

I can lock in this AMG GLE 43 at the following terms

$6,099 due at signing
$899/mo for 36 month lease

I live at home and make 30.29/hr (approx. $63k a year if iwas salary with full hours.) as an Associate packaging engineering technician so it'd be liveable. I have nothing else to spend money on so I might as well try to get girls with something nice.

>> No.13156466

Jfc you're retarded

>> No.13156470

saged and hidden

>> No.13156479
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These people exist.

>> No.13156487

I’m a mechanic and make more than you and I still wouldn’t purchase that... have fun with your first 6k brake job.... o wait your the fuck that brings in your own pads and cries about the price... if you can’t buy it twice don’t own it. Go buy a Toyota it’ll save you a headache and last forever.

>> No.13156505

what a stupid materialist kys

>> No.13156564

not my fault you have a irrational desire to hoard your money.

>> No.13156633
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>> No.13156654

No man, how about you hit that gym instead. I guarantee you don't want the kind of girls a nice car attracts. work out, eat right, be smart, and have money to spend on her.

>> No.13156664

looks good op

>> No.13156677

Always ramember that for the price of a car you could remodel the place you live to have a walk-in shower

>> No.13156691

Lol. the absolute state of pathetic faggots like OP. Meanwhile drugdealer Chad is slaying girls left and right with his '99 honda civic

>> No.13156703

Eliot is that you

>> No.13156706

I live with my parents so idc about home maintenance. I just want to be able to get girls easier and I don't feel confident with my current car

>> No.13156708

buy a used merc for like $10k grills won't know the difference. but really a mercedes isn't even impressive. $65k a year is literally poverty line so I would focus on just not being a poor fag rather than blowing what little you have on a leased car that isn't even impressive.

>> No.13156714

What kind of sick person goes on the internet and tells lies?? What is wrong with you son? Nobody buys your story; is this how you envisioned your life as a little boy growing up reading Winnie the Pooh? You know Pooh would disapprove. And what about your crush from the 6th grade? Would she be impressed? Today we weep for you anon. Shape up.

>> No.13156725

More like the majority although probably realistically 450/mo lease which can still net you a BMW 5

>> No.13156730

Listen to this guy
If you want luxury buy a Lexus

>> No.13156734

Also holy shit thats an ugly car. Crossovers are the ultimate BOOMER core shit. They love them because Boomers are overweight and love to be "comfortable" at all times and need huge seats for their fat asses. Lmao at thinking girls will like you for your boomer car

>6000 down
>900 a month

For that much you could get such nicer cars, the absolute state of tasteless boomers

>> No.13156751

43 is for midgets. Only 63S the way to go.

>> No.13156752

lololol what a shit tier bait

>> No.13156757

most stupid thing to buy in 2019 is a damn new car

>> No.13156759
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>I just want to be able to get girls easier and I don't feel confident with my current car
You sound like a supreme gentleman, how could the opposite sex even turn you down with such a vehicle

>> No.13156760


>> No.13156777

Also if you're a girl magnet like you're larping then you don't need an amg. Real magnet can pull with lada and dacia. Whatever take the deal. In my country this would be 3k per month lease.

>> No.13156885

You are asking if you should pay more than half of one year's gross wages to rent an ugly car for three years? You're going to drive them back to your parents' house in that thing?

>> No.13157050


You can basically lease an 80k Mercedes for that.

>> No.13157063
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>> No.13157067


>Spend nearly $40,000

>End up with nothing

Lmao, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.13157087

disgusting tasteless new money car. Mercedes really targeted new money with the big logo "hey guz i have money" rebrand.
Buy japanese (toyota/lexus or honda).

>> No.13157094

Kill your self

>> No.13157110

>so I might as well try to get girls with something nice
Wow you're really a pathetic loser if you think you can get quality girls with a car like that. The world is filled with insecure indebted fags like you who try to impress girls with their car.

>> No.13157113

buying a pointless ugly suv looking freak car for girls attention KEK at least buy something sporty so you dont look like a soccer mom KEK

>> No.13157114


>> No.13157123
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>buy brand new expensive car
>get the ugliest crossover possible

>> No.13157142
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>Get it in orange
>put flame on the sides

>> No.13157153

alright lets count all the points that make you a faggot

1) GL benzes are ugly pieces of shit
2) the CL and GL line 43 AMGs arent even real handcrafted AMGs like all the other models, they are massproduced shitcans
3) lmao at 900 dollars month for a fucking bus
your score is in you are a certified 3/3 faggot
t. benz enthusiast

>> No.13157184


Ask yourself- if you need the car in order to "get girls", are you actually getting anything? Consider you may being taken advantage of from many different angles.

>> No.13157202
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Girls don't even give a shit about cars, they're guy magnets.

But it's fine, since OP is a massive faggot, he should be able to attract some premium HIV cock.

>> No.13157218

imagine leasing a benz while still living with your parents HAHA

>> No.13157263

reminder that if you even WANT to buy a crossover you are a boomer and a cuck with shit taste. I'm not talking about the mid size crossovers since those are at least functional like SUVs, Im talking about the GLEs or HRVs or the toyota CHR or ford Ecosport. These are the ultimate KEKmobiles

>all of the downsides of having an SUV like shit gas mileage
>with none of the advantages of an SUV (clearance, space, room, power)

Its just a couch on wheels for fat fucks who are obsessed with "comfort". just buy a full size sedan FFS like an Avalon or Maxima

>> No.13157294
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You are so much of a faggot lmao. I purchased this wheel-o-garbo for 1400€ a decade ago and stupid thots think it's a ferrari, so i end up slaying much more pussies than you will ever do in your boomobile. And the only real mega Chad vehicle to attract hoes is a big cylinder motorbike btw.

>> No.13157403
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OK so i live in a west coast college town with lots of hot chicks. The Fiat dealer near me is having a lease special for a Multipla (shipping damage they fixed in house)

I can lock in this Fiat Multipla at the following terms

$6,099 due at signing
$899/mo for 36 month lease

I live at home and make 30.29/hr (approx. $63k a year if iwas salary with full hours.) as an Associate packaging engineering technician so it'd be liveable. I have nothing else to spend money on so I might as well try to get girls with something nice.

>> No.13157672

stealing my thread from /o/ nice im flattered

>> No.13157785
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>I don't feel confident with my current car
Absolute state

>> No.13157961


>Lives with parents
>Worried about how to get girls to come home with him


>> No.13158032
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>omg stacy look he got a AMG GLE 43! i'm so going to suck his cock

>> No.13158302

That is one ugly fucken car OP. but sadly that wont help you at all since that's what you call taste plus i'm assuming your an Amerifat pimple face fat ass or skinny lanky KUNT. no taste no swag no nothing having fag....

>> No.13158595
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I got a used one with 200k miles on it for only 8000 dollars 2017 model. The only thing is maintenance is pricey. Try to get a used one. It's not worth buying or leasing a new one. Also like someone mentioned girls dont know the difference. Tbh I should of just got some Japanese car like a Nissan. Would appreciate more in the longterm.

>> No.13159082
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just get a bike you faggot
I can garantee you I get more looks than you'd get in your soccermom piece of shit car
inb4 the low test faggots start saying it's dangerous. Of course it's dangerous

>> No.13159155


>"McWagie the middle manager" - the car

>> No.13159733
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This desu. Get a litre bike and it will raise your test and adrenaline levels every time you ride it.

>> No.13159869

>own cheap 1000 motorbyke
>get pussy
Thats how you do it, OP

>> No.13160084

Why not use that money to fix your weak chin and receding hairline?

>> No.13160116

everyone on this website should commit suicide.

I'm going to tell you the real shit. Women do look at what car you drive when analyzing their first impression of you. A nice car probably means you have money. That's all it tells them. What does having money mean? Simple, it means you most likely support yourself. What does that mean? It means you're strong. What does that mean? You are a possibly ideal candidate for what they really crave. Sex. Women are sex addict sluts and that's why they're mean to anyone who can't offer the drug they crave.

>> No.13160152


I drive an Opel Corsa from 2012 and my gf loves it. Why you trying to impress vapid skanks for?

>> No.13160445

Did I say I was, you fucking retard?

>> No.13160475

Bro. Move out of your parents house first, it’s way more attractive to women than an expensive car. A dude with his own place and a Honda will get way more poon than a guy who still lives at home but leases a Mercedes

>> No.13160918

that is one ugly car

>> No.13160926

>Associate packaging engineering technician

Is this what Amazon calls their warehouse workers?

>> No.13161303
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damn 3 weeks too late,

>> No.13161417

lol what an ugly piece of shit