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13155655 No.13155655 [Reply] [Original]

whale here. bought btc in ‘11 and cashed most of it out around 15K. currently one of the top 50 Chainlink wallets. the problem I see on this board, and the reason almost none of you will make it, is rampant impatience. you faggots have NO CLUE how long adoption is going to take. the major players WILL NOT USE YOUR FUCKING SOLUTION UNTIL IT IS GUARANTEED TO WORK FLAWLESSLY, EVERY TIME. there’s too much on the line to think otherwise. that faggot who wrote the pasta about Link starting up top with massive K’s and trickling down to run of the mill transactions is an elite retard, as if businessmen of that caliber would early adopt something this unproven before it’s vetted by a hundred lesser companies. the big dogs don’t play it that way because they don’t fucking have to at all. there’s a reason assblaster’s literal who firm was able to snap up a huge percentage of the circulating supply. remember the “winning before you even step onto the playing field” pasta? is that how that works? selling massive amounts of your circulating supply to some wannabe firm that employees a guy like assblaster? no. it’s because we are unironically a decade away. we’re so fucking early, so much earlier than almost any of you understand. if you think you can simply wait until 2021 and sell your stack for anything over 3-5 dollars you should go ahead and kys now. this isn’t coming remotely close to $100 per token until 2025 at the absolute earliest. this is not like buying eth in 2015, it’s not even like buying bitcoin in 2008. the only way you’re making it in link is if you can afford to hold for 10 years or more. very few of you are in that position, thus very few will make it

>> No.13155671

My patience is getting tired. The chainlink website literally says they are partnered with swift. Still 30c. All these speculated partnerships are just that. The partnerships that have been announced are either worthless or "so important and bigger then people think" but its still 50c. The team cant even tell us whats going on even in a low key way, i guess i do know they dont need to say anything to the average joe. I want to believe everything link has to offer but when the practical side of me comes up, its all too good to be true. Im all in and will hold til zero, it just really fucking blows that my life savings are in this (a whopping 1,200 dollars) and the notion that i dont have what it takes to even get a dishwasher job, my moral is the lowest its ever been in my life. Im not even asking for $1000 eoy, i just need maybe 150 dollars a link to just move out of my parents house ive been living in for 34 years of my life, i just want to feel whats its like to go to your own house and have my own room. Im so fucking tired of being a loser.

>> No.13155675

>no sources

>> No.13155703

Yeah, sure, real adoption won’t be around in two years time. But hopefully a smart contract bubble is, and we can bank off that.

>> No.13155712

I've made captain washing dishes.

>> No.13155722

Waiting doesn't pay my mortgage. I can wait for a little while, but not until 2025. Guess I'm selling my 100,000 stack.

>> No.13155737

Post proof that you are a whale

>> No.13155761

Ain't nobody waiting till 2025, better returns elsewhere. Its make it by 2020 or nothing. Take your patient monkey ass back elsewhere

>> No.13155794

Just because you got in to bitcoin early doesn’t mean you can predict the future

Why is this not like buying eth in 2015? Eth took a lot less time to moon than BTC because people already understood blockchain. Now people understand smart contracts it’s really not that much to understand the need for chainlink or similar. Do you think people are just going to sit around for a decade like they did with BTC? Especially if start ups are using smart contracts to undercut big companies and offer new services

Congrats in being early with btc but it doesn’t mean you can predict the future. Get over yourself

>> No.13155822

I think you're being overly rational for an emerging speculative market

>> No.13155825

Thx sold 100k

>> No.13155853

Bullshit. What about those utter shitcoins that went up to 100bn during the last run? But suddenly when it comes to link everyones a skeptic?

>> No.13155874
File: 282 KB, 378x416, 987878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You had over year to buy link.

Linkmarines its happening right now:


Stay strong frens!

>> No.13155903

This is a good post but you're missing the point. The "singularity" is about speculation outpacing value. They literally never learn.

>> No.13155904

OP isn't talking about a 'bull run' speculative bubble. He's talking about actual value driven by use.

>> No.13155918


>> No.13155933

Yeah, like we’re all waiting for value driven by use. Nobody got time to wait for that.

>> No.13155944

If you have 100k link ($50k), you will make $10 millions by 2025. Tell me how to get better returns than that in 6 years. It's probably not worth the wait if you have less than 50k link but honestly you won't make with less than that anyway. And no, getting lucky with some shitcoin doesn't count. That's like winning in a casino.

>> No.13155972

this isnt a holders market anymore. you have to learn how to hop from coin to coin. day trading is the only way. ppl dont like to hear that. maybe one day these coins will have actual use cases, but right now, just about every single coin is a pump and dump vehicle, that group and wahles are using to make profits. thats all this is. coins get hot for a few days, then plummet back down again. nothing holds its value. you just have to learn how to take advantage of that

>> No.13155997

Thanks for advice but not buying it, although i.do.think Link is valued in the range of $20 in 2021, and will increase higher as adoption takes place. I can live with that, in fact will.retire when it happens. Adoption won't take ten years, once it starts happening with Smartcontracts it will grow very quickly. 3 to 4 years from now max.

>> No.13156041

Op didn't specify that the price prediction at the end was purely nonspeculative. Any coins price is a combination of speculative and nonspeculative values. At best his post is misleading.

>> No.13156043

Thanks mom

>> No.13156101

This. All of crypto (including Bitcoin) is a speculative market. That means it will be overvalued based on present metrics. Otherwise Bitcoin and ETH would be like $1 at most. Fucking brainlet ""whales""

>> No.13156109

>it’s not like buying ETH in 2015
>it’s not like buying btc in 2008

Damn straight, because unlike those shitcoins, LINK has a tangible use case and I can make my capital work for me to earn passive income. Data is oil and my linkies are the ticket to the oil well

Anyone planning to ever sell their linkies is Never-gonna-make-it tier brainlet

>> No.13156125

Why would anyone sell? Are they that desperate they need to break the link piggy bank? I’d rather be a wagie at wall mart than to ever consider selling.

>> No.13156127

>$20 in 2021,
I'm financially ruined. I thought 10k to make it. 200k doesn't even get me a moderately sized garage.

>> No.13156222

Based, thanks anon

>> No.13156235

who has that screencap of someone saying ethereum is minimum 4 year hold

>> No.13156798

>bought btc in ‘11 and cashed most of it out around 15K

hmm yeah. statistically is possible that there are people doing this

>currently one of the top 50 Chainlink wallets

nope nope nope no one who is intelligent enough to buy and hodl bitcoin puts its money into this scam. larper gtfo.

>> No.13157106


The only reason I disagree is because LINK is the linchpin of crypto.

If LINK doesn't get used then all of these smart contracts ideas will be truly useless.

>> No.13157286

luckily they've been working on Chainlink for the last 6 years.

1000 EOY 2020. see you on the yacht party if your still around.

>> No.13157353


Crypto would be just fine with our LINK

>> No.13157368

you bought a funding token. remember that. they FUNDED 32 million, TWICE AS MUCH AS ETHEREUM. and for that they still kept 65% of all tokens.

the economics of their funding token are terminally busted, ignoring the fact that it is after all just a funding token, something that isn't required by the tech in any way, and given how ethereum and the api providers hold all the power in the relationship, completely replaceable with something else.

>> No.13157425

>not required
Wrong. transferandcall requires Link

>> No.13157434

Why does posting this nonsense bring you internal joy? This is how you want to spend your time and be remembered? Blabbing nonsense on an esoteric Internet message board?

>> No.13158043

>not like buying eth in 2015

Anon, ETH doesn't even work properly yet.


Based high-iq post. Everyone getting up in arms about bad or less-than-desirable fundamentals isn't looking at every single crypto that mooned hardcore on the runup to dec 2017. Bitcoin doesn't scale. ETH doesn't scale. So on and so forth. I agree with OP about LINK adoption; but I have faith in an insane overvaluation in 2021.

>> No.13158234

>one post by this id
>mentions assblaster

>> No.13158272

It just doesn’t jive with how Link do things. Not really the type of hypecoin project that will turn heads in a bullrun like Ripple or Tron or whatever the fuck the redditors like. You’re all banking on normie speculation but this project is so far over the heads of normies that I don’t see it happening without massive advertising campaigns or... genuine adoption.
The reason I’m giving you guys a $3-5 range is because unless they start shilling the fuck out of Link that’s about as much of a speculative boost you’re going to get and it’s still a 10x. If I was truly ignoring speculation we would be frozen solid for years.

>> No.13158754

I don’t really see though why Ripple or other top10 coins would be more hypable. Chainlink is the pinnacle of blockchain, which will usher in the smart contract revolution, running a node is the new mining, you can buy and profit from this essential thing that is behind swift, accord, etc etc. Should have quite the potential to be hyped? It’s the biggest thing on biz already for 1.5 year.

>> No.13158761

I mean, sure, right now no normie would get it. But they too will be learning about blockchains

>> No.13159264

We're all going to be rich as fuck lads - ignore these FUD clowns. 10K stack and you'll make it sometime in the next 1-5 years. It's basically guaranteed at this point.

>> No.13159626

ctrlf link equals zero results

>> No.13159645

Holy Crap. Did you actually sit through 5 hours of this video to find this? Nice job anon.

>> No.13159676

If needed I can wait till 2025 no problem. Best post in a couple of weeks.