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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13155302 No.13155302 [Reply] [Original]

>got my first ever paycheck
>instantly lost 15%

>> No.13155352

Lmao paying taxes to work at McDonald's.

>> No.13155366

>working a job
>in 2019
learn to trade dumbass

>> No.13155379
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>only losing 15%
If only you knew how bad things really can be

>> No.13155385

not my fault i was born in a cucked state
i did and lost everything months ago why do you think i got a job in the first place? i cant earn money as a neet while having nothing in cryptos which i haven't since last fall and took several months to even land at a job because no one hires an incel 3 year old neet

>> No.13155393


lol what mongrel language is that, senpai

>> No.13155404

gotta pay to feed all the invaders, goy

>> No.13155412
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Hey OP, really feel for you. I'll think about you and other wagies slaving over fryers - while I'm getting my peepee sucked by Croatian thots this summer.

>> No.13155472

>er kann nicht posten rechte Seite nach oben

>> No.13155525

im expecting zero fun for the rest of the year as im stuck slaving away and trying to bring my life back up by lifting, learning a new language and slave again meanwhile putting $1k in shitcoins every month. hopefully i can lose my kiss virginity, hug virginity and vaginal fucking virginity next year

>> No.13155539

>literally translating right side up to rechte seite nach oben
LMAO that's like saying "he not post left side up"

>> No.13155664


Why just the shitcoins? I got into weedstocks, did way for me.

>> No.13155860

15% lmao
i would suck 10 dicks a day for a 15% tax

>> No.13155935

One reason I came to Switzerland and not the Germanistan, kek

>> No.13156093

if you get 13 an hour buy fucking everything online retard. just cuz local prices are inflated doesnt mean global are

>> No.13156129

Imagine being a woman.
Imagine having boobies that you can monetize
Imagine being able to trick guys into buying things for you
Imagine being able to stream yourself and rake in donations from incels
Imagine not having to pay taxes on this income
Imagine being a woman and life being on auto pilot
Can you imagine?

>> No.13156153

frenchfag here
paid 5,111 euros for 33,000 euros income

>> No.13156167
File: 291 KB, 705x343, Capture d’écran 2019-03-29 à 15.06.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and im not even counting house tax + living tax
yup, we are funding our own genocide
thank god i stopped working and now im on welfare state

>> No.13156177
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Try getting taxed 40% + 25% VAT on literally everything that costs money

>> No.13156184

Someone has to pay for the NEETs

>> No.13156989

LOL I wish. My 2500 turns into barely 1600

>> No.13157064

you're just doing it wrong. I also live in commiefornia and am no friend autismo. this only helps me save money even though I work $11/hr full time while the gubmint tales $100 per paycheck
>Don't go out so no money spent
>save over half my income
>invest that savings
>have side eBay business selling parts I found for free in alleyways for $15 a piece
>buy higher end stuff, fix up, resell
>can still eat out because I only spend on food, rent, and phone
>rent room + utilities because apartments are like a whole months pay

>> No.13157481

15% it's a fucking dream
yuropoors can easily reach 60% on high tax brackets
nigga needs gibs

>> No.13157539

stfu i pay 42 % you cry baby

>> No.13157860
File: 342 KB, 725x504, 34D49BAE-04E8-4655-8CF3-28FC4D1B823B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the free housing, education, and food white boy

>> No.13158015

how ?

>> No.13158024


>> No.13158025

ok ok i understand it. you want money. So why dont you buy TRON?

>> No.13158122

>be swede
>paycheck says 31k SEK
>get 22k put into my account after I funded my commie gov race replacement program

>> No.13158262

how did you get a job

>> No.13158702
File: 48 KB, 288x430, whereDaEternalAngloAt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine ignoring WW1 and WW2
>imagine ignoring Brexit
>imagine thinking people care about Autism, the language

>> No.13159028

at least you don't have to put up with living in murica

>> No.13159841

As a homosexual, these people are highly dangerous and offensive to me. Those people need to be removed from this planet ASAP or else I will file a complaint to the SPLC for enabling their bigotry and hatred towards gays like me.