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13154439 No.13154439 [Reply] [Original]

>$24 on cigarettes
>$45 on booze
>$50 on fast food


when are you going to cut this shit out anon? Not only are you killing your youth, your health, and your self esteem, but you are LITERALLY throwing your money away.

What else are you wasting money on?

Video games? (waste of your youth, accomplish nothing, NOT making more money)
Taking loans you cant afford to pay back?
Escorts (fix your health and self esteem and you wont need to buy sex you degenerate incel)


>> No.13154452

I spend 0$ on cigarettes, 0$ on booze and 0$ on junk food.

>> No.13154476

you are still a faggot

>> No.13154488

I buy 2 packs of juul pods a week ~ $40
eat out for lunch twice a week ~ $20

Trying to rid myself of the nicotine addiction and learn how to cook so I can save more. I don't play video games, no escorts, 1 car loan of $184 a month. I wouldn't call that waste as I need to get back and forth from wageslaving and other places

>> No.13154510

I devote excess income to steak, chicken and some grains. The only unhealthy food I eat are chocolate chip cookies and I take 1-2 sugars in my coffee which I sometimes make myself depending on how lazy I am in the morning.

>> No.13154527

Haha love this place

>> No.13154531

This week:

>0€ on cigarettes
>0€ on booze
>31€ on fastfood

>> No.13154721

too much

>> No.13154732

I 'celebrated' because i gained 1k€. That should be possible

>> No.13154752


>> No.13154760

>average biztard spends 119$ a week
Retard, average biztard doesn’t even have a bank account with $119 on it

>> No.13154786

0 on food
10 on booze
15 on weed

i make 700eu a month by working 2 days a week. am i doing fine?

>> No.13154794

Dam OP your pic hit me in the feels. I started living life as laid out in tbe pic a year or so ago, its changed my mentality so much and reading that just gives me further proof im on the right track. Thanks pal.

>> No.13154798

I spend 2$ per day for a week. I try to max only 50$ per month for essential shit like food. Eat shit retards.

>> No.13154838

you should eat a bit friend

>> No.13155146

pic rel is cope. There's literally no point in doing anything. Becoming the next jeff bezos and having all the disposable income in the world will change nothing.

>> No.13155177

>one year off cigs after 12 years on
>not awful
>less than $10 a year on fastfood
feels good frens, but don't ask about the house, truck, student loans, medical bills, or small business ownership.

>> No.13155200

You are a depressed incel. Just because you are a low life doesnt mean you need to drag others down.

Either improve yourself or kill yourself

>> No.13155249

I spend all that plus $150 on weed.

>> No.13155969

What's the deal with all those juul mentions i see on chan today and how it is different from regular vaping?

>> No.13155995


I waste

>$7.21 on protein (eggs and fish)
>$11.05 on coffee

too lazy to buy booze most of the time

>> No.13156048

>video games
>>accomplish nothing
found the boomer, u do know there are people who play vidya for a living and make millions doing it right? have u heard of twitch or youtube or esports? get lost boomer. this board isnt for you, probably a nocoiner as well. i stopped taking advice from boomers years ago when i realized my dad cucked me by only letting me play vidya for a half hour a day. i could be making millions now, thanks dad

>> No.13156108

Why would I cut gambling out? That's how I make more money than I can spend for a whole year.

>> No.13156162

Your next goal should be finding a new word to use every other sentence. Saying incel just makes everybody think you're a troll out to get a rise from people

>> No.13156634

It's true though. We aren't allowed to create the world we want to live in anymore. Even if you had all of Jeff's money you couldn't put it to good use because the elite would just kill you if you tried to change their system.

>> No.13156818

I spend 75 a month on unlimited Jiu-Jitsu and Muay thai classes. A decent amount on healthy foods, sometimes I do get sugar cravings though so occasionally ice cream or something like that. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't waste my time throwing money at stupid shit aside from crypto. I think I'm doing pretty well anon.

>> No.13156935

Uh oh the angry zoomer

Lets see your twitch revenue. How much money have you made in the 10s of thousands of hours you have WASTED?

i expect angry childish responses from those who are addicted and lazu. Just because .001% of all gamers are making a living doesnt mean its a good choice.

Now go outside you pale fat slob

>> No.13156947

>use incel once
>every other other sentence

How angry does that make you feel? Fix it loser

>> No.13156963

Are you 14 years old?

Look at you crying about something you have no control over. With a fraction of his income you can set yourself free from wageslavery. You can dedicate your life to self improvement.

When you grow up a little you will understand. Also stay off pol, that place is an echo chamber of people who gave up on life a long time ago

>> No.13156973

Nice work, im proud. Dont ever stop no matter what

>> No.13156990


Creating the debt-fueled society through the fiat not being backed by gold is a singularity, there is nothing to fix, we are already fucked, unless by fixing you mean cleansing with fire through accelerationism and breaking the lives of everyone

>> No.13157007


That pic is really helpful. Especially with the 'defeatist' attitude point. I know some people close to me that will actually stress out / anxiety over problems I have when it really doesn't impact them at all. I appreciate the sympathy, but in the case of parents for example, it's not something helpful because all they do is talk out of fear for something instead of thinking about moving forward.

>> No.13157027
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>> No.13157042

my biggest vices are eating out and buying weed. weed I've managed to cut down to $60 a month. Food I try to not spend more than $250 a month but usually I do

>> No.13157086

so your telling me you never watch tv, never read a book, never listen to radio?
you know people use free time to relax, you can just say HEY YOU COULD HAVE LEARNED A NEW LANGUAGE when there is no way they would have done that instead of relaxing from work 100% of the time

>> No.13157133


In regards to food sometimes I think there is a payoff if you're using a deal/coupon/rewards thing or whatever to max out your order (assuming it's a quick serve / 'fast food' place). A lot of the time they can get my food to me quicker than it'd take making at my place unless I meal prep ahead of time. It's nice to grab like two burritos or something after a chest/arm workout so I can just mack out on food. Also if you've got side work you can do that earns more than $20 a hour it's technically better to get things delivered to you if you're ordering food so that you can actually work on more productive shit. I'd say it's good to do from time to time.

>> No.13157208

You can improve yourself through those activities you mentioned.

Books are educational, relaxing, and they can improve your life substantially. TV helps facilitate social connections with normies and has educational docs. I remodeled my house on my own because of Youtube, that saved me 20k and increased the value of my house by 35k.

Playing world of warcraft is NOT educational and it does NOT improve your life in any way. Its empty fun, but time is ticking friend.

>but it helps keep the brain fresh and in shape!
So does sports and exercise, oh wait you can make real social connections doing that. Oh wait thats also good for your body, self esteem, and overall wellbeing.

Keep playing games though, one day you will look back and not even remember what the fuck you did. Ive played thousands of Starcraft, starcraft 2, and warcraft 3 games and i have maybe 10 seconds worth of memories. Fucking wasted. Accomplishments in games are meaningless, the easily achievable goals tricks your brain into thinking you are doing anything of worth.

Also just learn a language if it will improve your life. Want a cute latina gf? Think you can use it for work? Ok then learn the language you need. No idea why you picked that, i didnt even touch on it.

>> No.13157210

thanks anon. Wasn't always this way but always trying to move forward in life.

>> No.13157247

No I don't mean accelerationism and ruining peoples lives. There's a better way than that.

>> No.13157399



>> No.13157502

Basically POL-lite IRL and through grassroots movements we form a group big enough to take on the establishment via big street rallies and infiltration of the political systems. POL is right about most things but I've realized that the racial extremism is what drives most away. There's actually huge ethnic support of the movement, most simply don't want to contribute because they're not sure what will happen to them after the fact.

>> No.13157592

kek. this is my point. i could have been spending hours getting tournament worthy playing a videogame in my youth. but dad was all muh unhealthy go outside. was totally worthwhile too. those hours of playing hide and seek and basketball really paid off. im now making a living playing basketball, just kidding i was never interested enough to get good. vidya however - i was super passionate about. if i ws only given the chance...so many wasted hours not playing vidya. fuck you dad.

>> No.13157598

Kek I don’t drink, smoke and I exclusively eat home cooked organic, vegan, gluten free meals with no processed shit in them. Feels good man. Oh and I bought ETH @ $10 pre bull run, get on my level faggots.

>> No.13157627

Sorry loser

>> No.13157713

enjoy losing your job to a robot in 5-10 years and realizing you wasted 90% of your life chasing things that dont matter. i bet you define your self worth by your job and your income. enjoy deep depression and suicide if you ever retire..."oh no i dont have a 9-5 to make my life worthwhile, now i have too much time on my hands! whats my purpose now?? wait i never enjoyed entertainment because i thought it was a waste of time and now i cant entertain myself in my boredom. fuck better kms" die faggot

>> No.13157738
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I dont smoke. I dont drink. Im on keto diet and Im not eating fast food. But eating McDonalds would be cheaper lol.

>> No.13157772

not when your healthy is shot, both your kneecaps are blown out at 43 because they cant support your 500 pound frame from all the shit oil and sugar. eating healthy "might" seem expensive but trust me it pays off long-term.

>> No.13158133


Try again, it has nothing to do with what pol says anyway, check the federal reserve and how fiat appeared and what happened through it to the market and the productivity of goods, then come back again, pol is just ideology for idiots to make other people control the flow of money