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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13153331 No.13153331 [Reply] [Original]

who else getting absolutely JUSTED right now?

>> No.13153334

Lost 20% today, opened a new short now...I know we are fucking going down

>> No.13153343

so like a 10x short?

>> No.13153349

Don't you idiots also hold some shitcoins in case it goes up?
>january 2018 it will go up forever!1!
>january 2019 it will go down forever!1!
Stupid retards. As delusional as permabulls.

>> No.13153352

Yep, I'm trying to learn, not end up on the street sucking dick for 5 dollars like half of the bitmex degenerates

>> No.13153370

At least wait until 4200 to short

>> No.13153385

>Lost 20% today
how much is 20%?

>> No.13153434

>just learning to short now
>after a year of bear market
>at the fucking bottom

Never change biz

>> No.13153447


>> No.13153533
File: 790 KB, 1105x515, 1531261377830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand how it's possible to make profits from a commodity decreasing in value.

>> No.13153542

read a book

>> No.13153547

You sell at the top then buy back at the bottom to sell at the top again.

>> No.13153549
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I am 100% sane and calm

>> No.13153583

>that liq price
Are you all in, lad?

>> No.13153592

Not me because I'm not retarded enough to short the absolute bottom like this abject brainlet here:>>13153334

>> No.13153599

But you never know the top or bottom. You don't have the power to sway the market when you aren't a whale.

>> No.13153603
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1520420708986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ told us everyday that it was just a dip, we're ready to short the top of gbr now

>> No.13153616
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When BTC goes up you are making a profit on USD, or whatever fiat currency you use, decreasing in value.

Doesn't feel like the bottom to me.

>> No.13153628

Don't listen to this moron >>13153547 he is just as clueless as you except he thinks otherwise.

>> No.13153694

Based. I’m literally adding to my short rn>>13153549

>> No.13153717
File: 91 KB, 201x251, 1531920701553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST the opposite

>> No.13153728

im slightly underwater but im not such an idiot to get liquidated so easily

>> No.13153759

Well you're shorting the bottom so you're definitely an idiot

>> No.13153791

I didn't get liq'd, just made a re-entry, so far made about 60% of what I've lost back on a big leverage short from 4100 so it's good