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File: 197 KB, 1166x860, lastmindfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13149012 No.13149012 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't realize each of bitcoin cycle's exponential growth follows an almost identical exponential growth when log(MCAP) and price is normalized
>he doesn't realize bitcoin is the hardest money on the planet
>he doesn't realize bitcoin's repeatability in each cycle is due to the predictable programmable parameters of the blockchain
>he doesn't realize satoshi understood game theory well, and combined his knowledge of economics and programming to make the perfect incentivized blockchain
>he isn't going all in this year

Tell me anon, why are you a shitcoin maximalist?

>> No.13149016

One question.
What is bitcoin good for?

>> No.13149021
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>> No.13149025

How many corns to make it, assuming i wait 4 years

>> No.13149028
File: 4 KB, 166x250, 1547848219518s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not desu, im all in king bitcorn.

>> No.13149031

p2p value transfer anywhere on earth and nobody can interfere.

>> No.13149042

Move your wealth between borders with acceptable risk levels

>> No.13149047


>> No.13149048

People don't realize how insanely valuable this is.

>> No.13149053
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>> No.13149061
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>> No.13149070

Why would anyone need to move their wealth through a system like this? I mean people already do it with banks, but if this was going to be true, I really don’t know how long it would take for it to do be widely accepted. Do people already do this with gold? I’m guessing putting some percentage of your wealth into bitcoin would be like putting some of it in gold, like Apple.
Where am I wrong?

>> No.13149074
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>> No.13149075


>> No.13149085
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>> No.13149089

so basically people will only buy it until its transferred then sell it back for fiat. And Why would people risk money with volatility that way instead of using something like tether

>> No.13149108
File: 83 KB, 986x627, btcstocktoflow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike other commodities where the output is modulated by price, the bitcoin issuance cannot change. This is a defining characteristic of bitcoin mining and sets it apart from all other commodities—it is also a fundamental driver of volatility.

>> No.13149112

You can´t planes don´t allow more than 10k because anti drug laws also they are not going to let you enter with fucking gold bars unless they go to the baggage and maybe end up dissappearing.

Most people are disconnected from the banking system , and even if you can do international wire transfers they cost a fucking lot and take weeks to be processed.

And the even if you can is a big thing , most people can do wire transfers in local level or sepa in europe but when it comes to true international transactions it´s a pain in the ass.

>> No.13149113

Muh satoshis vision

>> No.13149136

I can't wait 4 years to be a millionaire REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.13149142

>so basically people will only buy it until its transferred then sell it back for fiat.

And at the other side of the transaction when you sell back the btc in another country another dude is buying to do the same so the demand is always growing.

>And Why would people risk money with volatility that way instead of using something like tether

Because anything that has a head even if it works will eventually be raped by judges enforcing retarded laws.
BTC works because it has no authority to be blamed for doing this.

>> No.13149146

So your only reason to buy bitcoin is to be able to move around more than 10k of dirty money? Bitcoin shills on suicide watch.

>> No.13149149

Keeping your wealth hidden from Marxist thought police

>> No.13149158
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>> No.13149160

Next year will be crucial for bitcoin , for now we have been viewing btc as a boom and bust cycle as the wise anon above has shown.

But one thing we never conisder is that the mined bitcoins represent the inflation level of the currency.
Next year btc will have less inflation than the usd and gold after the halving.

It´s possible that it breaks the pattern and enters an ethernal crabbing with constant price increases.
There is no thing to compare so it´s hard to know but if the usd has more inflation than it relative to the usd bitcoin will be always more and more costlier so it can enter into an ethernal bullrun.

However as i said we have nothing to compare so we don´t know wtf is going to happen.

>> No.13149172
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>> No.13149175

>he doesn't know about the flippening

>> No.13149177

Fuck me man, threads like these make me want to go all in...

>> No.13149182

Who is this "he" everyone always talks about?

>> No.13149185
File: 139 KB, 1280x668, d6a20e32-27e1-47bb-bd3b-ac6d2bdfb453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must enter with them

>> No.13149194

it has nothing to do with dirty money , about 85% of the world population myself included is disconnected from the international wire system due to statecucks laws to enforce inflationary currencies.

Meanwhile i can do bitcoin payments from my bank account by buying coins on localbitcoins.
I literally do international payments and my governments sees a local bank wire.

Why the fuck they not allow international wires you would say?
Because that means that they can´t force you into an inflationary currency that looses 50% of it´s value per year as people would just do wires and send them to a bank account on other country to be more safe.

All of latin america except panama , all of africa , and most of asia is literally disconnected from the banking system.
Only credit cards allowed for payments but then again you only get a credit card if you have thing they can seize if you don´t pay which most people lack.

BTC will change the world very soon.

>> No.13149221

What price do you think bitcoin is going to reach next cycle and when?

>> No.13149224

But why bitcoin and not some other shitcoin?

>> No.13149227
File: 239 KB, 1264x710, 171987bc-0cd0-4c3a-a24e-be19523efd66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree with caps anon to a certain extent

>> No.13149233

because its 10 years proven. and every other shitcoin is a mere copy of the original bitcoin source.

>> No.13149292

First because most shitcoins have been forked so much they lost their momentum.
Forking is like inflation you cut the currency in two and if there is infighting you end up lossing value because everyone has double coins that they cash out if they want or don´t like the fork.

Most forks result in a non stop forking over infighting.
Bitcoin has been working for 10 years non stop with little changes and segwit is a soft fork that increases capacity by 80% by slowly adopting a new wallet protocol.

Shitcoins also lack the game theory , monero for example is inflationary , why would you hold your money on an inflationary currency?
No one would , the bitcoin game theory is only copied by litecoin and it´s probably going to be the only coin to eventually compete with bitcoin if they don´t fork for autistic reasons.

Ethereum is a meme as well as smart contracts , contracts are enforced by governments , even if you write a meme contract and it´s not fullfileld without strenght it´s useless.

BTC on the other way is designed to do the one thing that descentralization is better than centralization.
Payments , because as it´s descentralized governments can put anyone on trial , and people are willing to pay the price for transactions and wait for them because they bypass retarded laws.

Unironically no , if they would have copied bitcoin and left it alone itself working without any fork we would have two main cryptos now.
The fact that programmer autist fork over small improvements has fucked crypto.

Litecoin is the only crypto following the same game theory than btc and even when no one uses it for real it keeps growing.

Scarcity + Pow + Halvings + , simple formula and no one seems to follow it.
They even want btc out of it with pos , insane.

>> No.13149302
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds like an advertisment for Omisego...

>> No.13149338

>Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine
Patience rewards those, both in entering and exiting

LTC will do well. Bitcoin is the simplest blockchain existing today, and for that reason, is why it is insanely difficult to break. Agreed

>> No.13149342

This seems reasonable to be honest.

>> No.13149346

if shitcoin developers would have built an upwork copy and used their shitcoin for payments they would have ended up second in the marketcap by now.

Instead they keep trying to do the same thing that bitcoin does by being ultra autists thinking people are retarded and end up overengineering stuff.

It´s not hard , develop a coin same as bitcoin , do halvings every year instead of every 4 years.
Build an upwork copy , build payment modules for the top ecommerce platforms and in 5 years you may even overtake bitcoin.

Instead they are trying to descentralize the stuff that centralized thing do better.

>> No.13149363

Shitcoins are not proven to be immutable (bitcoin is), they cannot compete on monetary policy (fixed supply secured by immutability), have no liquidity, have no second layer scaling solutions like Lightning Network and lack all of the network effects of bitcoin.

Do you need another year of bear market to understand these points?

>> No.13149398

KMD can do all that stuff thanks to dPoW and it can scale. it literally uitilizes BTC's hashpower

>> No.13149435

No it cant and nobody gives a fuck. You missed early bitcoin gains, get over it. You can start stacking satoshis today and be a happy guy in five years. Or you can be a piece of shit scammer and shill pajeet shitcoins. Your choice.

>> No.13149480


>> No.13149750

my keys, my money

>> No.13149871

Craig wright is satoshi so what it failed hence metanet

>>hidden gem

XLM is what bitcoin meant to be 2025 till 100% issued tokens

>> No.13149990

Borderless money transfer, pseudonymous transactions for illicit means.

That alone is worth north of $200 billion in mktcap

>> No.13150047

The Chinese government has a law that people can only transfer the equivalent of $50k US per year. That law has been largely ignored up until based Emperor Xi the Pooh. I love that guy.

>> No.13150267


Your own personal Swiss bank account. Borderless, stateless, global, unseizable, hard money. It's the next step in globalization.

>> No.13150395

this is not the right post to shill coins nigga, please

>> No.13150488

being able to transfer money anywhere in the world without having to ask for anyone's permission