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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13144185 No.13144185 [Reply] [Original]

>Icelandic airline Wow Air collapses and cancels all flights

>Iceland’s low cost carrier Wow Air has canceled all flights and told passengers to book with other airlines.

>Its website has a travel alert that begins: “Wow Air has ceased operation. All Wow Air flights have been canceled.”

>The alert said people who wanted to travel should now look for “so-called rescue fares” which may now be offered by rival airlines.

>Wow added that those who made bookings by credit card or via a European travel agent should try to get their money back through those businesses. It said some passengers may be entitled to compensation from the airline itself.

This airline sole business model was essentially offering Leafs affordable flights from Toronto/Montreal to Europe; flights, even on short notice, could be purchased for as little as $250 CAD (less than $200 USD), and then operated on a fee-per-item/feature basis. Previously airlines typically charged triple of JFK-Europe prices in Canada because it's Canada and Canadians are natural cucks and Air Canada essentially sets the rules and for competing airlines to compete they can't fuck up Air Canada's insane price gouging profits or they get politically stone walled. One way flights from Canada to Europe were at the cheapest $700 prior to Wow Air, Air Canada regularly charges $1500-2000 for 1-ways to Europe, and last minute flights are $3000-5000.

Flights to Europe that were meant to compete with Wow Air from Canadian carriers have all but disappeared in the last 2 hours and new pricing (at least triple) will be up soon.

Canadians pay the highest costs of living in the entire world
>Flights: 300%+ of US/European prices
>Food: 300-1000%+ of US/European prices
>Housing: Obscene price gouging
>Banking fees: 5 bank oligarchy that price fix all fees, pay insane fees monthy to have a bank account
>Internet: oligarchy sets prices Internet prices to $100+/month
>Cell phone: Unlimited talk/text + 6GB data is $100/month

>> No.13144198
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A 1-hour, 500km flight from Toronto to Montreal in Canada (busiest flight route, should be the cheapest) is


>> No.13144211
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How come a 80GB Mifi cell phone plan costs $435+tax+tip=$600 in Canada, when in Europe such a plan costs $20?

>> No.13144222

Good. Any country with leftist leaders deserves to suffer. That way they ease the landing of when socialism hits them. If they manage to make their life’s shit then they may not even notice the difference.

>> No.13144223
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>> No.13144226

didnt know iceland was in canadada

>> No.13144231
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>> No.13144238
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Why are Canadians such cucks? That's like paying

>$10-14/gallon for MILK

>> No.13144246
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6 chicken breasts

>> No.13144250

We may pay more for stuff but at least our country is better than America. Less guns, less violence, better healthcare, Trudeau>Drumpf shall I go on?

>> No.13144270
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Go on

>> No.13144273

Majority of leaders in the US are leftist.

>> No.13144278
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>> No.13144287
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>> No.13144461

>Trudeau better than Trump

>> No.13144470

trudeau is a spoiled fucking idiot, all this man does is apologize for random ass shit, take lavish ass vacations and fuck over high income individuals. obviously ur a fucking hs kid so u dont understand

>> No.13144529

>Banking fees: 5 bank oligarchy that price fix all fees, pay insane fees monthy to have a bank account
>Internet: oligarchy sets prices Internet prices to $100+/month
>Cell phone: Unlimited talk/text + 6GB data is $100/month

These three are untrue. My bank account is $4/month, i'm pretty sure there is a no fee version if i cared to fiddle with it. Internet is $75, which is absolutely expensive but not as much as you're claiming. Cell plan is ~$50 for similar data.

>> No.13144559

Wish me luck fellow leafs
Meeting with my snickers dealer at 2
$5/snickers instead of the $9.62 they commonly go for in the GTA
I cannot say anymore, just know there are more options out there guy
I hope you can understand my reasoning

>> No.13144583

>Cell plan is ~$50 for similar data.
that's still pretty crazy, it's 10-20 bucks here

>> No.13144601

>Good. Any country with leftist leaders deserves to suffer.

>> No.13144613


Looks like we just need to go ahead and build a giant wall around the whole United States

Fuck off we're full

>> No.13144637

Drumpf is the same except he fucks over flyover rust belt dwellers.

>> No.13144710

Le drumpft is a million times more qualified to lead a country than Trudeau. Canadian housing market collapse when? My parents want me to move out but I sure as fuck do not want to buy a house right now.

>> No.13144924

RBC? Mine is $4 a month whereas before it was refunded back to me because I have a bunch of services with them

>> No.13144955

Say it with me:


>> No.13144983

As a burger living in Canada atm this is all accurate and true. Shit is so much more expensive here it is insane. Thankfully I am able to keep my tmobile unlimited plan for 30 bucks a month via a friend on the states. Cell service here is criminal.

>> No.13145002
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>> No.13145013

>took off in 2012
>The airline has now collapsed
I feel stoned reading this

>> No.13145188

kek wills it

>> No.13145387

Id rather wait 20 weeks for an surgerie than die because I dont have 40k on hand

>> No.13145468

Day to day living expenses in Canada are ridiculous. How anyone manages to make retirement money in this country is beyond me.
But hey at least building materials are cheap.

>> No.13145552

>be me
>live in california
>constantly hear canadians talking about how outrageous property values in vancouver are
>go visit vancouver
>check housing prices
>they arent even that bad
>remember that its all priced in CAD which is basically worthless
>start laughing

Canadians are retarded. Let me know when the only property you can find for less than $1 million is a burned down barn with environmental problems

>> No.13145784

Got to the second line before I stopped reading. Kys.

>> No.13145957

> Dies at week 17

>> No.13145974

All this shit is a result of market failures in one way or another. Blame your government.

>> No.13145976

Wow so edgy I bet you slay all the bitches. NOT.

>> No.13145980
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>Canadian's face when the country is collapsing due to socialism but then they import another million somalis

>> No.13145987

Is this a joke? Drumpf cant even build a 10 mile fence.

>> No.13146001

I left canada for burgerland back in 2007 and I am NEVER looking back to that shithole. I visit family there every 3 years or so and everytime I go its worse worse worse. I've gotten to the point where I don't even want to visit, the place has gone down hill like crazy in just a decade.

>> No.13146021

You got us confused with USA.

>> No.13146034

You'll be back when you get sick.

>> No.13146038

I live in commiefornia and couldn't agree more, this state is in an absolute state of putrefaction. Just put it out of its misery already.

>> No.13146075

Have gotten sick, have not had to go back. The healthcare myth canadians hang onto to cope is nothing but lies. I feel bad for you leafs, I really do. Your heads are so deep in the sand it makes me feel bad you keep taking it in the ass and begging for more.

>> No.13146109

You'll be back once something happens to you and you lose your job. You might hang on for a few days in the hospital at an affordable rate of $10k/day but then you'll burn through your savings and will have no option but to go back. Many such cases. Falling sick in that country is just a matter of time because their food is literal poison.
can't escape monsanto

>> No.13146140

Isn't Trudeau a male feminist?

>> No.13146143

>He thinks I eat poisonous grains, fruits and carbohydrates and not a chad grass fed carnivorous diet with lots of offal
I'm not worried about it. There is literally 0 incentive for me to return to leaf land, 0. I used to be like you, ignorant and thought you couldn't get better than leafland. Oh how wrong I was... I don't blame you for your way of thinking, you will literally have to live in the USA to understand just how fucking great this country is. Sure its got its flaws, but leafland cannot hold a candle to the US, this I can say.

>> No.13146287

There's more steroids and antibiotics in burger meat than in competing bodybuilders. I'm not even sure why you're trying to argue. My guess is low IQ. I've done my research and listened to many people speak of their experience. You really have 0 understanding of how their country functions. You're basically an equivalent of a Mexican who came from the north, except Mexicans aren't retarded like you :^)

>> No.13146297

Canada is just a glimpse into the future of the USA. We're all nothing but paypigs to our globalist masters

>> No.13146319

It's the other way around: USA leads the way in degeneracy and societal failure. That means the same thing will be happening here in 10 years.

>> No.13146320

kek, I see that self preservation cope is kicking in. See, the thing is you can't fool me I've lived in leafland which you just unironically compared to mexico. kek

>> No.13146321


>> No.13146333

Wont you get fired for shitposting? What are you going to do next? Amazon wage cage and living in a diverse neighborhood? It's just sad.

>> No.13146372

Trumps a billionaire and trudeau's a substitute teacher. You dont have to like trump but dont claim Trudeau is better. The guy is an absolute joke.

>> No.13146377

That's what I'm saying. The vassal states of United Degeneracy will succumb to Globalhomo faster because of their weaker economies and smaller populations.

>> No.13146402

Trump isn't a billionaire.

>> No.13146444

Am leaf. Can confirm this country has gone to absolute garbage over a single generation. Literally trying to make it in crypto so I can get the fuck out of here. Won't be going to the US either though.

>> No.13146465

Faggot leafs can get arrested for questioning the Holocaust or shitskin invasions. Enjoy your 20month healthcare line, at least "it's free"

>> No.13146513

Try to do the same thing at your workplace. Report back and tell us if amazon will take you into the wage cage.

>> No.13146532


>> No.13146537

Wtf are you even talking about lol. First find out where globalhomo is headquartered than start talking.

>> No.13146566
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My weekly shopping became a pol meme

>> No.13146572

>Air Canada regularly charges $1500-2000 for 1-ways to Europe
lulwut? Its literally 950 bucks if you book two months in advance. You can go even cheaper if you fly a European carrier

>> No.13146601

Google says net worth of 3.1bil. But now you're just arguing semantics. Quit sucking Canada's dick. This country is fucked and Trudeau is the most fucked of all.

>> No.13146605
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>being Canadian

>> No.13146638
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Yeah this cunt is fucked but hey it's a nice day out in van. Spring came early this year.

>> No.13146730

Canoe then you fucking Voyageur. See you in 3 weeks if you survive the rapids.

>> No.13146763

Great that you sold off all your gold reserves canada lol

>> No.13146827
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>falling for drumpf lies

>> No.13147365
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>> No.13147386

This has to be fake

>> No.13147395

>paying money for the dryest, tasteless part of the chicken


>> No.13147408

I live in calgary and holy fuck is it ever slow. I have a rental that's fucking worthless but at least I've got a tenant in there for now.

Shitty economy is the pits gang, may have to find work out Ontarioway if this shit don't pick up

>> No.13148114
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End your existence please
t. Leaf